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D1920 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Derbyshire Area - 1867-2015
1 - Area Secretary's Office - 1867-2015
1 - Area Council and Area Executive Committee minutes - 1886-2015
2 - Area Secretary's Office general correspondence - 1944-1994
1 - Area Council, Area Executive Committee and Area Annual Conference - 1962-1994
2 - Area Secretary correspondence - 1971-1983
3 - Property - 1955-1993
4 - Area Annual Conference 1964 - 1964
5 - Case of Victor Leonard Allen - 1964
6 - Rest days: long term sickness cases - 1964
7 - Donation to Chesterfield Hospital Nurses Recreation Centre - 1964
8 - Area Annual Conference 1965 - 1965
9 - Area Annual Conference 1966 - 1966
10 - Nominations for Parliamentary Panel - 1965-1966
11 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Derbyshire Area Coal Pool Scheme - 1966
12 - Underground locomotives - short-wave radios - 1963
13 - Power loading agreement - 1966
14 - Duties of Area Officials - 1966
15 - Wages award and enhanced payments for back shift workers - 1966
16 - National Strike Fund of the Seamen's Union - 1966
17 - Government's Prices and Incomes Policy - 1966
18 - National Coal Board (NCB) spending - 1966
19 - Increase in membership contributions - 1966
20 - Election of trustee - 1967
21 - Amendments to model rules - 1967
22 - Bonser Chocks - 1967
23 - Mineworkers' income tax records - 1967
24 - Derbyshire District Coal Pool - 1967
25 - Branch committees - 1967
26 - Machine utilisation - troubleshooters - 1967
27 - Medical supply boxes - 1967
28 - Shaftsmen - 1967
29 - Grant to Berry Hill Rehabilitation Centre - 1967
30 - Area Annual Conference 1968 (planning) - 1968
31 - Resolutions on Derbyshire District Coal Pool Scheme - 1968
32 - Switchboard attendants - 1968
33 - Harry Hicken plaque - 1968
34 - Belt patrolmen - 1968
35 - Wages offer - 1967
36 - Area Annual Conference 1968 - 1968
37 - Payment of wages on completion of shift - 1967
38 - Area Annual Conference 1969 - 1969
39 - Enginemen and Firemen's Union - 1959-1970
40 - The Derbyshire Miners - 1962-1970
41 - Arthur Horner Memorial Fund - 1970
42 - Coleg Harlech - 1970
43 - Winding Enginemen - 1963
44 - Upper Clyde Shipbuilders' (UCS) campaign - 1971
45 - Situation in the Industry - 1971
46 - Third National Daywage Structure - 1971
47 - Union of Post Office Workers - 1971
48 - Grant to Berry Hill Rehabilitation Centre - 1971
49 - Grading - 1971-1975
50 - Retirement pensions: Trades Union Congress (TUC) lobby and demomnstration - 1972
51 - Employment of outside contractors - 1971
52 - Nominations to serve on committees - 1967-1970
53 - Hayden Nilos Conflow Limited: AUEW (Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers) dispute - 1973
54 - Grading of linesman measurer - 1973-1976
55 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Group 2 Centenary Dinner - 1973
56 - Retirement of Herbert Parkin - 1973
57 - National Union of Journalists (NUJ) dispute - 1973
58 - May Day demonstration - 1973
59 - Legal action against 'Voice of the Unions' - 1973
60 - British Trade Union Committee for Peace and Rehabilitation in Vietnam - 1974
61 - Purchase of equipment for Chesterfield Royal Hospital - 1974
62 - Payment of wages to injured members - 1974
63 - British Soviet Friendship Society - 1974
64 - Annual Mansfield Festival - 1974
65 - Remuneration for signing of forms by members - 1974
66 - May Day - 1975
67 - Survey on winding time - 1975
68 - Joint Areas commemmoration of the fiftieth anniversary of the General Strike - 1975-1976
69 - Adoption of Chilean prisoner - 1976
70 - National demonstration: Chile Solidarity - 1976
71 - Incentive Bonus Payments - 1976
72 - Red Ladder Theatre Group - 1976-1977
73 - Fire Brigades Union dispute - 1977
74 - APEX-Grunwick dispute - 1977
75 - Dismissal - 1977-1981
76 - Area meeting addressed by Campaign Against Criminal Trespass Law - 1978
77 - May Day celebrations - 1978
78 - Chesterfield Royal Hospital - 1978
79 - Anti-Nazi League - 1978
80 - Anti-Nazi League - 1978
81 - May Day celebrations - 1979
82 - Anti-Nazi League National Conference - 1979
83 - Branch questionnaire on the upgrading of face trainees - 1979
84 - Lobby at Derbyshire County Council Offices, Matlock - 1979
85 - Labour Party National Lobby of Parliament - 1979
86 - Chilean folk evening - 1979
87 - Chesterfield Royal Hospital - 1979
88 - Steel dispute - 1980
89 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) Campaign for Economic and Social Advance National Demonstration - 1980
90 - May Day 1980 - 1980
91 - St John Ambulance - 1980
92 - Morning Star 50th Anniversary - 1980
93 - Lucas Aerospace road-rail vehicle - 1980-1981
