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Collapse D1372 - Parish of Wormhill St Margaret - 1674-1987D1372 - Parish of Wormhill St Margaret - 1674-1987
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1674-1987A - Parish archives - 1674-1987
Expand PC - Parochial Church Council - 1927PC - Parochial Church Council - 1927
Expand PF - Charities - 1878-1889PF - Charities - 1878-1889
Collapse PI - Archives of the parish incumbent - 1674-1987PI - Archives of the parish incumbent - 1674-1987
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1674-18131 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1674-1813
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-18902 - Baptism registers - 1813-1890
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1814-19873 - Marriage registers - 1814-1987
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1862-19464 - Banns registers - 1862-1946
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1814-19475 - Burial registers - 1814-1947
Expand 6 - Service registers - 1902-19656 - Service registers - 1902-1965
Expand 7 - Service sheets - 19377 - Service sheets - 1937
Collapse 8 - Administration - 1776-17938 - Administration - 1776-1793
9 - (/1-17) Marriage licences - 1886-1969
10 - Certificates of publication of banns - 1822-1823
11 - (/1) Bill to amend the Burial Laws - 1873
12 - Letter from W H H Bagshawe to Mr Sanders, urging him not to resign the living of Wormhill, Aug - 1903
13 - (/1) Certificate to be issued in a case of marriage between a British subject and a French citizen - 1904
14 - (/1) London Gazette Feb 1931 for transfer of patronage of Wormhill from the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association to the Bishop of Southwell - 1931
15 - (/1) Table of fees with covering correspondence - 1943
16-64 - Numbers not used
65 - Faculty for Reservation of burial space (citation) - 1900
66 - Faculty for Stained glass windows (citation) - 1903
67 - Faculty for Erection of an oak reredos - 1912
68 - Faculty for Memorial tablet - 1914
69 - Faculty for Memorial tablet - 1920
70 - Faculty for Brass cross - 1928
71 - Faculty for Installing electric lighting - 1938
72 - Faculty for Memorial tablet - 1955
73 - Faculty for Installing three hatchmants - 1958
74 - Faculty for Removing the remains of German war dead - 1961
75 - Faculty for Bronze memorial table - 1964
76 - Letter regarding the design for Brindley’s memorial - 1863
77 - Bill from the Lighting Conductor Manufacturing for weather vane - 1863
78-79 - Architect’s bill and covering letter relating to Wormhill church restoration - 1864
80 - Statement of accounts of the Wormhill Church Restoration Fund, Jun - 1864
81-104 - Papers relating to the organs at both Wormhill and Peak Dale Churches including the balance sheet of the New Organ Fund March 1897 and sundry correspondence regarding the tuning and repair of the organ - 1897-1941
105-106 - Specification and bill of quantities by Messrs Garlick and Flint, architects and surveyors, of Buxton, for additions to Wormhill - 1904-1905
107 - Appeal for funds towards the enlargement of Wormhill church with photographs and plans - 1906
108 - General statement of accounts for Wormhill Church Enlargement Fund - 1906-1910
109 - Newspaper account of unveiling of war memorial at Wormhill
110 - Estimate for proposed screen vestry arch 26 Nov - 1924
111-129 - Correspondence with the Trent Valley and High Peak Electricity Co Ltd, regarding the installation of electricity at Wormhill church - 1938
130-131 - Circular letters from the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance regarding air raid damage to churches - 1940
132 - Ground plan and elevations relating to Wormhill Church Restoration - 1863
133 - Plan by Robert Griggs of Grays Inn Square, architect of rearrangement of seats at Wormhill - 1881
134-138 - Plans relating to proposed additions to Wormhill church including drawing of proposed choir stalls, two ground plans and elevations: stamped “Derbyshire Church Extension Society” - 1904-1906
139-140 - Two drawings of stained glass windows
141 - Drawings of details of roof
142 - Design for screen by Advent Hunston of Tideswell (2 copies) - 1924
143 - Further plan relating to proposed addition of transept - 1906
144 - Elevation of Wormhill church - 1920
145 - Index to graves in Wormhill churchyard divided into areas A, B, C and D
146-148 - Grave plan by Advent Hunstone of Tideswell with associated correspondence - 1930
149 - Bills for work carried out in Wormhill churchyard - 1924
