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Collapse D1828 - Parish of Hope St Peter - [16th-20th cent]D1828 - Parish of Hope St Peter - [16th-20th cent]
Collapse A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]
Expand PC - Parochial Church Council - 20th centPC - Parochial Church Council - 20th cent
Collapse PF - School Charity - 1625-1960PF - School Charity - 1625-1960
1 - Bargain and sale by Peter Bradshaw the elder of London, gent, and Francis Bradshaw of Bradshaw, esq, to Robert Slack of Brownside, yeoman, in consideration of £6, of the fourscore part of all that herbage called Mainestonfield als Chinley in the High Peak, and a fourscore part of the soil, cottages and buildings 2 Oct - 1625
2 - Agreement between Robert Slacke of Little Hayfield, yeoman, and Joseph Aston of Gamesley in the parish of Glossop, yeoman, by which Slacke agrees to convey to Ashton all that messuage, farm or tenement in Chinley called the Bole Hill als Nether Ground als Mainstonefield, 6a of land by forest measure 11 Jun - 1726
3 - Feoffment, and transcript, by Joseph Ashton of Chinley, yeoman, to Thomas Wormald, Vicar of Hope, in consideration of £100, of a parcel of land in Chinley called Upper South Head 29 Jun - 1738
4-5 - Lease and release, with transcripts, by Thomas Wormald, Vicar of Hope, and Martha his wife, to Francis Foljambe of Aldwark, in consideration of £100, of a parcel of land in Chinley called Southhead, on trust to pay the rents issuing from the land to the schoolmaster of Hope 1-2 Aug - 1740
6-9 - Lease and release by Francis Foljambe of Aldwark to sundry proprietors of land and inhabitants of Hope of all that messuage or schoolhouse in Hope containing in length 14 yards and in breadth 7 yards, also Upper South Head in Chinley, with a slate break in Chinley, on trust to pay the rents to the schoolmaster of Hope with statement of money belonging to Hope School 18-19 Mar - 1742
10 - Conveyance by Trustees of Hope School and Charities of Phoebe Cresswell and Joseph Champion to James Watt of Abney Hall, Cheadle, Cheshire, of 3 pieces of land at South Head, Chinley containing aggregate of 15.227 acres for consideration £150 6 Dec - 1921
11 - Conveyance by Miss Frances Greaves and others to Rev H Buckston and Trustees of Hope School of small piece of land at back of Hope School 1 Aug - 1882
12 - Valuation of parcels of land called Southeads in Chinley - 1845
13 - Solicitors' bill - 1857
14 - Case paper re filling up trust of Hope School - 1855
15 - Extracts from vestry meetings - 1856-1869
16-18 - County Court orders re appointment of trustees - 1857
19 - Solicitors' bill - 1858
20 - Stock receipt - 1858
21 - Subscribers to building fund of Hope Parish School - 1860
22 - Statement of accounts for School and Bray Charities - 1865-1867
23 - Notes on appointment of new trustees - 1881
24 - Extract from Chinley tithe award relating to Hope school property
25 - Charity Commission order vesting land granted to Hope School by deed of 1 Aug 1882 in "The Official Trustee of Charity Lands" - 1883
26 - Statement of accounts for School and Bray Charities - 1892-1894
27 - Charity Commission order appointing trustees - 1896
28 - Statement of accounts for School and Bray Charities - 1897-1902
29 - Order determining Education Endowment - 1903
30 - Statement of accounts for School and Bray Charities - 1903
31 - Copy return to Clerk of County Council of endowed charities in Hope - 1904
32-34 - Correspondence with Derbyshire Education Committee re school charities - 1907-1908
35 - Board of Education Order authorising sale of South Head, Chinley - 1921
36 - Board of Education Order removing and appointing trustees - 1921
37 - Letter from Director of Education approving setting aside £5 annually from charity money for maintenance allowance of child attending secondary school - 1927
38 - School Charities bank book - 1948-1950
39-43 - Correspondence with Derbyshire Education Committee re use of old school building as Science Room with tenancy agreement - 1950-1951
44 - Proposal for alteration of valuation list for Hope Old School - 1952
45-51 - Correspondence re 3% Defence Bonds - 1958
52-61 - Correspondence with Derbyshire County Council re their relinquishment of the Old School premises at Hope - 1958-1959
62 - Notes by Rev J D Hooley on the Old School at Hope - 1958
63 - Notes on Champion Bray and other charities - 1870
64-84 - Charity Commission correspondence largely about investments (Bray Charity was based on turnpike shares) - 1870-1881
85-89 - Correspondence with bank - 1889-1891
90 - Statement of accounts of Bray's Charity - 1896-1897
91 - Notice of willingness to serve as trustees - 1896
92-94 - Charity Commission correspondence - 1896-1903
95 - Scheme for administration of Bray and Joseph Champion Charities 26 Jun - 1906
96 - Minute and distribution book for Champion, Bray and Gisborne Charities - 1907-1950
97-155 - Protracted correspondence, chiefly between Vicar of Hope, Bishop of Lichfield and Charity Commission, re setting up new scheme for administration of Ouffe's Charity, Fernilee, followed by correspondence re removal of schoolmaster from Elnor Lane Schools, with scheme for Ouffe's Charity 23 Jul 1897 and new scheme 2 Jul 1901 - 1862-1901
156-169 - Charity Commission scheme for appointment of new trustees for Bull Meadows charities and vesting land in "Official Trustee of Charity Lands" with accompanying correspondence - 1889-1891
170 - Letter re sending portion of Gisborne Charity money to Bradwell - 1881
171 - Extract from will of Phoebe Cresswell leaving profits of close called Hall Croft Head to be used in apprenticing poor children (will dated31 Mar 1727) - c1860
172 - An Act for the better Administration of Charitable Trusts - 1853
173 - Hearse House fees book - 1891-1934
174-175 - Hearse House Bank books 1893-1953, 1923-1954 - 1893-1954
176 - Receipts for Hearse House - 1933-1939
177 - Solicitors' bill re Hearse House - 1944
178 - Division of proceeds from the sale of the Hearse House - 1960
Expand PI - Records of the parish incumbent - [16th-20th cent]PI - Records of the parish incumbent - [16th-20th cent]
Expand PO - Hope Overseers of the Poor records - 1733PO - Hope Overseers of the Poor records - 1733
Expand PP - Hope Constable records - 1770-1803PP - Hope Constable records - 1770-1803
Expand PV - Hope Vestry records - 1856-1949PV - Hope Vestry records - 1856-1949
Expand PW - Hope Churchwardens records - 1661-1949PW - Hope Churchwardens records - 1661-1949
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1740-1960PZ - Miscellaneous - 1740-1960
Expand UL - Parish of Hope St Peter: Unlisted records - 2020-2021UL - Parish of Hope St Peter: Unlisted records - 2020-2021