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D1575 - Nightingale family of Lea - 18th-19th cent
BOX - Nightingale Family: box-listed records
1 - Nightingale Family papers
2 - Nightingale Family papers
3 - Nightingale Family papers
4 - Nightingale Family papers
5 - Nightingale Family papers
6 - Nightingale Family papers
7 - Nightingale Family papers
8 - Nightingale Family papers
9 - Nightingale Family papers
10 - Nightingale Family papers
11 - Nightingale Family papers
12 - Nightingale Family papers
13 - Nightingale Family papers
14 - Nightingale Family papers
15 - Nightingale Family papers
16 - Nightingale Family papers
17 - Nightingale Family papers
18 - Nightingale Family papers
19 - Nightingale Family papers
20 - Nightingale Family papers
21 - Nightingale Family papers
22 - Nightingale Family papers
23 - Nightingale Family papers
24 - Nightingale Family papers
25 - Nightingale Family papers
26 - Nightingale Family papers
27 - Nightingale Family papers
28 - Nightingale Family papers
29 - Nightingale Family papers
30 - Nightingale Family papers
31 - Nightingale Family papers
32 - Nightingale Family Papers
33 - Nightingale Family Papers
34 - Nightingale Family Papers
35 - Nightingale Family Papers
36 - Nightingale Family Papers
1 - Probate of Peter Nightingale Esquire - 1803
2 - Envelope (empty) - Hat factory lease. Lease of land in Lea for 200 years. Peter Nightingale Esquire to Mr James Daniel - 6 Jul 1792
3 - Abstract of the title of the devisees of Samuel Smith late of Embley Park to certain hereditaments in the parish of Matlock and Darley - 30 Dec 1854
4 - Order of the inclosure commissioners - Enclosure exchange between William Edward Nightingale and Samuel Smith, with tracing of part of the plan on the order of exchange - 4 October 1855
5 - Application for a certificate under section 11(1) of the Finance Act - The commissioners of the Inland Revenue are satisfied that the full estate duty has been paid in connection with the death of Thomas Sellors - 19 Jul 1907
6 - Abstract of the title of the reverend Charles Wolley Dod of Edge Hall in the parish of Malpas in the county of Chester to an annual fee farm rent of £16 10s 3d issuing out of the Manor of Matlock in the county of Derby - 25 Mar 1823
7 - Letter - The trustees of the Lea Hurst Estate have sold land to Mr Richard Watson. Sent from Miss Sarah Ann Smith - 17 Jul 1933
8 - Abstract of the title of the devisees of Peter Nightingale Esquire to a piece of land in the township of Dethick, Lea and Holloway - 19 Feb 1863
9 - Surrender of a portion of premises comprised in the lease of 6th July 1792 of the Hat Factory at Lea Wood. Crompton and Evans Union Bank Ltd to L. H. Shore Nightingale Esquire and oters - 1 Sep 1903
10 - Release of a sum of £1000 charged upon the Lea Hurst Estate. Samuel Smith Esquire to Mr. Shore Smith Esquire and another - 11 Dec 1879
11 - Sale of Lea Mills to Messrs. Smedley: Letter from George James Brown, surveyor and valuer, appotioning the rents of lands sold by Mr William Shore Nightingale to Messrs Smedley. - 6 Aug 1894
12 - Deed of confirmation - The Reverend Thomas Heathcote Fragett and others to William Edward Nightingale Esquire - 20 May 1856
13 - Correspondence regarding The Nightingale Will Trust - Appointing a new representative to the council of management of the Nightingale Memorial Hall - 15 Jan1958-13 Feb 1958
14 - Correspondence relating to the Nightingale Trust, regarding rights of way on High Leas Farm and Low Leas Farm - 20 Jul 1956 - 5 Jul 1957
15 - Letter from Derwent Valley Water Board to the executors of the late Mr W. S. Nightingale, regarding the payment of interest (£4) on compensation for use of land. - 14 Oct 1903
16 - Probate of the Will and two codicils of William Shore Nightingale Esquire, formerly William Shore Smith. - 19 Nov 1894
17 - "William Shore Smith Esquire and his mortgage to Godfey Lushington Esquire and W. B. Coltham Esq." and "Mortgage for Securing the repayment of £6000" (Slip of paper - removed from another document?) - 12 Apr 1889
18 - Deeds for Production - 9 Nov 1876-15 Oct 1934