150-158 - Correspondence relating to proposed extension of Wormhill churchyard - 1925
159-170 - Numbers not used
171-173 - Correspondence regarding the Willshawe Trust - 1931-1932
174-179 - Correspondence regarding Mrs E Walker’s bequest for the upkeep of her parent’s graves at Wormhill - 1965-1966
180 - Decree under the Statute “to redress the misemployment of lands, goods and stocks of heretofore given to charitable uses”, appointing John Shallcross, Henry Balguy, Junior, William Inge, John Buxton, John Wright, James Sherratt, John Bullock as trustees of the lands purchased for the endowment of Wormhill chapel with £200 bequeathed by Stephen Ward of Wormhill and £150 by Roger Ward of Wormhill, 15 Jun - 1683
181 - Loose pages of a draft deed relating to the Chapel Trust
182-183 - Appointment of new trustees of Wormhill chapel lands being a lease and release by Richard Bagshawe of Castleton, to John Bagshawe of Wormhill, esq, Richard Bagshawe, William Bagshawe and John Bagshawe, sons of Richard Bagshawe, Robert Longden of Wormhill, and Robert Wilson of Tunstead, of a messuage at Millnhouse Dale in the parish of Tideswell a messuage in Wormhill in the occupation of Samuel Alsop, a messuage at Nether Greatorex, Wormhill, a messuage at Upper Greatorex, Wormhill, and a messuage at Meadow, Wormhill, 40s of the rents and profits to be paid to the Chapel Clerk of Wormhill, and residue to the Curate of Wormhill Chapel, Sep - 1731
184 - Copy further appointment of new trustees, 29 Jul - 1786
185 - Further appointment of new trustees, 30 Sep - 1825
186 - Schedule of deeds relating to the Chapel Trust sent to Mr Henry Rodgers by Rev C F Bagshawe - 1862
187 - Draft abstracts of 16th and 17th century deeds relating to Wormhill Chapel
188 - List of deeds relating to Wormhill Chapel, 1572-1683
189 - Abstract of lease and release of 6-7 Sep 1731 - 1731
190 - Further abstracts of deeds relating to Wormhill chapel - 1748
191 - Abstracts from deed of 30 Jul 1764 between Richard Bagshawe of Wormhill, Governors of QAB, Rev Francis Goddard, Curate of Wormhill and Anthony Wright of Wormhill, relating to a messuage or tenement in Wormhill, with closes called the Intack, the Lower Church Close, and the Half Acre, a close in Wormhill called White Stones, reserving to Bagshaw a road from the gate opening to the common of the Half Acres Close over the Lower Church Close, 25 Apr - 1834
192 - Extract from trust deed of 29 Jul 1786 - 1786
193 - Memorandum that Wormhill chapelry was augmented with £200 in 1748 and £200 in 1752 in conjunction with Richard and William Bagshaw and other trustees, which £400 was laid out in the purchase of a land in Wormhill in 1764 (see above) - 1790
194 - Notes relating to the 1764 purchase - 1764
195 - Copy deed of appointment of new trustees of the advowson and patronage of the new parish of Wormhill and the “chapel lands”, with schedules of the lands, in Millers Dale(formerly Millhouse Dale) messuage and land in Wormhill, land at Nether Great Rocks, Wormhill, messuage and land at Meadow, Wormhill, Long Close and Nick Dale at Wormhill several closes of land at Overend, Wormhill, Ash, land at Greenfarfield, Wormhill, allotments of land in the respect of cattle or sheep gates at Wormhill minerals under land at Millers Dale and several tithe rent charges, 1 Jun - 1882
196-203 - Minutes of Trustees meeting 28 Oct 1858 with letters accepting the position of Trustee of the Ancient Chapel of Wormhill - 1858
204-205 - Notes on the status of Wormhill chapelry by John Goddard, being his answers to the Governors of QAB - mid 18th cent
206-210 - Correspondence with the Governors of QAB regarding the augmentation of Wormhill chapelry - 1748-1751
211-214 - Correspondence between John Goddard of Tideswell, Richard Bagshaw and others regarding the 1764 purchase - 1764
215 - Letter from John Goddard to a member of the Bagshaw family regarding Wormhill chapel lands, 16 Sep - 1774
216-218 - Correspondence relating to trust deeds incumbency - 1815-1817
219-220 - Correspondence relating to title deeds of Wormhill - 1859-1862
221 - Legal bill relating to duplicate release - 1825
222 - Further legal bill for conveyancing work - 1861
223-229 - Legal bills - Trustees of Wormhill chapel in account with Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford - 1886-1890
230 - Undated list of papers concerning The Wormhill Trust
231-232 - Memorandum of lands belonging to Wormhill Chapel in lease for 100 years of Lady Day1685 (2 copies) - 1685
