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Collapse D1351 - Potter family of Darley Dale - 18th-19th centD1351 - Potter family of Darley Dale - 18th-19th cent
1 - Plans and schedule of lands belonging to T S Potter drawn by him in 1837, with note of previous owner(s) added in 1840, including key. Coloured paper on linen backing. Scale: 5 chains: 1 includingh - 1837-1847
2 - Bundle of coloured plans of lands owned by T S Potter. Parchment - 1837-1849
3 - List of tenants with the houses and lands they occupied in Darley Dale belonging to the late C B Potter at the time of his death 30 Nov 1837, and of Miss Potter 6 Apr 1838 - 1837-1838
4 - Bundle of small plans, accounts, receipts and notes mounted on blue card - 1837-1838
5 - Section of plan of Darley Hall estate, showing the part belonging to T S Potter - 1838
6 - Plan of an estate in Darley late the property of Arthur Heathcote and sold to C B Potter, now the property of T S Potter - 1838
7 - Plan of Darley Hall estate [Darley Dale] late of C B Potter (bought from Richard Arkwright by the late George Potter in 1822), copied from Arkwright's plan now with Benjamin Potter of Darley Hall in 1838 and then by T S Potter in 1839; on back, extract from will of C B Potter, 26 Aug 1837 - 1839
8 - Plan of estate late of Arthur Potter, sold to C B Potter and Miss Amelia Potter 3 Oct 1833, surveyed by Benjamin Staley of Youlgreave, copied by T S Potter in 1839, including note that C B Potter's property was sold to T S Potter and Miss Amelia Potter's was sold to Benjamin Potter 1839 - 1839
9 - Section of plan of the township survey of land at Darley Moor, Northwood, Wheatley and Toadhole belonging to T S Potter, surveyed by George Nuttal in 1837, copied in 1840, with schedule of measurements of land - 1840
10 - Volumes with leather covers containing schedules of deeds - 1838-1841
11 - Plan of lots 1-8 (lots 1-4 were bought from the trustee of the late J Bastin by T S Potter), on cardboard - 6 Jan 1847
Expand 12 - Book of schedule of lands belonging to T S Potter - 1834-c184812 - Book of schedule of lands belonging to T S Potter - 1834-c1848
13 - Two annotated 1 inch Ordnance Survey maps: Darley Dale 1840 and lands near Clayton le Moors, Accrington and Holcombe (Lancs) 1843 - 1834
14 - Architect's drawing of house. Scale 4ft=1 inch - [19th cent]
Expand 15 - Records in the safes - [19th cent]15 - Records in the safes - [19th cent]
Expand 16 - "Bundle no 2" - 1735-179016 - "Bundle no 2" - 1735-1790
17 - Bundle no 3: Several closes in Darley adjoining the turnpike road (Wilcockson-Gresley-Wright-Ball-Dakeyne-Potter) - 1747-1824
18 - Bundle no 4: Messuage in Toadhole and a close called Davis Close (Dunn-Greaves-Dixon-Potter) - 1720-1806
19 - Bundle no 5: Parcel of land in Toadhole c1 and a half acres (Barker-Potter) - 1805
20 - Bundle no 6: Close of land in Toadhole called Oates Intake (Foreman-Siddon als Siddal-Potter) - 1771-1796
21 - Bundle no 7: Messuage in Toadhole and several closes (Howson-Wall-Clay-Potter) - 1749-1809
22 - Bundle no 8: Barn and close on Darley Common (parties: Soresby-Evans-Potter) - 1773-1814
23 - Bundle no 9: Closes called Odford, Brookfield and Millfield in Darley (Greenfield-Garratt-Bower) - 1788-1790
24 - Bundle no 10: Five closes called the Far Horse Pasture, the Near Horse Pasture, the Middle Horse Pasture, the Davy Intake and the Allotment in Darley (Ash-Hardy-Potter) - 1784-1802
