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D1575 - Nightingale family of Lea - 18th-19th cent
BOX - Nightingale Family: box-listed records
1 - Nightingale Family papers
2 - Nightingale Family papers
3 - Nightingale Family papers
4 - Nightingale Family papers
5 - Nightingale Family papers
6 - Nightingale Family papers
7 - Nightingale Family papers
8 - Nightingale Family papers
9 - Nightingale Family papers
10 - Nightingale Family papers
11 - Nightingale Family papers
12 - Nightingale Family papers
13 - Nightingale Family papers
14 - Nightingale Family papers
15 - Nightingale Family papers
16 - Nightingale Family papers
17 - Nightingale Family papers
18 - Nightingale Family papers
19 - Nightingale Family papers
20 - Nightingale Family papers
21 - Nightingale Family papers
1 - Bundle of Newspapers - 1865
2 - Plan of Wakebridge
3 - Misc. papers regarding the rental of the Lea Hurst Estate to Ladyday 1923; the trustees of the late William Shore Nightingale esq. - c.1923
4 - Notice; The alledged public right of way in Lea Hurst Park has not been accepted as final, therefore notice is given that a fence will be re-erected and trespassers will be brought before the court on behalf of Mrs. Nightingale and trustees. Signed by William Yeomans, agent for the Lea Hurst Estate - 8 Feb 1900
5 - W. E Nightingale esq. and others; copy deed creating charges on and power over the Lea Hurst and Embley Estates in Derbyshire and Hampshire, and conveyance of hereditaments in the same counties to the like uses as those estates respectively. - 7 Dec 1860
6 - Plan of the Western Portion of the Lea Hurst Estate in the parishes of Matlock, Dethick, Lea and Holloway (2 copies) - c.1910s
7 - Papers regarding the sale of Lea Mills to John Smedley, with agreement of sale and further instructions - 1893-1894
8 - To the Derwent Valley Water Board, draft grant; between Louis Hilary Shore Nightingale and Thomas Lister Coltman
9 - Abstracts of the title of the trustees of the will of the late William Shore Nightingale esq. to freehold lands situate in the county of Derby - 1919-1935
10 - Miss. Florence Nightingale to Louis H. Shore Nightingale esq. and others; draft re-assignment of certain charges on the Lea Hurst Estate amounting to the sum of £20,000 - 20 Jul 1896
11 - Copy of the Will and Copy Codicil of the Will of Mrs. Evans of Cromford Bridge - 1843
12 - Supplemental abstract of the tithe of ?Crich; William Shore Smith to heredits at Cromford Bridge
13 - Affidavit of J. B Mennell esq M D. in the matter of the trusts of the will of William Shore Nightingale (deced) and in the matter of Lunacy Acts 1890 - 1911. Filed on behalf of the applicants - 1890 - 1911
14 - Outram v Mill Close Mines ltd.; In the High Court of Justice Chancery Division, copy defence 1927 and copy transcript of shorthand notes of judgement of the official referee - 1927
15 - The trustees of the will of William Shore Nightingale (deced) to Derwent Valley Water Board; further instructions to counsel, to advise, and to settle draft grant, as within - 14 Feb 1930
16 - Requests for payment of dividends by Samuel Shore Nightingale - 1922-1923
17 - Requests to Louis H. Shore Nightingale, Charles William Empson and Francis Arthur Hutchins, the trustees of the will of the late William Shore Nightingale, to grant John Smedley ltd. the lease of Bow Wood Spring 11.12.94 - ? 1894
18 - Unidentified Abstract - 1893
19 - Lea Hurst Estate, copy of Mr. W. Yeomans list of rentals of houses and lands as sold to John Smedley - Dec 1893
20 - Newspaper cutting; 'Mill Close Mine Sued'
21 - Bundle of misc. unidentified items
22 - East Indian Railway Co.; Annuity, Class B. signed by Louis H. Shore Nightingale, Francis Arthur Hutchins, Thomas Lister Coltman and Nicholas Albert Louis Child - 1919
23 - Correspondence between Mr. J. Brown and Mr. W. Yeomans re. Lea Hurst Estate - Mar 1894
24 - 3 indentures between William Shore Smith and Samuel Smith and Mary his wife, re. Lea Hurst Estate - 1861 - 1862
25 - Corrective affidavit; William Shore Nightingale (deceased) - 1894
26 - Bundle including; Embley Estate monthly abstracts 1895; Mr. William Shore Nightingale statement of account 1930; Embley inventory 1895; Estimates for alterations to Embley drains with specifications; Mr. J Alsop and L. H. Shore Nightingale, duplicate agreement for letting Wellow Glebe shooting; Analysis of water made by Col. Shakerby 1895; Plan and elevation for proposed alterations to cottage boccupied by W. Porter, East Wellow; Plan for proposed New Buildings at Woodington Dairyhouse Yard 1895 (Original bundle)
27 - Bundle of Embley Park Estate, audits/accounts - 1894 - 1896
28 - Bundle of Embley Estate Monthly abstracts N.B. error here as also labelled D1575/Box21/28 W. Shore Nightingale Trust, brokers notes - 1894
29 - Bundle relating to statement of account for Lea Hurst Estate after michaelmass audit - 11 Jan 1912
30 - Collection of Stock certificates and dividends
31 - Summary of Lea Hurst Estate rental to Ladyday 1922 - 1922
32 - Collection of Affidavits 1919, and originating summons William Shore Nightingale - 1919
33 - Collection of documents stating W. Shore Nightingale's investments and accounts held
34 - Newspaper; 'The Stock Exchange Daily Official List' - 30 Oct 1922
35 - Abstract of the tithe of the trustees of the late William Shore Nightingale esq. to freehold lands situate in the county of Derby - 1925
36 - William Shore Nightingale (decd) Draft appointment of new trustrees and abstract of vesting order relating to the appoinment of new trustees of the will of William Shore Nightingale - 1919
37 - Copy codicil of the will of William Shore Nightingale esq. - 16 May 1893
38 - Plan of Lea Mills
39 - Plan of Lea Mills and Hollins Wood
40 - A Bill to confer further powers on the Derwent Valley Water Board and for other purposes, and other documents relating to Derwent Valley Water Board - 1930
41 - 3 unidentified docs.
22 - Nightingale Family papers
23 - Nightingale Family papers
24 - Nightingale Family papers
25 - Nightingale Family papers
26 - Nightingale Family papers
27 - Nightingale Family papers
28 - Nightingale Family papers
29 - Nightingale Family papers
30 - Nightingale Family papers
31 - Nightingale Family papers
32 - Nightingale Family Papers
33 - Nightingale Family Papers
34 - Nightingale Family Papers
35 - Nightingale Family Papers
36 - Nightingale Family Papers
37 - Glass Negatives; L. H. S Nighitngale esq. Negatives of Nightingale Family Portraits
38 - Glass Negatives
39 - Glass Negatives
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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