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Collapse D1385 - Ilkeston Borough Council (Corporation of Ilkeston) - 1887-1974D1385 - Ilkeston Borough Council (Corporation of Ilkeston) - 1887-1974
Expand 1 - Minutes of authority - 1887-19741 - Minutes of authority - 1887-1974
Collapse 2 - Committee minutes, signed - 1887-19742 - Committee minutes, signed - 1887-1974
Expand 3 - Burial ground records - 1946-19743 - Burial ground records - 1946-1974
Expand 4 - War records - 1939-19464 - War records - 1939-1946
Expand 5 - Treasurer - 1928-19735 - Treasurer - 1928-1973
Expand 6 - Rating Officer - 1925-19346 - Rating Officer - 1925-1934
Expand 7 - Surveyor - 1913-19397 - Surveyor - 1913-1939
Expand 8 - Medical Officer of Health - 1903-19728 - Medical Officer of Health - 1903-1972
Expand 9 - Ilkeston and Heanor Water Board - 1933-19619 - Ilkeston and Heanor Water Board - 1933-1961
Expand UL - Ilkeston Borough Council (Corporation of Ilkeston): unlisted records - 19th-20th centUL - Ilkeston Borough Council (Corporation of Ilkeston): unlisted records - 19th-20th cent