25 - Bundle no 11: Mill Lane Field and other closes in Darley (Smith-Potter) - 1701-1825
26 - Bundle no 12: Two parcels of land in Bridge Flatt Meadow in Darley (Walthall-Potter) - 1823
27 - Bundle no 13: Messuage and lands in Darley Common (Brittlebank-Potter) - 1823-1824
28 - Bundle no 14: Messuage and several closes in Northwood in Darley - 1626-1775
29 - Bundle no 15: Messuage and three closes in Northwood (Badsley-Gilberthorpe-White-Cotes-Hole-Melland) - 1700-1833
Collapse 30 - "Bundle no 16" - 1739-180430 - "Bundle no 16" - 1739-1804
31 - Bundle no 19: Messuage and closes in Darley with four parcels of land in Bridge Field (Bradley-Ash-Brittan-Potter) - 1687-1769
32 - Bundle no 22: Lands in Northwood, Darley (Heathcote-Potter) - 1833-1839
33 - Bundle no 23: Assignment of diverse lands and hereditaments in Derbyshire (Potter) - 1828-1857
34 - Bundle no 24: Darley Hall estate (Arkwright-Potter) - 1790-1822
35 - Bundle no 30: Probates - 1811-1838
36 - Bundle no 31: Estate of Edward Potter - 1806-1825
37 - Bundle no 32: Estate of Ann Potter - 1821
38 - Bundle no 34: Estate of Arthur Potter - c1828
39 - Bundle no 35: Estate of Thomas Potter - 1788-1809
40 - Bundle no 39: Estate of Amelia Potter - c1839
41 - Bundle no 40: Estate of C B Potter - c1838
42 - Bundle no 42: Probates - 1690-1838
43 - Messuage and close called Allen's Croft in Toadhole (Allin-Roberts-Wright-Wall-Buxton-Hardy-Potter) - 1686-1863
44 - Deeds concerning Closes called Flag Lea and Lane Close in Darley (parties: Taylor-Kirke-Evans) - 1732-1734
45 - Deeds concerning Closes called the Mill Strains and Lane Close in Darley (Bower-Bill-Barker-Heathcote) - 1763-1803
46 - Cottage with garden and orchard at Two Dales in Darley (Ragg-Barker-Hatterley also Hancock-Derbyshire-Potter) - 1769-1874
47 - Messuage in Northwood and three closes in Darley (Bower-Gregory-Twigg) - 1780-1827
48 - Close called the Onion Flatt in Darley (parties: Smith-Garton-Taylor-Potter) - 1825-1883
49 - Copy of settlement for the forthcoming marriage between Elizabeth Greenall and T S Potter - 25 Aug 1829
50 - Tenancy agreements for land at Darley - 1838-1894
51 - Plot of land called the Croft in Northwood in Darley (Ashton-Holmes-Potter) - 1854-1876
52 - Parcel of land in the Northwood (Davenport-Potter) - 1874-1875
53 - Declaration by Roger Evans as to the identity and ownership of closes, fields and parcels of land in Darley (with plan) - 5 Jan 1881
54 - Estate of Elizabeth Bower - c1809
55 - Release of annuities by Mrs Sarah Potter to the executors of Edward Potter - 25 May 1809
56 - Legacy receipts and residue accounts of the estate of George Potter - 1827-1828
Expand 57 - Elizabeth Potter - 1825-182857 - Elizabeth Potter - 1825-1828
58 - Estate of Christopher Bower Potter - 1837-1839
59 - Attested copy of will of Miss Amelia Potter of Mosley St, Manchester - 20 Jan 1838
60 - Probate of will of Thomas Smalley Potter of East Court in Charlton Kings (Glous) - 22 Mar 1850
Expand 61 - Potter family history notes - 19th cent61 - Potter family history notes - 19th cent
62 - Notebook containing notes on the grand jury by T S Potter - 1814
63 - Paper letter pasted onto parchment from Samuel Eyre to T S Potter concerning Italian painters - 29 Aug 1840
64 - Diary of journeys in coach and brake - 1894-1896