19 - Indenture between William Edward Nightingale, Samuel Smith and Mary his wife, William Shore Smith and William Bacheler Coltham - 1806
20 - Abstract of conveyance to William Edward Nightingale esq. of lands in East and West Wellow and of a deed exonerating the same from annuities charged thereon in conjunction with other property - 9 Apr 1857
21 - Lease for the opinion of Mr H. Bonham Carter, relating to Embley Estate - 1856
22 - Abstact of a purchase by William Edward Nightingale from Sir William Heathcote
23 - Short extract of a deed charging the Hollins Estate with the payment of £305 11s 2d to William Edward Nightingale esq. - Dec 1859
24 - Abstract of the settlement made on the marriage of Samuel Smith esq with Miss Shore, and of Mrs. Shore's Will and Codicil. - 1854
25 - Memorandums to be endorsed on the 3rd February 1835, being an assignment of a charge onthe Hollins Estate - 7 Dec 1860
26 - Particulars of a property received in exchange by William Edward Nightingale esq. from the Vicar of Crich, with the date, parties names, amount of purchase money paid for the property given up in exchange, the limitations to William Edward Nightingale and the cost of conveyance and exchange with the amount of land out in improvements before and since the exchange was effected - Nov 1859
27 - Abstract of the conveyance to William Edward Nightingale esq. of a piece of land situated in the parish of West Wellow - 7 Nov 1857
28 - Care for the opinion of Actuaties, re. Shore Smith - Nov 1859
29 - Letter; to Samuel Smith esq. re. the payment of dividends into account - 5 Oct 1860
30 - Policy no. and amount of annuity for William Shore Smith, on life of William Edward Nightingale - 16 Feb 1861
31 - ? notes on purchases
32 - Letter re. 'Nightingale Case' - 5 Dec 1859
33 - Deed of Estates, Will of Peter Nightingale; W E Nightingale and others to J H Sampson esq. - 30 May 1860
34 - List of Deeds and documents received from William Edward Nightingale esq. by Janson Cobb and Pearson solicitors - 15 Dec 1859
35 - Abstract conveyance by Mr. Woods and others to W E Nightingale (draft/notes) - 1 Feb 1859
36 - Terrier, referring to the Map of an Estate in Lea, Holloway, Dethick and Wakebridge, in the parishes of Matlock, Ashover and Crich, in the county of Derby; The property of William Edward Nightingale esq. with intermediate land belonging to other properties - 1835
37 - Letter to Mr. Smith from J H Janson - 2 Apr 1863
38 - Letter re. marriage settlement of William Bachelor Coltman, and Bertha Elizabeth Shore his wife, from Samuel Smith - Feb 1863
39 - Letter to Samuel Smith re. Nightingales (2 pages) - 22 Feb 1861
40 - Letter to Samuel smith re. Nightingales - 10 Feb 1861
41 - Letter from J P Cobb to Shore Smith Nightingale - 18 Dec 1860
42 - Letter from Samuel Smith re. Nightingales - 5 Dec 1860
43 - Letter of S. Smith re. W. Shore Smith Nightingale - 13 Nov 1860
44 - Case for the Opinion of Actuaries - Nov 1859
45 - Letter to Mr. Cobb from W. Shore Smith - 1 Nov 1860
46 - Letter from Samuel Smith re. Nightingales - 18 Oct 1860
47 - Letter from Samuel Smith re. Nightingales - 18 Oct 1860
48 - Letter from Newbold to S. Smith re. Nightingales - 13 Oct 1860
49 - Letter to Mr. Cobb from Mr. Bonham-Carter - 11 Oct 1860
50 - Bundle of misc. solicitors letters and documents (Janson, Cobb and Pearson) re. Embley and Nightingale - 1856 - 1868
51 - Terrier to the Plan of Tiersall, Hollins and Wheatcroft Estates in the county of Derby, the property of William Edward Nightingale esq. - Jan 1860
52 - Bundle; relating to cottage and garden at Willersley, and at Bow Wood, and re. water pipes at Station Masters House in Cromford - 1870 - 1925
53 - Guardian Assurance Company Limited, London; Policy against 'All Risks' no. 152688, Miss Lloyd Still - 19 Jun 1928 - 10 Jul 1928
54 - Acknowledgement of right to purchase and undertaking for safe custody, of conveyance of even date herewith; Mr. William Yeomans to W. S. Nightingale esq. - 14 Apr 1894
55 - Disclaimer and release of copyhold land held of the Manor of Matlock; The Right Hon Sir. Harry Verney Bart, to Miss F. Nightingale - 22 Jun 1893
