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Collapse D135 - North East Derbyshire especially Tapton near Chesterfield. Slater family papers, and others - 1615-1856D135 - North East Derbyshire especially Tapton near Chesterfield. Slater family papers, and others - 1615-1856
Collapse M - Records - 17th-19th centM - Records - 17th-19th cent
Expand E - Estate papers - 1638-1785E - Estate papers - 1638-1785
Expand F - Family deeds - 1710-19th centF - Family deeds - 1710-19th cent
Collapse T - Title deeds - 1615-1808T - Title deeds - 1615-1808
1 - Bargain and sale by Durant Allsopp and Thomas Allsopp of Chesterfield, gents. to George Taylor of London, vintner, in consideration of £2,100, of the manor and lordship of Tapton, a capital messuage known as Tapton Hall, closes called the Croft, Broome Close, Woodclose, Woodmeadowe, Peaserclose, the Pingles, Little Coaterclose, Castleclose Pennyleyes, Little Lady Leys, Goulden Cliffes, 2 lands in Silverice, 1a in Balme Oak Close, closes called Ouldfields, 2 messuages and a close at Hill Topp, Brimington a cottage and 4a land in the Intake, a cottage and 1a land near Ouldfeilde, a cottage in Ouldfeilde, a cottage near Tapton Hall, and a cottage and garden in the Blakepitte, with a capital messuage at Chesterfield known as Durant Hall with closes known as Crofte and Durant Meadowe - 1638
2 - Confirmation by Godfrey Durant of Chesterfield, gent., and William Starkey of Rotherham, gent., to George Tayler of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £150, of the manor of Tapton etc (as T1) having contracted to sell the same to Richard Tayler of Chesterfield (cousin of George) who died before the conveyance could be effected - 1638
3 - Exemplification of recovery by John Clay and Ralph Aske against Tayler, of the manor of Tapton with 6 messuages, 6 tofts, 1 mill, 8 gardens, 300a arable, 20a meadow, 280a pasture, 20a woods, 100 furze and heath, 60a moor and common of pasture in Chesterfield, Tapton, Coxmoor, Grass- moor, Brimington, Whittington and Dronfield - Durant Alsopp, Godfrey Durant and William Starkie Durant Alsopp, Godfrey Durant and William Starkie and Ann his wife are vouchees - 1638
4 - Release by Edward Clarke of Shadwell (Middlesex), gent., to George Taylor of Chesterfield, gent., reciting T1 and reciting that Taylor had exhibited a bill of discovery in Chancery against Clarke to make known what incumbrances there were upon the premises - 1638
5 - Release by Francis Alsopp to George Taylor of all his right and title to estates as T1 - 1639
6 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by Sir Charles Skrymsher of Norbury and Dame Esther his wife (only child and heir of George Taylor) to George Jones of the Middle Temple, esq., of the manor of Tapton with appurtenances, a capital messuage known as Tapton Hall and a capital messuage at Chesterfield called Durant Hall with land called Durant Green and closes known as Dovecoat Close with the close below it, the two Little Meadows and Dobb Croft, 2 messuages with 2 lands in a close called Wheat hill, 1a in Sidling Field, closes called Casteevens Wett Lands, Petty Close, Duttons Wett Lands, Great Wetland, Crowlane Head, Bagshaw Close and Dobbin-Clough with 2 lands in a close called Wetlands a messuage in the tenure of Arthur Taylor, a close late in the tenure of Edward Jefferies with a close called Doveacre, a close called Heeby Sick, several lands in Crowlane Field, several lands in a close called Goldercliffe, Bayly Smithyes Meadow with a messuage and closes called Triangle Petty Close and Intack, 6 lands in Crowlane Field several lands in Meane Silverices and a pingle adjoining Well Yard, Steptoe Lane House, a messuage and closes known as Upper Twelve Acres, Little Twelve Acres and Mill Holme, parcels called Loccoford Land in a close of James Mills and a close called Loccoford Lane, 2 lands in Crowlane Field , a messuage in the holding of Marmaduke Carver, a messuage in the holding of Elizabeth Inman, a barn called Dowkers Barne with closes called Blakepitts, Silverice and Wetlands, Tupman Barn with Tupman Close, Cross Close, a messuage with Bagshaw Close, a messuage in the holding of Richard Hides, a water grist mill in the tenure of Richard Hides, a close called Porters Pingle, a cottage in the tenure of John Bland - Crane Close, a close called Hancock Croft, a cottage in the holding of Stephen Pennystone, a close called Whitebanks, and messuages all at Tapton, Chesterfield, Newbold and Boythorpe, being of the inheritance of George Taylor, 4 closes at Tapton, known as Welches Closes a close at Litchurch known as High Crossfield with an adjoining pingle and closes known as the Lampitt, the Pingle and Rye Close, a parcel of meadow called Potters Meadow, Potters Close, a close called Half Penny Croft with a parcel of land in Litchurch Meadow, a close called Whitchurch Statham Siddale Close, Swarstone Lane Close and a piece of land called Drapers Five Stone Ridges, Old Hoe Close, and Meadow Dole, Clipston Croft, Litchurch Meadow Dole, Peartree Close, a parcel of land late in the tenure of Stephen Flamstead with a parcel of land called the Two Green Hades and a parcel of meadow in Litchurch Meadow, a parcel of meadow late in the tenure of Thomas Youle, Great Clipston Croft, a pingle late in the tenure of William Dawson, Derby Land Close with adjoining pingle, Gallow Close and a parcel in Derby Field, parcels of land called Litchurch Leyes, a parcel of land in the tenure of Abraham Kegg, a piece of land called Leyes Ends, all at Litchurch, being of the inheritance of George Taylor, with all tithes of hay arising in Litchurch and a chief rent of 3s 2d payable out of lands in Tapton and Chesterfield to the intent that Jones may be tenant for suffering a recovery by Gerrard Skrymsher of Norbury, to the use of Sir Charles Skrymsher in fee simple - 1682