94 - Lobby of Conservative Party conference - 1980
95 - Derbyshire Co-ordinating Committee Against the Cuts - 1980
96 - Labour Party march and demonstration - 1980
97 - Committee for the Defence of Democratic Rights in Turkey - 1981
98 - Sheffield Peace Liaison Committee - 1981
99 - May Day 1981 - 1981
100 - People's March for Jobs and Derbyshire March for Jobs - 1981
101 - Labour Party rally: 'Britain Needs Work' - 1981
102 - Disposal of toxic waste - 1981
103 - Labour Movement Conference on El Salvador - 1983
104 - Visit of Bulgarians - 1983
105 - People's March for Jobs - 1983
106 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Special Conference - 1983
107 - Retirement of Michael Barratt Brown - 1983
108 - Election of the Leader and Deputy Leader of The Labour Party - 1983
109 - World Disarmament Campaign - 1983
110 - May Day 1983 - 1983
111 - European elections - 1983
112 - People's Press Printing Society - 1983
113 - Roundhouse Theatre - 1983
114 - Cardowan Colliery and Monktonhall Colliery - 1983
115 - Special delegate conferences - 1985
116 - Society of Graphical and Allied Trades (SOGAT) dispute with Rupert Murdoch - 1986
117 - May Day 1986 - 1986
118 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) Women's Action Day - 1986
119 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Solidarity Fund - 1986
120 - Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) march and rally - 1986
121 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) Youth Conference - 1986
122 - British Bulgarian Trade Union Association Annual School - 1986
123 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Northumberland Area Annual Picnic - 1986
124 - Greetings advertisements - 1986
125 - New Year's greetings advertisements - 1986
126 - Cowpen Bates Colliery - 1986
127 - National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) - 1986
128 - Miners United Campaign - 1986
129 - National Union of Public Employees (NUPE) - 1982
130 - Lobby of National Coal Board (NCB) headquarters - 1982
131 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) day of action - 1982
132 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) demonstration - 1982
133 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Special Conference - 1981
134 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Special Conference - 1982
135 - May Day 1982 - 1982
136 - Chesterfield Royal Hospital - 1982
137 - New Year's greetings advertisements - 1987-1988
138 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) Women's Conference - 1987-1988
139 - May Day 1988 - 1988
140 - Leaflets: 'Why NUM members should not be lured into accepting ad hoc contracts?' - 1988
141 - National Assembly of Women - 1988
142 - May Day 1990 - 1990
143 - May Day 1991 - 1991
144 - Warsop Main Colliery, Markham Colliery and Shirebrook Colliery redundancies - 1990
145 - New Year's greetings advertisements - 1990
146 - The Derbyshire Miner - 1980-1981
147 - Statement of accounts - 1992-1993
148 - Derbyshire Miners' Welfare Convalescent Home, Skegness - 1991
149 - National Coal Board (NCB) North Derbyshire Area Review - 1985
150 - Peter Heathfield: personal correspondence - 1973-1983
151 - Peter Heathfield: invitations to functions - 1973-1978
152 - Peter Heathfield: invitations to functions - 1979-1984
153 - Charles Samuel Ford - 1977
154 - Derbyshire Miners' football team - 1966-1974
155 - Derbyshire Miners' Centenary - 1980
156 - Some Facts on the Coal Industry - 1960
157 - Fuel Policy for Public Buildings - 1965-1966
158 - Miners' International Federation (MIF) Young Miners' Committee - 1965
159 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Special Conference - 1965
160 - Coal allowance for retired miners - 1965
161 - Rest Days Agreement - 1965
162 - Medical Aid Committee for Vietnam Appeal for Funds - 1965
163 - Ruskin College Appeal Fund - 1965
164 - Chesterfield Nurses Recreation Centre Appeal - 1965
165 - Water Press Operators - 1965
166 - Structure and conduct of the nationalised industries - 1949
167 - Electrical equipment in use in Scottish coalfield - [?1947]
168 - Claim for an additional week's holiday with pay - 1949
169 - Correspondence and pamphlets - 1951
170 - Correspondence, agreements and pamphlets - 1947-1951
171 - Suggested re-organisation of office staff - [?1947]
172 - Pamphlets - 1944-1950
173 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) national demonstration - 1982
174 - General Election - 1973-1974
175 - Shrewsbury Trials - 1974-1975
176 - Safety at Work Act - 1974
177 - North Midlands Annual Report 1981 - 1981-1982
178 - Third-copy letters: Area Secretary's Office - 1991
