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Collapse D193 - Stubbing and Wilson Estates, Codnor; Hurd Estates, Osmaston By Ashbourne; Pegge Estates, Osmaston By Ashbourne and Yeldersley; Lands in Marston Montgomery, Ashbourne and district - 1595-1813D193 - Stubbing and Wilson Estates, Codnor; Hurd Estates, Osmaston By Ashbourne; Pegge Estates, Osmaston By Ashbourne and Yeldersley; Lands in Marston Montgomery, Ashbourne and district - 1595-1813
Collapse Z - Estate archives - 1595-1813Z - Estate archives - 1595-1813
Collapse E - Estate papers - 1622-1813E - Estate papers - 1622-1813
1 - Agreement prior to the marriage of Samuel Pegge of Duffield, gent, and Sarah Fletcher, sister of William Fletcher of Derby, maltster and Samuel Fletcher of Derby, ironmonger, whereby it is agreed that the Fletchers will pay £220 to Pegge as Sarah's dowry, in return for which Pegge agrees to purchase lands to the value of £600 in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire or Yorkshire, and to convey the same to the Fletchers in trust to the use of himself and Sarah for their lives with remainder to the heirs of their body, - 1674
2 - Bond in £700 by Christofer Pegge of Chesterfield, gent, to Marmaduke Carver junior, Chesterfield, gent, for the payment of £358 15s mortgage principal and interest and performance of covenants, - 1720
3 - List of lands comprised in Elizabeth Pegge's jointure - 18th cent
4 - Certificate that Lettice Adams of Uttoxeter, spinster, has taken the oath as laid down by "an Act for the further Security of His Majesty's Person and Government ...", - 1723
5 - Receipt by William Ward of Killamarsh, gent, and Lydia his wife (only daughter of Christopher Pegge by Elizabeth his second wife, both dec'd) to Samuel Pegge of Godmersham (Kent), clerk (only son and heir of Chirstopher Pegge by his first wife) for £35 14s 2½d due to Lydia from Samuel on account of rents from estates at Osmaston received by him on her behalf, he having paid out certain sums from the rents for repairs and for her maintenance before her marriage, - 1735
6 - Copy of marriage certificate of William Pegg and Letitia Adams at Lichfield, - 1744
7 - Receipt by J Wolley, churchwarden, Richard Sittler, churchwarden, and others, to William Pegge for 10s received for the use of the poor of Marston Montgomery, - 1753
8-9 - Grant by William Pegge of Derby, gent, to Francis Pegge of Derby, gent, his brother, in consideration of £600, of a life annuity of £44 charged upon his farm and lands at Marston Montgomery (tenant Thomas Sherrart), - 1758
10 - Copy release and quitclaim by John Morgan of Brekewood [Brewood, Staffordshire] and Mary his wife (niece of Francis Pegge of Derby dec'd) to William Pegge, in consideration of £29, of all debts and claims against the estate of Francis Pegge, - 1763
11 - Lease by Rev Samuel Pegge of Whittington, doctor of laws, to Joseph Evans of Osmaston next Ashbourne, farmer, of a messuage at Osmaston with closes known as the two Crofts (5 acres 2 roods 9 perches), New Close (8 acres 2 roods 33 perches), Counterflatt (2 acres 1 rood 27 perches), White Stone (1 acre 2 roods 5 perches), Noemans Piece (1 acre 3 roods 16 perches), Mearse Piece (3 acres 2 roods 6 perches), Booth Knowle (1 acre 2 roods 8 perches), Sitch Meadow (3 acres), Shellbreads Close (3 acres 2 roods 36 perches), Broad Greaves(5 acres 32 perches), Little Carr (1 acre 2 roods 10p), Range Flatts (10 acres 1 rood 26 perches), Little Johnsons Croft (1 acre 1 rood ), Long Johnsons Croft (2 acres 2 roods 13 perches), and the Meadow Acre (3 acres 15 perches) for 11 years at £60 p.a., - 1792
12 - Release by Mathew Bonsall of Derby, baker, to his brother John Bonsall of Royston Grange, yeoman, of all actions, causes, trespasses, executions etc, especially concerning £11 5s due to him as his child's part from their father, Richard Bonsall, dec'd, which has been paid by John, - 1622
13 - General release and pardon by Charles I to William Coluridge of Stidd, gent, - 1626
14 - Bond in £20 by William Parker of Loscoe, yeoman, and Robert Ryley of Loscoe, yeoman, to Thomas Wilson of Codnor, for the performance of covenants, - 1638
15 - Letters of administration granted to Thomas Wilson for the estate of lsabella Silcock of Heanor dec'd, - 1660
16 - Draft assignment of lease by Mary Knyveton of Osmaston by Ashbourne, widow, to John Hurd of Stidd, gent, and Gervase Prince of Osmaston, yeoman, of premises at Osmaston - 1694
17 - Assignment by John Morley of Brailsford, gent, and John Morley, his eldest son, to Samuel Morley of Derby, gent, of all their share in a legacy of £100 devised by Sir Henry Boothby to Daniel Morley, - 1735
18 - Lease by Robert Marples of Apperknowle, p Dronfield, labourer, to Samuel Parkes of Unstone, innkeeper of a close at Unstone, called Coat Close (3 acres 35 perches), for 8 years at £4 16s 8d p.a., - 1813
Expand T - Title Deeds - 1595-1777T - Title Deeds - 1595-1777