7 - Quitclaim by Elianor Skrymsher of Norbury spinster (daughter of Sir Charles Skrimsher) to Thomas Gladwin of Durant Hall, esq., of all her title and claim to a capital messuage called Durrant Hall, at Chesterfield, with a parcel of ground called Duffcoate Close, a close called Dobbcroftte, a close or meadow at the bottom of Duffcoate Close and closes called Greate Meadow, Little Meadow and Least Meadow (total 22a) - 1701
8-9 - Lease and release by Sir Charles Skrymsher of Norbury, Hester Skrymsher and Elianor Skrymsher of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £1,565, of the capital messuage called Tapton Hall with closes called Hall Croft, Little Hall Croft, Farr Croft, Wellyard, Spring Pasture, Woodland, Broome Meadow, the Acre lying amongst the Kings Orchard, Nether Pingle, Upper Pingle, 2 lands in Skinners Croft, Kings Orchard and Little Coat Lees, a messuage with 2 water corn mills and kilns, and closes called Swadale, Mill Gate , Two Lands, Bayliffe Smithy Mill Close, Willholme, Jepsons Land and Short Butts, messuage in Chesterfield with adjoining croft, a messuage in the holding of John Bower - a messuage and orchard in the tenure of Arthur Gratton, a close called Beastowes Meadow (4a), a close called Bushy Meadow - 1701
10-11 - Lease and release by Sir Charles Skrymsher Hester Skrymsher and Elianor Skrymsher, to Thomas Gladwin, in consideration of £120, of 4 closes at Tapton called Weltch Lands (6a) - 1701
12 - Mortgage by John Bright the elder of Chesterfield, gent., at the request of Sir Talbot Clerke of Chesterfield, and Barbara his wife (daughter and coheir of Thomas Gladwin decd.), to John Browne of Staveley Netherthorpe, gent., for £300, of closes at Chesterfield known as Long Meadow, Boat Meadow, Brick Hill Close alias Rushy Meadow and Durant Close (total 30a) - 1721
13 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine levied by John Monk Morgan of Durant Hall, esq., and Dame Barbara his wife (late wife to Sir Talbot Clerke decd.), to Richard Bagshaw of Castleton, esq., and William Bagshaw of Ford, gent., of the capital messuage known as Durant Hall with divers closes in Chesterfield (30a), a messuage and closes(8a), several other messuage and 4a, several closes at Newbold (8a), the manor and lordship of Tapton with the capital messuage known as Tapton Hall and land (80a), a messuage, water corn mills and closes at Tapton (16a), closes at Tapton (8a), closes at Tapton (6a), a moiety of a capital messuage at Ashover known as Edlestall Hall (Eddlestow Hall) with several closes (300a), a moiety of a messuage and lands at Ashover (20a), a moiety of a messuage and lands (20a) at Wingerworth, parcels of woodland (36a) at Wingerworth - 1726
14 - Settlement by John Monk Morgan and Dame Barbara his wife - reciting T12 - and stating that it was agreed that the lands etc in the possession of Jonathan Lee, Mary Gratton, William Ricket, John Hole, Jane Higginbotham, Arthur Cowley and John Crooke are to be sold and that Richard and William Bagshaw are to stand seised of the remainder to the use of Elizabeth Stuckley of St Martin in the Fields (Middlesex), widow, Henry Bourne of Spital, doctor in physick and James Mundy of the Inner Temple, gent., on trust to dispose of the rents and profits etc to the use and benefit of Dame Barbara and her children - 1728
15-16 - Settlement by lease and release by Dame Barbara Morgan upon her children Sir Talbot Clerke and Barbara Clerke, whereby she conveys to Timothy Fenton of London, gent., the manor and lordship of Tapton with Tapton Hall and the lands therewith enjoyed (80a), the capital messuage in Chesterfield known as Durant Hall with lands (30a), a messuage in Chesterfield a messuage and 4a land in the tenure of William Cowley, land at Tapton (8a), upon trust to the use of Elizabeth Stuckley, Henry Bourne and James Mundy for a term of 500 years, for the collection of the rents and profits of the lands to Dame Barbara, and upon the determination of the said term, to the use of Sir Talbot Clerks in tail general - for want of issue, to the use of Barbara Clerke in tail general - 1730
17 - Release by Henry Bourne to Dame Barbara Clerke of his right of pre-emption of Durant Hall - 1730
18-19 - Final concord between Richard Holling, William Battie, William Melmoth the younger and James Mundy, plaintiff, Barbara Clerke, spinster, deforciant, of the manor of Tapton, 3 messuages, 4 cottages, 5 barns, 6 stables, 5 gardens, 5 orchards, 25a arable, 25a meadow, 25a pasture, 40a moor and common of pasture and turbary in Tapton and Chesterfield. Consideration £300 - 1741