233 - Summary memorandum of Wormhill Chapel lands giving tenants’ names and total acreages only - 1776
234-237 - Rentals of Wormhill Chapel lands 1779, 1785, 1790, 1794 - 1779-1794
238 - Copy of survey of Wormhill Chapel lands by John Gauntley 1813, giving tenants’ names, close names acreage, land use and value per acre - 1833
239 - Extracts from the Wormhill inclosure award relating to Chapel lands - c1883
240-241 - Survey of lands belonging to Wormhill church late in the occupation of Rev Duncalf, with separate memorandum of plantations - 1835
242 - Glebe terrier
243 - Valuation of part of Wormhill glebe, giving tenants’ names, acreage, value per acre, close names and land use - 1878
244 - Memorandum of Joseph Higenbotham’s rent - 1771-1772
245 - Letter from Michael Hall of Castleton to William Bagshaw regarding “getting Nuttal to copy the map you sent”, 24 Nov - 1780
246 - Memorandum regarding Palfreymen’s fine for lease of Chapel lands, 28 Sep - 1781
247-249 - Memorandum regarding Chapel lands - 1784-1785
250-251 - Two letters from Michael Hall to William Bagshaw mentioning a sale of wood, a cause at Derby going against them and letting the Wormhill Chapel lands, 20 Mar and 10 Apr - 1885
252 - Notice to Thomas Browne to quit his farm in Wormhill - 1790
253 - Letter from William Bagshaw to John Bagshaw mention the “Chesterfield road”, planting on the Chapel lands at Wormhill and John’s turnips, 1 Mar - 1769
254 - Letter from William Bagshaw to John Bagshaw proposing to sell ash trees at Millers Dale in order to repair a farm building on the Chapel lands there, 3 Oct - 1831
255-256 - Notice by Midland Railway of intention to purchase land at Millers Dale belonging to the Trustees of Wormhill Chapel, with letter from the Trustees agreeing to invest the amount paid by the Midland Railway in ground rents for the benefit of the chapelry - 1859
257-258 - Two letters regarding an exchange of land at Wormhill with the Duke of Rutland - 1869
259 - Letter regarding the Midland Railway’s intention to treat for the purchase of four perches of Wormhill glebe near Peak Forest station, 27 Jan - 1875
260-271 - Correspondence with Rodgers, Thomas and Sandford regarding the purchase of ground rents at Sheffield and building at Middle Hills Farm - 1886-1887
272-292 - Correspondence relating to leasing Wormhill glebe at Millers Dale for building a hotel and a butter and cheese factory, with two ground plans for the proposed hotel and a general plan of the building site, by W C Bryden, architect and surveyor of Buxton - 1887-1888
293-300 - Correspondence regarding the proposed sale of part of Wormhill glebe to Mr S S Brittain - 1890
301-302 - Draft memorandum of agreement by which the Vicar of Wormhill let to Messrs Whitaker, Contractors and Engineers of Leeds, a piece of land adjoining viaduct at Millers Dale for their railway works, 25 Aug - 1903
303-311 - Correspondence relating to proposed exchange of glebe land under the Wormhill enclosure act - 1903
312 - Board of Agriculture and Fisheries order of exchange between Rev R L Sanders, Vicar of Wormhill, and J R Fleming of parts of field number 1066 on the OS 25" map of Wormhill, 1 Mar - 1904
313 - Report on Wormhill glebe under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act 1871, with separate report and plan of each farm, detailing defects room by room, and dealing also with farm buildings and drainage by John Nanan, Diocesan Surveyor - 1902
314-320 - Correspondence regarding the liability of the Charity lands to be assessed under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act 1871 - 1902-1903
321-323 - Correspondence with the Charity Commission regarding the proposed repairs to property on the Charity lands at Wormhill - 1903-1904
324 - Charity Commission order authorising expenditure for the repair of farm buildings at Middle Hill, Wormhill, 27 Sep - 1927
325 - Diocese of Derby - general notes as to repairs under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Act
326-340 - Correspondence relating to the insurance of buildings on Wormhill glebe - 1934-1935
341-342 - Long and ordinary dilapidations assessments - 1936
343-373 - General correspondence regarding the repairs at Millers Dale suggested by the Surveyor’s report - 1936-1937
374 - Agreement with the GPO for the placing of three stays - 1928
375-376 - Electricity wayleave agreements - 1957
377 - Letter regarding the sale of the glebe farm at Millers Dale to D R Gelling, 31 Oct - 1961