179 - Nominations to serve on committees - 1971-1993
180 - May Day - 1992-1993
181 - Student Educational Grants - 1975-1992
182 - Special Delegate Conferences - 1992-1994
183 - Election of National Executive Committee representative - 1992-1993
184 - Greetings advertisements - 1992
185 - 'Save Our Pits': march, lobby and rally of Parliament - 1992
186 - Trades Union Congress (TUC) March and Rally for Jobs and Recovery - 1992
187 - Coal imports: Port of Bristol Harbour Revision Order - 1991-1992
188 - Application of higher setting loads to powered supports in South Nottinghamshire Area - 1980
189 - Evidence on pay relativities - 1974
190 - Branch officials - 1984-1992
191 - Henry White Testimonial Fund - 1959-1960
192 - Workers' Educational Association (WEA) - 1962
193 - Provision of holidays for retired miners - 1962
194 - Appeal for Amnesty in Spain - 1962
195 - Help for Spanish miners on strike - 1962
196 - National Safety Year - 1962
197 - Wage freeze - 1962
198 - Orders for publications - 1974-1983
199 - National Association of Tennants and Residents - 1966
200 - National Association of Tennants and Residents - 1976-1980
201 - European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC): mortgage assistance for mineworkers - 1979-1987
202 - Campaign Against a Criminal Tresspass Law - 1978-1980
203 - Institute for Workers' Control - 1980-1985
204 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) badges - 1973-1987
205 - Socialist Medical Association - 1969-1980
206 - Movement for Colonial Freedom - 1969-1970
207 - Liberation - 1971-1990
208 - National Council for Civil Liberties - 1967-1990
209 - Marx Memorial Library - 1972-1983
210 - Common Market referendum - 1975
211 - Chile Committee for Human Rights - 1986-1987
212 - Anti-Apartheid Movement - 1987-1990
213 - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) - 1987-1990
214 - Demarcation dispute: National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and NACODS (National Association of Colliery Overmen, Deputies and Shotfirers) - 1981-1982
215 - Overtime ban - 1973-1974
216 - Gibson Riley Engineering Contractors - 1990-1991
217 - Study at Measham Colliery - 1957
218 - Tipping coal on highways - 1958
219 - Power stowing - 1950-1959
220 - Summary of introductory statement by Mr Wilfrid L Miron, National Coal Board (NCB) Chairman for the Midlands and South Wales - 1970
221 - Training centres - 1957-1972
222 - HM Divisional Inspector of Mines - 1954-1968
223 - Retired, Redundant Miners' and Widows' Free Holiday Scheme - 1986-1989
224 - Markham Colliery disaster - 1973-1974
225 - Area Secretary correspondence - 1988-1994
226 - Press statements - 1964-1970
227 - National Coal Board (NCB) reorganisation - 1967-1970
228 - National Union of Winding Enginemen - 1976-1977
229 - Meetings of Derbyshire Miners' Investments Limited - 1975-2000
230 - Derbyshire Miners' Welfare Allocation Fund - 1949-2000
231 - Assorted material - 1924-1998
232 - Area Secretary's papers - 1993-2013
233 - Assorted material - 1965
234 - Minutes of the National Executive Committee - 1963-1964
235 - Polish Loan - 1930
236 - Catalogue of Ripping Platforms and Scaffolds - 1978
237 - Area Secretary correspondence - 1960-1966
238 - Resignation of Herbert Gallagher - 1945
239 - Save Our Pits poster - 20th century
240 - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Derbyshire Area temporary loans - 1977-1984
241 - Handbook of Terms and Conditions of Employment for Mineworkers - 1993
3 - Circulars: Area, Branch and Legal - 1959-1994
4 - Boards, Committees and Councils - 1930-1993
5 - Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation (CISWO) - 1948-1992
6 - Ballots and elections - 1958-1993
7 - The Labour Party - 1960-1993
8 - Industrial action - 1971-1985
9 - Branch files - 1932-1994
10 - Wage Agreements - 1946-1986
11 - Pensions - 1958-1992
12 - Redundancy and retirement - 1951-1992
13 - Education - 1947-1992
14 - Conferences - 1951-1993
15 - Accident funds - 1946-1990
16 - Rules - 1924-1989
17 - Disaster funds - 1934-1993
18 - Statistics - 1944-1987
19 - Material categorised by NUM staff as 'Historical records' - 1867-1984
20 - Photographs - [?1950]-1980
21 - The Derbyshire Miners draft typescript - [c.1962]
22 - Visits - 1951-1987
23 - Ephemera - [c1980s]
2 - Area Compensation Department - 1906-1997
3 - Treasurer's Department - 1910-1995
4 - Derbyshire Miners' Welfare Convalescent Home and Holiday Centres - 1891-1987
UL - National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Derbyshire Area: unlisted records
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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