20 - Settlement upon the marriage of Barbara Clerke, spinster (only surviving child of Sir Talbot Clerke of Durant Hall, decd) and William Coxe, doctor in physick (only child of Samuel Coxe of London, haberdasher, decd., by Hannah Coxe his wife, daughter of Edward Belitha of Kingston upon Thames, Surrey, decd) - relating to lands in London, and Durant Hall, messuage and land (4 acres) in Chesterfield - 1741
21-22 - Lease and release by William Coxe to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary and surgeon, in consideration of £2000, of the manor and lordship of Tapton - Tapton Hall and 80 acres of land - Durant Hall and 30 acres of land - a messuage and 4 acres of land in Chesterfield - 1746
23-24 - Final concord between Adam Slater plaintiff and William Coxe and Martha his wife, deforciants of the manor of Tapton, 3 messuages, 4 cottages, 165 acres of land, etc barns, 6 stables, 5 gardens, 5 orchards, in Tapton and Chesterfield, in consideration of £320 - 1746
25 - Feoffment by George Jefferson of Waterthorpe, tanner, John Jefferson his son and heir apparent, George Inman of Chesterfield, glover, and George Inman the younger, his son and heir apparent, to George Taylor of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £27 19s paid to the Jeffersons and 12d each to the Inmans, of 4 lands (1a) in Gouldercliffe Field, in a close there called Swaddale, at Tapton, butting on the Chesterfield- Brimington road to the east and 10 short butts in the same field - 1654
25-54 - Inman estates at Tapton - 1654-1790
26-27 - Lease and release by Richard Bagshaw of Castleton, esq., and William Bagshaw of Chapel en le Frith, gent., at the direction of John Morgan and Dame Barbara his wife,to Samuel Inman of Chesterfield, grocer, in consideration of £650 of a messuage and watercorn mill (formerly 2 mills) at Tapton with closes therewith enjoyed (10 acres), viz. Square Close, Long Lands, Miln Close, Milngate, Overholme and Netherholme - 1729
28-29 - Lease and release by Richard and William Bagshaw to Samuel Inman, of a close at Newbold called Beastow Meadow alias. Wear Meadow (5a) - 1729
30 - Assignment of mortgage by Abigail Smith of Nether Handley, widow of Henry Smith, on the direction of Francis Milner of Staveley Netherthorpe yeoman, Richard Bagshaw, William Bagshaw, John Monk Morgan and Dame Barbara his wife, to Thomas Inman of Adwick upon Dearne, (Yorkshire), gent. in trust for Samuel Inman, to attend the inheritance - 1729
31-32 - Assignment of mortgage by Marmaduke Carver of Chesterfield, gent., on the direction of parties as T30, with the addition of Elizabeth Stukley, Henry Bourne and James Mundy, to Samuel Inman - 1729
33 - Assignment of mortgage by Francis Milner, on the direction of parties as T30, to Samuel Inman - 1729
34 - Mortgage in fee by Mary Inman of Chesterfield, spinster (one of the daughters and devisees of Samuel Inman decd.), to Frances Inman of Chesterfield, widow (her mother), in consideration of £200, of a fourth share in - a water corn mill at Tapton and closes thereto belonging - a close at Tapton called the Meadow - a messuage at Stanton in the Peak with barns, yard and closes called Carr Close, Shaws Carr, the two Emfurlong Closes, Ash Meadow, Rye Croft and Stoney Pingle - 1758
35-36 - Lease and release by Frances Inman to Robert Twyford of Stanton, Youlgreave, miner, trust for George Nuttall of Stanton, miner, in con- sideration of £200 paid by Nuttall, of a fourth part of premises at Tapton and Stanton, as T34 - 1762
37-38 - Final concord between George Evans, gent plaintiff and Thomas Lancaster and Frances his wife deforciants, of a fourth part of a messuage a barn, 3 stables, 1 water corn mill, 1 malt kiln, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 20a arable, 20a meadow and 20a pasture in Tapton. Consideration £60 - 1762
39 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine levied by Thomas Lancaster of Oxford Road, Marylebone, Middlesex, coachmaker and Frances his wife (daughter and devisee of Samuel Inman, grocer decd.) to George Evans of Grays Inn, gent., of a fourth part of a messuage at Tapton with a water corn mill, malt kiln, several closes of land and a meadow - 1762
40 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by Thomas Brown of Chesterfield, mercer, and Margaret his wife (a devisee under the will of Samuel Inman, decd.) to Robert Thornley of Chesterfield, gent ., of a fourth part of, a cottage, water corn mill and 3 closes (8a) at Tapton and a close of meadow at Newbold (4a) - 1763
41 - Final concord between Robert Thornley, plaintiff, and Thomas Browne and Margaret his wife, of a fourth part of 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 1 mill, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 6a land, 6a meadow and 12a pasture at Tapton and Newbold. Consideration £60 - 1763
42-43 - Lease and release by Thomas Lancaster of Holborn, Middlesex, coach builder, and Frances his wife, and George Evans (trustee) to William Blundell of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £320, of a fourth part of a messuage, water corn mill and several closes (9 ½ a) at Tapton and a close at Newbold called the Meadow with assignment by Lancaster to Blundell of property as in T34 - 1771