378 - Letter from the Tithe Redemption Office regarding the boundary between British Rail and Wormhill Vicarage property at Millers Dale, 19 Oct - 1961
380 - Electricity wayleave agreement, 7 May - 1963
381 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and Thomas Handley for 5 acres 0 roods 37 perches of Wormhill glebe, with plan: standard husbandry covenants include a restrictive ploughing covenant, to have one fifth of the arable land in clean summer of turnip fallow, to lay all manure etc on the premises, not to pare and burn and not to have more than two successive corn crops, 28 Sep - 1878
382 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and Isaac Warhurst, junior for 8 acres 3 roods 35 perches of Wormhill glebe at an annual rent of £12, plan attached, 28 Sep - 1878
383 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and Isaac Warhurst, junior for 14 acres 2 roods 10 perches Wormhill glebe at an annual rent of £22, plan attached, 28 Sep - 1878
384 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and Thomas Flint for 2 acres 2 roods 21 perches of Wormhill glebe at an annual rent of £2 15 shillings 3 pence, plan attached, 28 Sep - 1878
385 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and William Lees for a slaughter house and 34 acres 0 roods 29 perches of Wormhill glebe at an annual rent of £36, plan attached, 28 Sep - 1878
386 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and William Redfern for 11 acres 3 roods 13 perches and 1 acre 1 rood 30 perches of Wormhill glebe, at annual rents of £24 and £2 10 shilling, plan attached, 28 Sep - 1879
387 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and lsaac Needham for a farm on Wormhill glebe 119 acres 2 roods 15 perches, at an annual rent of £70, no plan, 30 Dec - 1890
388 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and Solomon Wood for land in Wormhill 22 acre, at a yearly rent of £22, no schedule, no plan, 25 Mar - 1890
389 - (Glebe) tenancy agreement between the Vicar of Wormhill and J S and J Wilde of Wall Head Farm, Wormhill for three closes of land in Wormhill schedule with cultivation, and plan, 25 Mar - 1938
390 - Lease by the Vicar of Wormhill to ICI (Lime) Ltd of a piece of land in Wormhill 395 acres and the minerals lying within 200 feet of the surface for 60 years (59 years for the land), at an agricultural rent of £2 10 shilling 0 pence, certain rent of £10 during the first three years, £15 during the next two years and £20 for the remainder of the term, with a royalty of 2 pence per ton of the minerals quarried, 7 Feb - 1941
391 - Uncompleted tenancy agreement - 1907
392 - Statement of tenant’s claims on a farm and premises known as Middle Hills, given up by Mr W H Redfern to the Vicar of Wormhill or the incoming tenant Mr lsaac Needham - 1883
393-395 - Correspondence regarding Mr Shirt’s tenancy - 1884
396a - Wormhill tithe rent charge apportionment map - 1847
396b - Wormhill tithe rent charge apportionment award - 1847
397 - Vicarage: Mr Goddard’s expenses in building the parsonage house at Wormhill - 1763-1766
398 - Memorandum by John Goddard on the ruinous state of the parsonage house at Wormhill, with appeal for subscriptions towards a new one and list of subscribers - c1763
399 - Statement by Gervase Smith regarding Wormhill parsonage house
400 - Specification of works to be carried out at Wormhill Vicarage by Naylor and Sale, Architects, of Derby, May - 1891
401 - Ground plan of Wormhill vicarage, church and churchyard - 1888
402-406 - Correspondence with Naylor and Sale regarding alterations - 1892-1893
407 - Tender by Ralph Mosley of Wormhill for repairs at Wormhill vicarage - 1902
408 - Detailed surveyor’s report on Wormhill vicarage, 7 Aug - 1902
409-410 - Surveyor’s bill associated with the above inspection and certificate of completion of work - 1903
411-416 - Various small estimates and tenders for work carried out at Wormhill vicarage and other buildings on Wormhill glebe - 1903
417 - Detailed surveyor’s report on Wormhill vicarage and outbuildings, 11 June - 1930
418 - Letter from Chapel RDC regarding trees over- looking J Moore’s house adjoining the vicarage, 28 Aug - 1930
419 - Letter from Chapel RDC regarding a certificate of soundness of drains at the vicarage, 28 Aug - 1930
420-438 - Report and correspondence relating to damage caused by a fire to the garage and loft at Wormhill vicarage - 1931
439-443 - Correspondence relating to alterations to Mr Mosley’s cowshed on Wormhill glebe - 1930
444 - Dilapidations assessment - 1931
