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D1455 - Parish of Stoney Middleton St Martin - 1715-1969
A - Parish records - 1715-1969
PC - Parochial Church Council - 1920-1936
PF - Charities - 1909-1954
PI - Parish incumbent’s records - 1715-1969
1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1715-1969
2 - Baptism registers - 1813-1878
3 - Marriage registers - 1759-1947
4 - Banns registers - 1888-1941
5 - Burial registers - 1813-1862
6 - Transcripts - 1915
7 - Service registers - 1888-1969
8 - Orders of service - 1954
9 - Administration - 1936-1954
10 - Drafts - 1835-1837
11 - Administration - 1827-1952
12 - Personal - 1794-c1937
13 - Vicarage - 1939-1945
14-20 - [Numbers not used]
21 - Faculty for Erecting an oak screen - 1938
22 - Faculty for Re-facing the east wall of the Sanctuary as a War Memorial - 1947
23 - Faculty for Addition to the screen - 1952
24 - Faculty for Installing new choir stalls - 1953
25 - Faculty for Redecoration of the interior - 1953
26 - Faculty for Various works - 1962
27 - Organ Fund balance sheet - 1904
28 - Correspondence regarding alterations - 1950-1954
29-30 - Plans of alterations to entrance screen - 1952
31-32 - Plans relating to alterations to seating - 1953
33 - Report on the wiring at Stoney Middleton church - 1953
34-36 - Specification and estimate for cleaning and overhauling the organ, with covering letter - 1955
37 - Letter from the Diocesan Advisory Committee Secretary regarding proposed alterations - 1961
38 - Churchyard - 1872-1953
39-47 - Copy correspondence and minutes of meetings regarding the proposed closure of the existing churchyard at Stoney Middleton and the provision of additional burial ground at The Paddocks - 1878
48-99 - Covenant and acknowledgement by M J Hunter, minutes, correspondence and agendas relating to the proposal to extend Stoney Middleton churchyard by the addition of two roods of land donated by Mr. Hunter: also accounts of the Churchyard Extension Fund, September 1942, balance sheet March 1944, and papers relating to the house to house collections made for the fund 1949-1952 - 1937-1952
100 - Grave register - 1879-1941
101 - Rough grave plan of the "New Burial Ground" - 1879-1941
102 - Stoney Middleton tithe rent-charge apportionment award and map - 1843
103 - Altered apportionment - 1896
104 - Certificates (2) of redemption of tithe rent-charges - 1900-1908
105 - Tithe rents collection book - 1906-1926
106 - Fourth report of the Tithe Committee of Queen Anne's Bounty - 1906-1926
107 - Half-year's tithe rent-charge account - 1932
108 - Agreement for lease of messuages and premises known as Rock Cottages, 10 Dec - 1894
109-110 - Letter and plan from Queen Anne's Bounty regarding 1896 the benefaction gift of the Duke of Devonshire, suggesting the purchase also of a small strip of land south of the parsonage
111-125 - Bundle of papers relating to benefice income, beginning with copy of an account by Mr. Greaves, Curate of Stoney Middleton, of his income in 1830 - 1878-1952
126 - Bargain and sale and discharge by the Duke of Devonshire to John White of Stoney Middleton, in consideration of £10, of a garden and premises adjoining a house in the occupation of Benjamin Hallam, and a messuage or tenement, kitchen garden and pig-sty in the occupation of John White, 9-10 Aug - 1838
127 - Conveyance by Richard White of Hill Top, Dronfield, farmer to Michael Hunter, the younger of Sheffield merchant, in consideration of £43, of a parcel of land in Stoney Middleton occupied by two dwelling houses. 312 square yards, bounded west by Town Street, and on the south by the school and garden adjoining 210 square yards formerly in the occupation of Benjamin Hallam, 4 Jul - 1876
128 - Conveyance by Michael Hunter of Sheffield, (Yorkshire) merchant, to Peter John Hallam, Charles Furness, Ezra Cocker and James Garlock, trustees, in consideration of £50, of a piece of land in Stoney Middleton with building standing thereon, 312 square yards, and parcel of land or garden ground in Stoney Middleton, 210 square yards, to the use of the Trustees to the intent that they may be used either as a school playground as long as the school remains a church school or in any other manner which may be to the benefit of the church, 25 Mar - 1892
129 - Abstract of title to cottages and land at Stoney Middleton (opening with D1455 A/PI 126) - 1876
130-132 - Plans and elevations of a new classroom at Stoney Middleton School by E Morewood Longsdon of Bakewell - 1892
133-134 - Memoranda of agreement for the appointment of teachers: Miss Lucy Longden 20 Aug 1935 and Oliver Shimwell 1 May 1935 - 1935
135-136 - Declarations of foundation managers - 1911-1914
137 - Notification that Mr. W A Lennon has been appointed to represent Derbyshire Education Committee on the board of Management of Stoney Middleton CE School - 1935
138 - Letter from the Vicar of Stoney Middleton to the National Society regarding the use of the school for purposes other than the conduct of the day school, including a reference to the original grant of the school site by Lord Denman - 1937
139 - Appointment of Mrs. Nellie Caldwell as teacher - 1938
140-142 - Correspondence regarding Mr. T Shaw, one of the School Managers - 1942
143 - Circular from Derby Diocesan Council regarding the use of obsolete church school buildings - 1949
144-146 - Scheme for the administration of church schools in the Diocese of Derby including Stoney Middleton - 1949
147 - Instructions for the internal painting and decoration of Stoney Middleton CE School - c1945
155 - Letters and extract of Charity Commissioners report relating to Turie’s charity and the endowment of the school - 1855-1905
156 - Grant form, with draft replies, for the school - 1865
157 - Agreement with M Hunter of Stoke Hall on conditions for use of land for a school playground - 1888
158 - Ground plan of school, including alterations - 1907
159 - Ground plan of school site and grounds - Late 19th cent
160 - Memorandum on school’s establishment, and copy of extract of inspector’s report and accounts for 1890 - 1890
161 - Bill for preparing plans of additional classroom (1891-1894) - 1894
162 - Board of Education draft final order - 1904
163 - Building Fund statements of accounts - 1946-1950
164 - Manager’s cash book - 1935-1954
165 - Assorted correspondence, accounts, memoranda and papers relating to the school - 1937-1954
166 - Sunday School banking accounts - 1947-1954
PW - Churchwardens - 1935-1955
PZ - Miscellaneous - 20th cent
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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