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Collapse D1709 - Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT): New Mills Branch - 1913-1994D1709 - Union of Construction, Allied Trades and Technicians (UCATT): New Mills Branch - 1913-1994
Expand 1 - Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers formerly the Amalgamated society of Carpenters and Joiners, from 1971 part of UCATT. New Mills Branch - 1913-19941 - Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers formerly the Amalgamated society of Carpenters and Joiners, from 1971 part of UCATT. New Mills Branch - 1913-1994
Expand 2 - Minutes - 1913-19952 - Minutes - 1913-1995
Expand 3 - Rules - 1921-19703 - Rules - 1921-1970
Expand 4 - Proposition form and entrance books (these are in effect membership books) - 1913-19764 - Proposition form and entrance books (these are in effect membership books) - 1913-1976
Expand 5 - Membership lists - 1977-19945 - Membership lists - 1977-1994
Expand 6 - Membership transfers and Branch closure - 19946 - Membership transfers and Branch closure - 1994
Expand 7 - Residence records7 - Residence records
Expand 8 - Unemployment records - 1914-19168 - Unemployment records - 1914-1916
Expand 9 - Transfer records - 1938-19799 - Transfer records - 1938-1979
Expand 10 - Whaley Bridge closure - 1951-197110 - Whaley Bridge closure - 1951-1971
Expand 11 - Distant members - 1938-194611 - Distant members - 1938-1946
Expand 12 - Exclusions - 1961-196512 - Exclusions - 1961-1965
Expand 13 - Secretary’s papers - 1921-198613 - Secretary’s papers - 1921-1986
Expand 14 - Secretary’s letter books and small letter books (carbon copies of out-letters) 1st series - 1949-198914 - Secretary’s letter books and small letter books (carbon copies of out-letters) 1st series - 1949-1989
Expand 15 - Secretary’s letter books and small letter books (carbon copies of out-letters) 2nd series - 1978-199415 - Secretary’s letter books and small letter books (carbon copies of out-letters) 2nd series - 1978-1994
Expand 16 - Treasurer’s books - 1921-193116 - Treasurer’s books - 1921-1931
Expand 17 - Treasurers cash books - 1946-196917 - Treasurers cash books - 1946-1969
Expand 18 - Treasurers record books listing total contributions made at meetings - 1971-197818 - Treasurers record books listing total contributions made at meetings - 1971-1978
Expand 19 - Accounts - 1978-199419 - Accounts - 1978-1994
Expand 20 - Quarterly reports - 1950-195320 - Quarterly reports - 1950-1953
Expand 21 - Secretary/Check Steward - 1913-197021 - Secretary/Check Steward - 1913-1970
Expand 22 - Check or money steward - 1914-197022 - Check or money steward - 1914-1970
Expand 23 - Sick steward - 1913-196923 - Sick steward - 1913-1969
Expand 24 - Sick and superannuation benefit - 1914-197024 - Sick and superannuation benefit - 1914-1970
Expand 25 - Contributions and benefits - 1971-197825 - Contributions and benefits - 1971-1978
Expand 26 - State unemployment benefit - 1923-193326 - State unemployment benefit - 1923-1933
Expand 27 - Local aid Fund - 1948-199627 - Local aid Fund - 1948-1996
Expand 28 - Proposition form and entrance records (membership) - 1944-197028 - Proposition form and entrance records (membership) - 1944-1970
Expand 29 - Whaley Bridge Branch ASW clearance book for members moving to other branches See also D1709/10/1 - 1925-197129 - Whaley Bridge Branch ASW clearance book for members moving to other branches See also D1709/10/1 - 1925-1971
Collapse 30 - Secretary’s letter books - 1963-197130 - Secretary’s letter books - 1963-1971
Expand 31 - Secretary/Check Steward - 1949-196431 - Secretary/Check Steward - 1949-1964
Expand 32 - Sick and superannuation benefit - 1925-196732 - Sick and superannuation benefit - 1925-1967
Expand 33 - Unemployed benefit - 1927-196633 - Unemployed benefit - 1927-1966
Expand 34 - National Society of Painters minutes - 1915-194834 - National Society of Painters minutes - 1915-1948
Expand 35 - National Society of Painters entrance books - 1908-192935 - National Society of Painters entrance books - 1908-1929
Expand 36 - New Mills Branch NSP clearance records - 191936 - New Mills Branch NSP clearance records - 1919
Expand 37 - National Society of Painters secretary - 1934-194737 - National Society of Painters secretary - 1934-1947
Expand 38 - National Society of Painters treasurer - 1912-195838 - National Society of Painters treasurer - 1912-1958
Expand 39 - National Society of Painters Treasurer’s cash books - 1908-194839 - National Society of Painters Treasurer’s cash books - 1908-1948
Expand 40 - National Society of Painters Money or check steward’s books - 1912-191740 - National Society of Painters Money or check steward’s books - 1912-1917
Expand 41 - National Society of Painters cash books. - 1948-195841 - National Society of Painters cash books. - 1948-1958
Expand 42 - National Society of Painters Contribution books - 1925-195642 - National Society of Painters Contribution books - 1925-1956
Expand 43 - National Society of Painters Benefit books - 1908-194243 - National Society of Painters Benefit books - 1908-1942
Expand 44 - National Society of Painters: unemployment benefit - 1909-191444 - National Society of Painters: unemployment benefit - 1909-1914
Expand 45 - National Society of Painters: Society unemployment benefit - 1929-194145 - National Society of Painters: Society unemployment benefit - 1929-1941
Expand 46 - National Society of Painters: check books, later called unemployment pay sheet books, recording society and state benefits - 1929-194946 - National Society of Painters: check books, later called unemployment pay sheet books, recording society and state benefits - 1929-1949
Expand 47 - National Society of Painters Sick steward - 1924-193247 - National Society of Painters Sick steward - 1924-1932
Expand 48 - National Society of Painters: local levy books - 1930-194648 - National Society of Painters: local levy books - 1930-1946
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