44-45 - Lease and release by William Blundell to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £346 5s of a fourth part of premises at Tapton, as T41-42, with assignment of mortgage, in consideration of £147 13s 4d., upon another fourth share of the premises - 1771
46 - Final concord between Adam Slater, plaintiff and Thomas Pyke and Mary his wife, deforciants of a fourth part of 2 messuages, 2 barns, 2 stables, 2 gardens, 2 orchards, 42 acres of land etc at Tapton and Newbold. Consideration £60 - 1781
47-48 - Lease and release by Thomas Pike of Chelsea, Middlesex, esq., and Mary his wife, to Adam Slater, in consideration of £159, of a fourth part of a messuage at Tapton with nearby building, late a water corn mill, and 9 ½a land and a close at Newbold called Baily Smithy Meadow - 1781
49 - Assignment by Robert Twyford of Stanton, miner, at the director of George Nuttall of Stanton, miner, to Jethro Turner of Chesterfield, breeches maker, in consideration of £200 paid to Nuttall by Mark Hewitt of Chesterfield, mercer, and Frances Jennings of Chesterfield, spinster, of a fourth part of a water corn mill and in the tenure of Edward Rickett at Tapton and several closes and a close at Newbold called the Meadow upon trusts, viz. one moiety to the use of Hewitt and one moiety to the use of Jennings - 1782
50 - Final concord between Francis Moore, plaintiff, and Mark Hewitt and Ann his wife, deforciants of and eighth part of premises as in T46. Consideration £60 - 1783
51-52 - Lease and release by Jethro Turner, Mark Hewitt and Frances Jennings, to Adam Slater, in consideration of £159 paid to Hewitt and Jennings, of a fourth part of a messuage and buildings etc at Tapton with closes called Square Close, Mill Close, Golder Cliffe Close and Mill Holme, and a close at Newbold called Bailey Smithy Meadow - 1783
53-54 - Lease and release by John Brown of Chesterfield, brazier (eldest son and heir at law of Thomas Brown, decd.) to Adam Slater, in consideration of £180, of a fourth part of , a messuage and a building lately used as a water corn mill with 9½a land at Tapton and Bailey Smithy Meadow at Newbold - 1790
55-56 - Lease and release by Sir Charles Skrymsher, and Elyanor Skrymsher, to John Revell of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £429 7s6d., of a close called Great Sidlin Field, (8a 3r 24p) a close called Latch Meadow (1a 2r 3p), a parcel at the side of Sidlin Field (1a 1r 36p), parts of Crow Lane Field (c5a) a parcel at the bottom of Sidlin Field (1a 1r 8p), parts of Meane Silver Ice (1a 3r 18p) all in Tapton - 1702
57 - Settlement upon the marriage of John Revell the younger, (son of John Revell the elder and Elizabeth his wife) and Barbara Bright, spinster (daughter of Anne Inman of Chesterfield, by her former husband John Bright of Dore decd.) whereby, in consideration of a marriage portion of £400, the Revells convey to John Bright of Chesterfield, merchant, and William Wigfall of Bramley, Leeds gent., closes at Tapton, viz. 8a 3r 24p in a close called Great Sidlin Field, a close called Latch Meadow (1a 2r 3p), a close taken out of the north side of Crow Lane Field (3a 2r 20p), a close at the side of Sidlin Field (1a 1r 36p) and a close at the foot of Sidlin Field (1a 1r 8p) - upon trusts - 1714
58 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine for barring estate tail, to be levied by John Revell of Chesterfield, mercer, to John Fidler of Chesterfield, butcher, of premises at Tapton (as T57), upon trust to the use of James Milnes the elder of Chesterfield, merchant, for a term of 500 years, as security for a mortgage for £80 - 1736
59-60 - Lease and release by John Revell of Chesterfield, gent. (son and heir of John Revell, decd.) to John Fidler of Chesterfield, butcher, in consideration of £164, of closes at Tapton: a close out of the north side of Crow Lane Field (4a 17p) and a close at the side of Sifflinfield (1a 2r 19p) - 1737
61 - Assignment by James Milnes of Chesterfield, merchant, at the direction of John Revell, to Thomas Fidler of Chesterfield, bachelor of arts, in trust for John Fidler, of a term of 500 years, in premises as T59-60, in trust to attend the inheritance - 1737
62 - Release by John Revell of Chesterfield, gent., to John Fidler of Chesterfield, butcher, in consideration of £380, of closes at Tapton: lands in Great Sidlinfield (8a 3r 24p) Latch Meadow(1a 2r 3p) and at the bottom of Great Siddlinfield (1a 1r 8p) - 1740
63 - Assignment of mortgage by Richard Milnes of Chesterfield, merchant (executor of the will of James Milnes, his father) on the direction of John Revell, to John Fidler, in consideration of£277 in trust for Thomas Fidler of Chesterfield, clerk - 1740
64 - Assignment of mortgage by Anthony Gallimore of Chesterfield, gent., on the direction of John Fidler, to William Ward of Killamarsh, gent., in consideration of £104 7s - 1761
