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D1765 - Goodwin family of Mapleton - 1613-1844
E - Estate records - 1613-1844
1 - Copy feoffment by John Newham of Whittington gentleman to Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman of a close of land in Mapleton lying between Ryfield and Bradbourne Brook otherwise Bentley Brook (one acre) - 16 Mar 1723
2 - Case paper, Boothby v Boothby - 1728
3 - Copy [c1728] of probate copy of will of Francis Boothby of Bradlow Ash esquire - (1684) [c1728]
4 - Case paper: Graves versus Boothby.
5 - Lease for term of 38 years by John Osborne of Coney Hatch (co Middlesex) gentleman to Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman of a close in Mapleton called the Pingle with the Barn thereon, and a flat of land above the barn lying in the Rye Field and two more lands in the same field shooting over the High Road - 15 Jun 1731
6 - Notes of interest paid by Richard Goodwin to George Smith of Grindon (co Stafford). - 1739-1762
7 - Schedule of writings relating to the estate in Mapleton of Mrs Sarah Goodwin and her son John - 1750
8 - Particulars of the estate of the late Thomas Boothby esquire at Bradlow Ash, near Ashbourne to be sold on 22 December 1753. - 1753
9 - Copy of counsel’s opinion on the Bradlow Ash title. - 1754
10 - Attested copy of an assignment by Bache Thornhill of Chesterfield esquire to James Fitzherbert of Tissington esquire of the residue of a term of 500 years in the Talbot Inn, Ashbourne, in trust for James Davenport of Ashbourne innholder. - 18 Dec 1754
11 - Attested copy of an assignment by Bache Thornhill and Henry Thornhill to Edward Leigh of Carey Street (co Middlesex) esquire of the residue of a term of 500 years in one third part of lands in Thorpe in trust for Leek Okeover. - 2 Jan 1755
12 - Copy of D1765/T/37-40 Lease and release by Mary Ridgeway of Nottingham spinster to John Alsop of Ashbourne gentleman and Robert Wright of Wirksworth gentleman, in consideration of a marriage and concerning lands and tenements in Wirksworth, Alderswasley and Ashleyhay, Crich, Middleton and Longston - 1760
13 - Bill of exchange. - 1760
14 - Draft deed of conveyance of the manor of Goldicott in the counties of Warwick and Worcester. - 1761
15 - Draft lease for possession. - 1766
16 - Release by Ann Goodwin spinster, daughter of Richard Goodwin late of Ashbourne, to John Goodwin, her brother, of any claim on a messuage and close in Mapleton purchased by John for £50 under the terms of the will of Richard. - 8 Jan 1771
17 - Bond in £2000 by Henry Cavendish of Doveridge esquire to John Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman. - 25 Jan 1773
18 - Copy survey of the Bradley Ash estate, 1775 with valuation made 1794. - 1775-1794
19 - Value of Mr Beresford’s estate in Mapleton.
20 - Promissory note. - 1779
21 - Copy feoffment by John Palmor of Kegworth (co Leicester) esquire to John Allen of Ashbourne yeoman of land in Ashbourne. Consideration £100. - 11 Jun 1613
22 - Draft lease for term of 99 years by Walter Lord Ashton gentleman of a parcel of waste ground in Bradnopp (co Stafford). - 1717
23 - Draft deed of assignment. - 1721
24 - Draft settlement on the marriage of Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent and Sarah his wife, formerly Sarah Jessopp. - 27 Mar 1723
25 - Draft release to follow lease for possession by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman and Sarah his wife to William Lankforde of Ipstones (co Stafford) yeoman of lands in Bradnop (co Stafford). Consideration £240. - 1723
26-30 - Memorandum of agreement (10 June), copy of purchase deed (11 August), assignment of mortgage (12 August), and bond (10 August) associated with D1765/T11-12. - 1724
31 - Copy mortgage by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman to Rowland Okeover esquire of beastgates in Mapleton to secure £400. - 18 Aug 1724