56 - Memorandum; relating to the Lea Hurst and Embley Estates - 8 Jul 1860
57 - Draft Covenant by Mr. Nightingale, to keep the buildings on the Lea Hurst and Embley Estates in repair, in consideration of an allowance to become payable at his death, which is secured by a term of 300 years on the Embley Estate; W. E Nightingale esq. to Samuel Smith esq. and others entitled to the reversion of the Lea Hurst and Embley Estates - 17 Nov 1870
58 - Particulars of property in Derbyshire purchased by the trustees of the Will of the late Peter Nightingale esq. with trust monies which came to their hands under the said Will, with the dates, parties, names, amounts of purchase money and limitations of each of the several conveyances - 24 Apr 1860
59 - Counterpart Lease and Licence, relating to the Wakebridge Mine; L. H Shore Nightingale esq and others, to the Derbyshire Fluor Spar Company ltd. Commences 29th Sept 1920, term of years 11, Expires 29th Sept 1931 - 27 Jul 1921
60 - Lease and Licence, relating to the Wakebridge Mine; L. H Shore Nightingale esq and others, to the Derbyshire Fluor Spar Company ltd. Commences 24th June 1926, term of years 7, Expires 24th June 1933 - 24 Dec 1926
61 - Agreement relating to Spar and Minerals; L. H Shore Nightingale and others, and A. Greenwell esq and another, 8th Dec 1922 Assignment of agreement relating to Spar and Minerals; A. Greenwell esq. and another, to the Derbyshire Fluor Spar Company ltd. 11th July 1923 - 1922 - 1923
62 - Agreement relating to Spar and Minerals; L. H Shore Nightingale and others, and A. Greenwell esq and another, 8th Dec 1922 Assignment of agreement relating to Spar and Minerals; A. Greenwell esq. and another, to the Derbyshire Fluor Spar Company ltd. 11th July 1923 - 1922 - 1923
63 - Duplicate Licence to enter upon certain pieces of land in the parish of Crich in the county of Derby; L. H Shore Nightingale esq. and others to The Clay Cross Company ltd. Commences 29th Sept 1926, term of years 10, Expires 29th Sept 1936 - 16 Dec 1926
64 - Letter from Messers Clarke and Moiree re. Embley Estate - 31 Jan 1856
65 - Letter from Messers Clarke and Moiree re. Embley Estate - 2 Feb 1856
66 - Notes on Will of Peter Nightingale including family tree on reverse - May 1803 ?
67 - 3 Letters re. Nightingales and S. Smith - 1856
68 - Declaration of Mr. M. T Hodding and W. E Nightingale esq. re. Embley Estate - 10 May 1856
69 - Letters from Mr. Nightingale to Mr. Coltman, and from Mr. Bentham to Mr. Nightingale - July 1870
70 - Memorandum of Agreement by Mr. W. Shore Smith for collaterally securing the sum of £2950 and interest secured by an Indenture of even dates; William Shore Smith Esq, and Mrs. Mary Smith - 19 Mar 1884
71 - Agreement for sale; The trustees of the Will of the late William Shore Nightingale to the Belper Rural District Council - 1 Jul 1899
72 - The Derbyshire Mining Customs and Mineral Courts Act - 1852
73 - Declaration by William Shore Smith esq. - 15 Mar 1875
74 - Letter re. Embley Estate; Messers Hodding and others - 16 Sep 1856
75 - Bundle of Solicitors letters re. Embley Estate and Nightingales - 1861 - 1870
76 - Grant of a Rent Charge of £1800 payable during the joint lives of Mrs. S. Smith and Mr. W. S Smith, and of a contingent jointure annuity of £800, payable to Mrs. S. Smith in the event of her husbands dying during the joint lives of his mother and herself; Samuel Smith esq. and Mary his wife, to William Shore Smith esq. and others - 28 Nov 1874
77 - Draft declaration of Mr. M. T Hodding and W. E Nightingale esq. Embley Estate - 10 May 1856
78 - Letter from Taylor, Self and Co. re. Derwent Valley Water Board - 15 Feb 1929
79 - Agreement for a cottage and garden at Lea; The trustees of the late W. S Nightingale esq, and Mr. Thomas Snowball - 28 Sep 1915
80 - Agreement for tenancy of Lea Hall and lands; The trustees of the late W. S Nightingale esq, to Mr. Thomas Marples - 10 Jun 1909
81 - Photograph of Florence Nightingale
37 - Glass Negatives; L. H. S Nighitngale esq. Negatives of Nightingale Family Portraits
38 - Glass Negatives
39 - Glass Negatives
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