65-66 - Lease and release by John Fidler of Chesterfield butcher (son, heir and devisee in fee of John Fidler, decd.) and Ann his wife, to William Ward of Killamarsh, gent, in consideration of £343 11s., of closes at Tapton, lands as in T59-60 and T62 - 1762
67-68 - Lease and release by William Ward and John Fidler to Robert Thornley of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £400 paid to Ward and £20 to Fidler, of closes at Tapton as in T59-60 and T62 - 1765
69 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years, by Robert Thornley to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., for £500, of premises at Tapton (as T67-68), with a barn lately erected on the close at the bottom of Sidlin Field - 1768
70 - Bond in £1000 by Robert Thornley to Adam Slater, for repayment of £520 - 1768
71-72 - Final concord between Adam Slater, plaintiff, and Robert Thornley and Isabella his wife, deforciants of 1 messuage, 1 barn, 1 stable, 1 curtilage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 20a arable, 10a meadow, and 10a pasture at Tapton. Consideration £60 - 1770
73 - Release by Robert Thornley and Isabella his wife, to Adam Slater, reciting T69 in consideration of £500 owing on the mortgage and of a further £700, of a newly erected dwelling house and barn etc. at the Sidlin at Tapton, and closes as T67-69 - 1771
74 - Feoffment by John Fox of Chesterfield, mason, to Hugh Croft of Tapton, fellmonger, in consideration of £40, of 2 cottages at Tapton and a parcel of land (1a) called the Crofte - 1696
75 - Mortgage by Hugh Crofte of Tapton, fellmonger, to William Downes of Rotherham, Yorkshire, fellmonger, of premises as T74 - 1700
76 - Assignment of mortgage by William Downes to Marmaduke Shipley of Wakefield, Yorkshire, wall dresser, upon estates as T74, in trust for Downes - 1716
77-78 - Lease and release by Hugh Croft to William Downes, in consideration of £60, of premises as T74 - 1716
79-80 - Lease and release by Williams Downes of Wakefield, gent., to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £60, of premises as T74 - 1756
81 - Bargain and sale by Hughe Crofte of Tapton, fellmonger, to Thomas Wade of Handley, yeoman, in consideration of £40, of a messuage known as Balm Oak with an adjoining croft of 1a - 1706
82 - Mortgage by Brailsford Hill of Chesterfield, saddler, to Bernard Lucas, Mayor of Chesterfield, in consideration of £100, of a messuage in Chesterfield, with shop and warehouse adjoining 2 doles of land at Tapton, called Bollom Oak and a cottage at Brimington - 1742
83 - Assignment of mortgage (as T82) by Bernard Lucas, on the direction of Brailsford Hill, to Francis Bagshaw of Chesterfield, yeoman, in consideration of £100 - 1746
84 - Mortgage by Brailsford Hill, to William Martin of Tinsley, Yorkshire, grocer, Thomas Wingfield of Chesterfield, grocer, and Elizabeth Gambles (ex- ecutors of Gregory Smith, decd.), in consideration of £100, of 2 doles called Bollom Oak and a cottage at Brimington - 1759
85-86 - Lease and release by Brailsford Hill and Elizabeth his wife, and by Daniel Hill of Chesterfield, flax dresser (their eldest son) to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £137 10s., of a cottage at Brimington and several doles at Tapton known as Bollom Oak - 1774
87 - Division between Dorothy Milnes of Chesterfield, spinster, and Jacob Brailsford of Brimington, gent., and Isabell his wife (late Isabell Milnes), of the estates of their brother William Milnes of Brimington, decd., with covenant to levy fine (estates recited) - 1719
88-89 - Settlement upon the marriage of William Milnes junior of Chesterfield, tanner, and Winifred Morton of Chesterfield, spinster - 20-21 Mar [1744]
90 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be levied by John Kay of Manchester, gent., and Elizabeth his wife (daughter and sole heir of William Milnes decd.) to Arthur Greenwollers of London, esq., of part of a capital messuage at Tapton etc. (as T88-89) with certain other messuages and 7/16 shares in messuages at the lower end of a square near the Market Place in Chesterfield, known as Nether Row or Swine Green and several closes at Chesterfield, adjoining Dowdeswell Close, with the buildings thereon - the estates to be acknowledged to Greenwollers to the use of Kay, for barring entails - 1773
91 - Final concord between Arthur Greenwollers, plaintiff, and John Kay and Elizabeth his wife deforciants, of 8 messuages, 4 cottages, 4 barns, 4 stables, 5 gardens, 4 orchards, 60a arable, 40a meadow, 40a pasture and 60a moor with 7/16 of 4 messuages, 3 barns, 2 stables and 1a arable, at Tapton, Brimington and Chesterfield - 1773
92 - Deed of exchange between Richard Milnes of Chesterfield, doctor, and John Kay of Manchester, gent.- (i) Kay to have a messuage at Tapton, Pond Close, the Pingle and a moiety of Steel Croft (total 1a 3r), (ii) Milnes to have a close called Little Pingle, a moiety of Horse Paddock and a courtyard before his house (total 1a 3r) - 1774
93 - Lease and release by John Kay to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £1000, of Oldfield Close, 2a 3r in Mean Wheat Lands, the Pingle, Long Wheat Hill, Petty Close, 6a in Upper and Nether Intacks, 1a in Tree Close, Steel Croft, Pond Close and Pingle at Tapton and Brimington - 1774