32 - Draft release to follow lease for possession by John Spalden of Ashbourne gentleman and Thomas Barnes of Ashbourne gentleman to Francis Sleigh of Ashbourne gentleman of two beastgates on the Callow in Mapleton. Consideration £24. - 15 May 1727
33 - Draft articles of agreement for dividing the Callow pasture in Mapleton. - 1 Jun 1730
34-36 - Drafts of D1765/T17, 25 and 26. - 1731
37 - Draft deed of exchange of lands in Mapleton made between John Osborne and Leeke Okeover. - 10 Jun 1731
38 - Articles of agreement prior to D1765/T30. - 14 Dec 1731
39 - Draft deed to declare the uses of a fine (D1765/T29). - 28 Jan [1732]
40 - Copy of an assignment of a mortgage term by William Okeover at the request of Richard Goodwin to Thomas Hollinshead of Ashenhurst (co Stafford) esquire of lands in Mapleton in trust for Leeke Okeover. - 8 Feb [1732]
41 - Draft release to follow lease for possession by Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gentleman to Leeke Okeover of Okeover (co Stafford) of a close of land in Dovefield in Mapleton in a place called Mean Piece containing 6 acres, and 4 perches of land marked out on the banks of the river Dove - 18 Mar [1732]
42-45 - [Numbers not used]
46 - Copy of release to follow lease for possession by Richard Taylor of Blore (co Stafford) esquire to Leeke Okeover of Okeover esquire of a piece of land lying at the Moorend of Mapleton Callow lately enclosed thereout containing 5 acres, 3 roods, 9 perches, and a pingle or meadow lately enclosed out of the Dovefield and commonly called the Flax Pieces, and a moiety of a Mean Piece of land lying on the river Dove and a sedgey piece of land lying in the Old Waters in Mapleton, being about 1½ acres and part of a headland in the Dovefield - 1 Apr 1732
47 - Draft conveyance of land in Hognaston. - 3 May 1734
48 - Copy of D1765/E/7 Schedule of writings relating to the estate in Mapleton of Mrs Sarah Goodwin and her son John - 1750
49-50 - Draft assignments of mortgage terms on lands in Mapleton in trust for John Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. - 1 Jan 1761
51-52 - Case paper and opinion, and receipt. - 1768
53 - Attested copy of assignment of mortgage by John Goodwin gentleman to Matthew Hawksworth junior of Mapleton yeoman in trust for John Milward of the Shaws in the parish of Tissington of lands in Mapleton. - 17 May 1776
54 - Draft feoffment by Richard Goodwin to George Adamson innholder of two lands in the Rye Field of Mapleton. - 18th cent
55-56 - Case papers: Okeover versus Boydell. - 18th cent
57 - Draft mortgage for term of 500 years by Richard Carter alias Williamson of Mapleton yeoman to Thomas Rawlins of Ashbourne cordwainer of a messuage in Mapleton with all lands appurtenant. Consideration £50. - 16 Sep 1693
58-59 - Lease and release by Matthew Hawksworth of Mapleton yeoman and Adam his son to Richard Goodwin of Ashbourne gent of one beastgate and four sheep grasses in Mapleton. Consideration £10. - 4-5 Jul 1723
60-62 - Case papers concerning division of Mapleton Callow. - 1730
63 - Copy of articles of agreement for dividing the Callow and the Overhills in Mapleton. - 27 Aug 1730
64 - Bond in £24 by George Adamson of Ashbourne innkeeper to George Milnes of Dunston gentleman. - 24 Mar [1731]
65 - Feoffment by Richard Taylor of Blore (co Stafford) gentleman to George Milnes of Dunston gentleman of a piece of land in the south corner of Churchfield in Mapleton. Consideration 17s 6d. - 5 May 1739
66 - Copy will of Tristram Ridgeway of Nottingham esquire. - 8 Jan [1737]
67 - Release and quitclaim by Richard Goodwin of London to his brother John Goodwin of Ashbourne gent. - 24 Jul 1775
68 - Abstract of deeds relating to the Mapleton estate. - 18th cent
69-72 - Correspondence. - 1830-1838
73-76 - Ridgeway family pedigrees. - 19th cent
77-82 - Papers relating to the Broadlow Ash estate. - 1800-1831
83-118 - Papers relating to the claim of the parish of Ashbourne upon the estate of Broadlow Ash for church rate. - 1828-1844
T - Title deeds - 1698-1790
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