445 - Schedule of work to be carried out under the surveyor’s report, on Wormhill vicarage, 13 Sep - 1935
446 - Contract with S Staley and Sons for alterations to the vicarage, 12 Aug - 1958
447 - Ground floor dye line plan of Wormhill vicarage by Wilcockson and Cotts, Architects, of Chesterfield
448 - Bill from Woodworm Eradication Ltd, for disinfestation treatment at the garage at Wormhill vicarage - 1966
449 - Benefice Income: Receipt for £47 6s by William Bagshaw of John Bagshaw, being the year’s clear profits of Wormhill curacy, 1 Oct - 1791
450-457 - Benefice Income Correspondence regarding a request for the augmentation of Wormhill living to provide an assistant curate - 1887
458-460 - Credit notes for endowment for Benefice and Chapel Clerk - 1889-1890
461 - Benefice Income Notification of grant of £30, 1 May - 1916
462-476 - Benefice Income Correspondence regarding Derbyshire tithe and Glebe Agency with printed circulars from QAB regarding the Tithe Act - 1925-1926
477-498 - Benefice Income Further correspondence regarding tithe rent charges belonging to Wormhill living including a handbill advertising the Tithe Owners Union and half yearly account of tithe recharge due 1 Apr 1928 - 1927-1928
499-526 - Further correspondence largely with Tithe agency regarding Wormhill tithes, with sundry memoranda of tithe due - 1932-1938
527 - Correspondence with Tithe Redemption Commission regarding stock to be issued in respect of the extinguishment of tithe rent charges - 1937-1938
528 - Statement of annual amounts payable by Ecclesiastical Commissioners and included in the Quarterly Payments scheme, 1 Apr - 1939
529-535 - General tithe correspondence including Tithe Owners Union literature - 1919-1942
536-572 - Benefice Income Application for grant for curate or lay helper and associated papers, 1931, an papers relating to the appointment of a curate in 1942 - 1926-1942
573-574 - Mission and Institute: Two letters regarding the building of a Workmen’s Chapel at Blackwell from the dismantled signal boxes at Blackwell Mill Junction, 23 Oct and 24 Nov - 1885
576 - Bill for purchase of organ - 1904
577 - Memorandum of a meeting held at Blackwell Mill 14 Feb 1926, at which it was agreed that the Mission Room should be used for a general institute and other social purposes, with covering letter - 1926
578 - Letter from the LMS Divisional Welfare Supervisor regarding the management of the institute and other matters, 11 Apr - 1927
579 - Newspaper cutting relating to the laying of a foundation stone of the new school at Wormhill - 1871
580-589 - Correspondence relating to the need for a new school near the Primitive Methodist Day School at Peak Dale - 1881
590 - Drawings of proposed new porch for St Margaret’s School, Wormhill - 1894
591 - Copy of the will of Roger Wilkinson, curate of Wormhill, 4 Apr - 1714
592-593 - Letter and copy petition regarding the section of rent of Tideswell Grammar School lands which was distributed amongst the poor of the parish of Tideswell - 1875
594 - Memorial to the “Old Trent Mersey men” - 1889
595 - Life and Liberty the parson’s guide to parochial church meetings and councils (printed) - 1919
596 - Life and Liberty - a Nation’s Trust an appeal to the laity of the Church of England (printed) - 1920
597 - Circular letter regarding the setting up of a Church Councilor’s information Bureau by the Life and Liberty Movement
598 - Leaflet on parochial church councils
599 - Manuscript sermon notes
600 - Account for the parish of Wormhill for the fund for the division of the Diocese of Southwell - 1925-1926
601 - Memorandum on trees on glebe or in a churchyard - 1930
602 - Notes on the 1931 census - 20th cent
603-604 - Two bank books for the Derby Diocesan Council for Moral Welfare - Northern Area - 1935-1940
605 - “Things Jesus did and said” - 52 Sunday School lessons
606-618 - Various papers relating to the Bishop of Derby’s appeal - 1934-1940
619-622 - Papers relating to the Derby Diocesan Youth Council - 1940
623 - Letter from George Bossley to William Bagshawe regarding the death of John Heathcote, clerk to Wormhill chapel - 1781
624 - Letter regarding the misbehaviour of Rowland Heathcote, clerk to Wormhill chapel, from George Bossley to William Bagshawe, 27 Dec - 1754
625 - Note from William and John Bagshawe discharging Rowland Heathcote from the office of Chapel Clerk, 26 Dec - 1754
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1886-1941PW - Churchwardens - 1886-1941
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1729-1923PZ - Miscellaneous - 1729-1923