94 - Number not used
95-96 - Lease and release by William Milnes of Netherthorpe, Staveley, gent., to Godfrey Heathcote of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £15, of a moiety of a dole of meadow, consisting of 2 lands, lying in a close at Tapton called Bateman's Oldfield - 1754
97-98 - Lease and release by Henry Bourne of Spital, bachelor in physick, and Sarah his wife, in consideration of £15, of a moiety of a dole of meadow - 1754
99-100 - Exchange between Godfrey Heathcote and Adam Slater - (i) Slater to have a farm at Tapton known as Oldfield Farm with closes known as Great Barn Close, Little Barn Close, Little Oldfield by Wett Lands Gate, Great Near Oldfield, Great Far Oldfield, Pitt Close, Little Dryhurst, a dole (2r 3p) in Wett Lands and a dole (3r 6p) in Taylors Oldfield - total 68a 17p (ii) Heathcote to have at Hasland known as White Banks, consisting of 4 closes (20a 12p) and to receive £1000 from Slater - 1771
101 - Copy release by Gervase Gardiner of Chesterfield, gent., and Thomas Clarke of Chesterfield, mercer, to Joshua Jebb of Chesterfield, hosier, in consideration of £1200, of closes at Tapton and Brimington known as Goul Close, Little and Great Kings Orchard, Hanging Bank, Bank Closes, Great Meadow with the barn, stable and corn chamber, Green Close and 2 doles in Baily's Smithy Close (total 55a) - 1759
101-103 - Jebb estates at Tapton - 1759-1771
102-103 - Lease and release by Joshua Jebb of Tapton, esq., to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., of a messuage and lands at Brimington and Tapton, in consideration of £1213 and a piece of land called Gould Close - - 1771
104 - Feoffment by Ann Dickens of Chesterfield, widow, to George Taylor of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £3, of a little piece of meadow, called a burgaship, whereon a burgage tenement once stood, lying in a close adjoining Tapton Lane, near Chesterfield - 1654
105 - Quitclaim by Thomas Stubbings, son of Godfrey Stubbinge of Whittington, yeoman, to George Taylor (in performance of covenants in an indenture of 13 Sep 1648 of all his title etc. to a messuage in Chesterfield, adjoining Hollywell Gate towards the west, with the 3 adjoining messuages, a croft or orchard (1r 4p), 4 lands (1a 1r 3p) in Crowlane Field at Tapton and 2 lands in Meane Gouldercliffe Field in Tapton, at a place called Swadale - 1655
106 - Feoffment by Samuel Taylor of Oldcoates (Nt.), esq., to George Taylor, in consideration of £2,200, of a messuage in Chesterfield with malt-houses, gardens etc. with several closes including Silver Yce (5a), Blake Pitts (16a), Cooper Wett Landes with 4 lands on the south side of Wett Landes Lane (7a) Dobbing Cloughs (18a), Meane Silver Ice (1a), a moiety of a close at the head of Crow Lane Field (1a), Great Wett Landes (12 acres), Lach Meadow (14a), Wett Landes (2a) Little Wett Landes, (4a), 2 lands in Common Wett Landes(1a), a parcel in the Little Intake (1a), part of 2 closes called Pitty Closes and land in Meane Sidling field with closes at the head of Meane Sidlingfeild, parcels of land in Crowlane Field (3a 3r), Two Little Sidlings and land in a close taken out of Crowlane field (9a) all in Tapton and Brimington and closes at Boythorpe called Great White Banks - 1657
107 - Final concord between John Lobley, clerk, Thomas Gillot and Elizabeth his wife, John Gillot and Joshua Arnold, plaintiffs and Thomas Dowker, Richard Somersall and Elizabeth his wife and Martin Wostenholme and Mary his wife, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 30a arable, 5a meadow, 10a pasture and common of pasture in Tapton and Whittington. Consideration £100 - 1692
108 - Feoffment by William Lamb of Derby and Anne his wife, to Thomas Gladwin of Chesterfield, of 2 little pingles known as Coate Pingles at Tapton - 1709
109 - Lease for possession by Thomas Handley of Great Marlow, Bucks, gent. and Samuel Handley, citizen and ironmonger of London, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary and surgeon, of closes at Tapton known as Silver Rice and Walk Mill Close (5a each), a close at Chesterfield called Stone Gravels Close and farms at Eyam - 1749
110 - Feoffment by Richard Milnes of Chesterfield, doctor, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £15, of a close at Tapton called the Little Butts (1r) - 1768
111 - Final concord between Richard Berisford, professor of theology, and John Stuffin, plaintiff and Thomas Brailsford, deforciant of 1 messuage, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 60a arable, 30a meadow and 80a pasture at Seignor. Consideration £160 - 1668
112-113 - Mortgage by Thomas Brailsford of Seanor, Ault Hucknall, gent., to William Ramsden of Hull merchant, for £350, of all that farm called Seignor alias Seinor - 1673
114-115 - Mortgage by Thomas Brailsford and John his son, to Godfrey Bright of Staveley Woodthorpe, gent., for £150, of a dwelling house at Ault Hucknall called Woodhead, with adjoining barn, a croft (2a 3r), half the herbage of Timberlane, 3 closes known as Dove Coate Close, Longspring Topp and Long Spring (13 acres 2r 62p) and a parcel called Woodholt (1a) adjacent to Long Spring, all near Seanor - 1698
116 - Lease for possession by Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., and William Price of London, oil man, (trustees and devisees under the will of Cornelius Farr of Bolsover, decd.) to Richard Slater of Chesterfield, mercer, of the capital messuage, called Seanor mansion house and farm including several closes containing 53a 1r 22p farm called Woodhead with croft adjoining (2a 3r), Fur Toothill (9a 1r 14p), Middle Toothill (7a 20p.), the Wood under Toothill (4a 5p), Wingmill Hill (7a 2p) Spring Close (11 3r), Broad Meadow (12 acres 34p closes called Docecote Close, Long Spring Top and Long Spring (13 acres 3r 22p), Wood Holt (1a), the Over Part of Long Pit Field (5a 3r 21p), Broad Pit Field alias Cole Pit Field (6a 3r 11p), Pit Field alias Little Pit Field (4a 25p), the Nether Part of Long Pit Field (5a 2r 31p) - 1754
117-118 - Final concord between Richard Slater, plaintiff and Adam Slater and William Price, deforciants of 3 messuages, 4 barns, 3 stables, 3 gardens, 3 orchards, 70a arable, 30a meadow, 90a pasture and common of pasture at Seanor. Consideration £160 - 1754
119 - Lease and release by Adam Barker Slater of Chesterfield, esq., (eldest son of Adam Slater, decd) to Thomas Gratton of St Leonards, Shoreditch, Middlesex, corn dealer, in consideration of £2,100, of a capital messuage etc at Ault Hucknall, known as Seaynor House, the Fold and House Croft (2a 2r 8p), Calf Croft, (8a 1r 10p), Barn Croft (5a 6p), Long Close(4a 1r 16p), Great Oat Close (9a 16p), Little Oat Close (6a 35p), Little Broad Meadow (3a 2r 30p), Long Broad Meadow (4a 3r 30p), the Land (3a1r 20p), closes at North Wingfield called Locco Close (6a 1r 3p) the Orchard below Seaynor House (1a 37p) and Kettle Croft (3a 2r 37p) - 1808
120 - Lease for possession by George Ellis of Higham, maltster and Esther his wife, and Hannah, Lydia and Mary Tomlinson of Chesterfield, spinsters, to Thomas Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary, of 2 closes at Boythorpe, formerly parcel of Well - Boythorpe, and a newly erected building - 1703
121 - Copy will of John Newham of Staveley Forge, devising, inter alia, to his son John, all his land known as Robin Brooks and the Holmes at Eckington and devising the residue of his estates at Eckington and Brimington to his son Roger - 1739
122-123 - Lease and release by Roger Newham of Staveley Forge, gent., to Gervase Gardiner of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £80, of a messuage and appurtenances at Brimington with a close of meadow called the Pingle (3r) and 2 lands in Town Field (2r) - 1754
124 - Copy will of Gervase Gardiner, devising all his real estate to his wife Elizabeth - 1760
125 - Copy will of Elizabeth Gardiner, devising, inter alia, all her real estate at Hasland, Boythorpe, Brimington and Whittington, to John Woodyeare and Rev John Bourne as tenants in common - 1774
126-127 - Lease and release by John Woodyeare of Conisborough, Yorkshire, esq., and Rev John Bourne of Spital, clerk, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £550, of a messuage at Brimington with closes known as Broad Meadow and West Meadow (total 9a 2r) and Tostley Holme (5a 3r) - 1776
128-129 - Lease and release by John Hudson of Bessingby, Yorkshire esq., to Adam Slater, in consideration of £2,550, of 2 dwelling houses at Brimington with the farms thereto belonging (91a) and a field or meadow called Nether Greaves (4a) - 1769
130 - Bargain and sale by Gervays Eyre of Keeton, Yorkshire, and Anthony Eyre of Rampton, Nottinghamshire, his son and heir, to Francys Allwood of Sutton in le Dale, in consideration of £23 6s 8d,. of a close called Lytle Meadowe near Chesterfield - 1615
131 - Feoffment by Francis Allwood of Sutton in le Dale, yeoman, to Francis Clay of Hille, p North Wingfield, yeoman, for £23 6s 8d., of the Little Meadowe - 1634
132 - Feoffment by William Clay of Hillhouses, yeoman, to George Taylor of Chesterfield, in consideration of £28 10s., of the Little Meadow - 1650
133 - Feoffment by Thomas Forthe of Chesterfield, gent. and William Newton of Chesterfield, gent., to George Taylor, in consideration of £40, of a close at Chesterfield known as Bottome Meadow Close (1a 2r), sometime parcel of the lands of the dissolved Guild of the Blessed Mary and Holy Cross of Chesterfield, and lying adjacent to Durant Meadow - 1652
134 - Release by Jonathan Slater of Chesterfield, butcher, to Thomas Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary, in consideration of £240, of a messuage in Church Lane, Chesterfield, with malthouse, a cottage nearby, a close at Tapton called Silver Rice and a close called Walke Mill Close (total 5a) - 1704
135-136 - Copy lease and release by William Bateman of Derby, gent., and Ann his wife, to Gervase Gardiner of Chesterfield, gent., in consideration of £400, of a messuage in Chesterfield, a messuage adjoining the new hay chamber and stable of the said messuage, a close at Newbold, known as the Meadow alias Watkinsons Meadow alias Batemans Meadow (4a) - 1743
137 - Copy assignment of mortgage by Thomas Sutton of Damm House, Leigh, Lancashire, gent., on the direction of William Bateman, to Richard Calton the younger, in consideration of £400 already paid to Bateman by Gervase Gardiner (see T135-136), of a messuage in Knivesmith Gate, with stable, hayloft, malthouse etc, another messuage in Knivesmith Gate and parcels of land (4½a) lying near closes called Watkinsons Meadows, Chesterfield in trust for Gardiner - 1744
138 - Final concord between John Rodger, plaintiff, and Henry Bourne and Sarah his wife, deforciants, of 3a arable, 3a meadow, 3a pasture and common of pasture in Chesterfield. Consideration £60 - 1754
139-140 - Lease and release by John Rodgers of Chesterfield, carrier, and Hannah his wife, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £400, of a close at Chesterfield, called Dobbs Croft (4a), except one dole belonging to the Duke of Devonshire - 1776
141 - Final concord between Adam Slater, plaintiff and John Rodgers and Hannah his wife deforciants of 4a arable 4a meadow, 4a pasture and common of pasture and turbary in Chesterfield. Consideration £60 - 1766
142 - Final concord between Francis Pole, Paul Webster, John Sprentall and Jonathan Slater, plaintiff, and William Crawshawe and Grace his wife, George Rudgate and Dorothy his wife, John Hardie and Ann his wife, John Rotherham and Elizabeth his wife, Joseph Rotheram and Hestar his wife, and Pathamelis Brough and Theodosia his wife, deforciants, of messuages, 3 cottages, 10a arable, 6a meadow and 6a pasture at Killamarsh. Consideration £100 - 1700
143 - Feoffment by Reginald Thorpe of Holmesfield, yeoman, and William Thorpe of Dronfield Woodhouse, yeoman, to James Gratton of Newbold, yeoman, in consideration of £44, of a close and an adjoining pingle at Lockerforth, Newbold - 1685
144-145 - Lease and release by Isabell Fox of Hilltop, Brampton, widow, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary, of a close called Lockerforth Meadow(3a) - 1742
146 - Feoffment by Mary Jenings of London, widow, and Thomas Jenings, her son and heir, to Jonathan Slater of Chesterfield, butcher, in consideration of £58 7s 6d., of closes at Newbold, the Acre (a 1r), two parcels in a mean close called Short Crofts (2a 1r), and a parcel at the lower end of Short Crofts (1r) - 1675
147-148 - Lease and release by Elizabeth Gardiner of Chesterfield, widow of Gervase Gardiner, to Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., in consideration of £250, of a parcel of land at Newbold called Watkinsons Meadow alias Batemans Meadow - 1765
149 - Final concord between Thomas Slater, Edward Cowlishaw, Charles Alsopp and Arthur Fidler, plaintiff and Samuel Wyld and Mary his wife, John Flint and Anne his wife, James Stoppard and Sarah his wife and John Milward and Elianor his wife, deforciants of 2 messuages, 3 barns, 70a arable, 6a meadow and 20a pasture at Northedge. Consideration £120 - 1700
150-151 - Assignment by Adam Slater of Chesterfield, esq., to Robert Leacroft of Wirksworth, gent.,in consideration of £1,904 15s 8d paid by Mary and Miriam Leacroft of Wirksworth, spinsters, in settlement of a mortgage, of a messuage called the Hill at Upper Alderley with closes known as Bent Field, Bent Field Meadow, the two Caperstone Bridges, Burnt Earths, Pease Field, Rushy Field, the Heath, Lay Field, Back of Thomas's, Little Hyles, Great Hyles, Intack, Marled Earths, Further New Hay, Nearer New Hay, New Meadow, Nether Field, Brook Croft, the Moor and Hump Yard (total 70a), also another messuage at Over Alderley with a close taken from the common, called Mr Birtles Acre (1a by Cheshire measure) and a parcel of land at Henbury cum Pexall (18a by Cheshire measure), divided into 3 closes called Great Wood for the residue of a mortgage term of 1000 years in trust for Mary and Miriam - 1755
152-153 - Deed of partition between Adam Slater of Chesterfield, apothecary, Thomas Slater of Wakefield, Yorkshire, apothecary, and Ann Slater of Chesterfield, spinster, of estates at Boythorpe, Northedge and Tapton - 1735
154-155 - Settlement upon the marriage of Adam Slater and Eleanor Barker, daughter of Rev William Barker, Dean of Raphoe, Ireland, decd. whereby Slater conveys to Alexander Barker of Edensor, esq (Eleanor's uncle) and Thomas Slater of Chesterfield gent., the manor and lordship of Tapton with Tapton Hall and 52a land at Tapton and Brimington, 2 cottages at Tapton with closes known as the Croft cottages at Tapton with closes known as the Croft and Bollom Oak, a newly erected messuage with barn and other outbuildings at Sidlins, Tapton, with 40a land, a messuage at Tapton called Oldfield with 65a 2r land, a fourth part of a messuage and 8½a land at Tapton, a messuage at Tapton with 20a land, messuage at Tapton with 26a land, all other the estate of Slater at Tapton (except Gould Close), a messuage at Walton known as Stoneyhay Farm with 40a land, upon trust to the use of Slater for life and then to the use of Eleanor for life after her decease, all estates at Tapton to the eldest son and estates at Chesterfield at Walton to Slater's heirs - 24-25 Mar 1780
156 - Deed to lead the uses of a fine to be acknowledged by Adam Slater to Richard Slater, of the manor and lordship of Tapton with Tapton Hall and land as described below - 10 Jun 1786