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D1326 - Shardlow Parish Council (from 1894), including Vestry of Parish of Shardlow St James - 1715-1992
P - Maps and plans - 1757-1938
PC - Parish Council - 1894-1992
PEF - Parochial Schools - 1810-1865
PF - Charities - 1716-1915
PM - Parish Meetings - 1798-1893
PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1695-1923
1 - Town Book for Wilne and Shardlow: accounts of the Overseers, Constables, and Surveyors, and occasional Churchwardens’ accounts - 1756-1806
2 - Town Book for Wilne and Shardlow containing Overseers’ accounts. Pasted inside is a resolution of Shardlow, Draycott, Sawley and Worthington to build a House of Industry (12 Nov 1811) - 1806-1829
3 - Town Book of Wilne and Shardlow containing Overseers’ accounts - 1829-1846
4 - Overseers’ account book - 1848-1867
5 - Overseers’ account - 1800-1801
6 - Paupers’ ledger - 1822-1837
7-28 - Overseers’ balance sheets: half years ending from 30 Sep 1909-30 Sep 1913, 30 Sep 1915-30 Sep 1918 and 30 Sep 1919-31 Mar 1922 - 1909-1922
29 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1800
30 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1801
31 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1803
32 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1815
33 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1815
34 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1816-1817
35 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1817
36 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1818
37 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1818
38 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1819
39 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1819 - 1821
40 - Poor rate assessments/levy book - 1822
41 - 2 loose sheets found in PO 40, concerning levies due 23 Mar 1822 - 1822
42 - Detailed poor rate valuation book - 1852
43 - Poor rate valuation map [FRAGILE - HANDLE WITH CARE] - 1852
44-51 - Correspondence and other papers regarding the poor rate payable by the Trent and Mersey Canal Company in Shardlow - 1800-1833
52 - Typescript note on history of Trent and Mersey Canal
53-54 - Two letters regarding the poor rate payable on the Union Workhouse at Shardlow - 1844
55 - Letter explaining the poor rate in Loughborough - 1844
56-62 - Correspondence regarding the valuation of 1851 (see PO 42-43) - 1851
63-116 - Settlement certificates - 1699-1815
117-143 - Settlement examinations - 1729-1860
144-182 - Removal orders - 1720-1866
183-190 - Miscellaneous settlement orders - 1812-1861
191-192 - Brief of Churchwardens and Overseers of Wilne and Shardlow in a case of Quarter Sessions regarding the removal of John Gascoine from Shardlow to Kingston on Soar (Nottinghamshire), with copy - 1805
193 - Case paper – settlement of John Johnson - 1826
194-223 - Correspondence about settlement cases - 1776-1863
224-233 - Bills relating to settlement cases - 1772-1825
234 - Bastardy examination: Jane Browne – having a child by Job Towle, - [c1719]
235 - Bastardy examination: Mary Gaskell – having a child by John Barker, 1812 - 1812
236-252 - Bastardy bonds - 1695-1815
253 - Filiation order – David Garner, for a female bastard child by Esther Wall - 1830
254-258 - Warrants to arrest putative fathers - 1800-1812
259 - Order to remove putative father – Geo Wright from Newton (Leicestershire) - 1718
260 - Register of parish apprentices - 1805-1809
261-265 - Apprenticeship indentures - 1796-1807
266-269 - Cottages for the Poor: Handbill advertising sale of 15 freehold cottages at Shardlow - 1823
270 - Cottages for the Poor: Small plan of lots 4 and 5 - 1823
271-272 - Cottages for the Poor: Particulars and conditions of sale of the 15 cottages - 1823
273-274 - Cottages for the Poor: Abstracts of title of the trustees for the township of Shardlow and Wilne to the cottages purchased for the use of the poor - 1823
275 - Cottages for the Poor: Letter on abandonment of purchase of cottages, William Edwards to William Goodwin - 1823
276- - Cottages for the Poor: Lease by Leonard Fosbrooke to the Trustees of 23 cottages, with agreement to sell to William Charles Flack - 1823
278-279 - Lists of cottages for the poor - c1823
280 - Cottages for the Poor: Solicitor’s bill (Mr Edwards), with receipt attached - 1823-1824
281 - Cottages for the Poor: Cottage rental - 1823
282-288 - Cottages for the Poor: Notices to quit - 1823-1824
289 - Cottages for the Poor: Letter concerning attempt to distrain on a tenant for rent, Thomas L Greaves to the Overseers - 1824
290 - Cottages for the Poor: Arrears of cottage rents - 1827
291 - Cottages for the Poor: Notice from James Sutton to the other trustees to put the cottages in tenantable repair and surrender them to him, following the death of Leonard Fosbrooke - 1830
292 - Cottages for the Poor: Memorandum of dimensions of two cottages - 1844
293 - Shardlow House of Industry: An act for the better relief and employment of the poor [printed] - 1780-1781
294 - Letter from Henry Cowlishaw, Overseers of Shardlow to the Governor of Ashover Poor House: the Shardlow House of Industry is now built and the parish no longer wishes to subscribe to the Ashover Workhouse, 3 Oct - 1812
295 - Shardlow House of Industry: Resolution of public meeting to adopt all the provisions of the act of 1780/81, 8 Jan - 1812
296-312 - Monthly reports of the Shardlow House of Industry - 1833-1834
313- - Shardlow Union: Two quarterly abstracts of accounts, ending 25 Mar and 23 Sep - 1844
315 - Copyhold surrender, manor of Sawley, by Thomas Newton to the use of the Overseers of Shardlow of a dwelling house and garden in Draycott, in consideration of £25, 15 May - 1780
316 - Agreement between the inhabitants of Shardlow not to hire servants for more than 50 weeks, 4 Dec - 1789
317 - List of inhabitants of Shardlow and Wilne - 1800
318 - List of inhabitants of Shardlow not parishioners - [19th cent]
319 - List of inhabitants of Shardlow and Wilne - [19th cent]
320 - Note of supposed expenses of removing paupers in Jan - 1809
321 - Notice for claims of exemption from assessment (unused) - 1820
322 - Bill to the Overseer from J Jones, surgeon, for visits and medicines - 1823
323-324 - Appointments of Overseers – William Goodwin and Thomas Moore - 1825
325 - Application from Michael Jones, surgeon to attend sick paupers - 1827
326-335 - Returns of deaths to the Overseers of Shardlow - 1910-1913
336 - Notice of intention to transfer ale-house licence for the Canal Tavern, Thomas Hardinge to Joseph Taylor - 1913
337 - Shardlow Union and Rural Sanitary Authority Collectors: Collecting and deposit book, special expenses rate for Shardlow and Wilne (Rural Sanitary Authority) - 1895-1911
338-339 - Shardlow Union and Rural Sanitary Authority Collectors: Collecting and deposit books for Shardlow(Shardlow Union), 1907-1914, 1914-1921 - 1907-1921
340-346 - Shardlow Union and Rural Sanitary Authority Collectors: Monthly statement books 1912-1914, 1914-1916, 1916-1918, 1918-1919, 1919-1920, 1921-1922 and 1922-1923 - 1912-1923
347- - Poor rate valuation lists 1887, 1890, 1893, 1897, 1900, 1903, 1906 [Fragile – unfit for public consultation until repaired] - 1887-1906
354- - Poor rate books 1909-1911, 1915-1922 - 1909-1922
369- - Special Expenses rate books 1920-1923 - 1920-1923
374-375 - Sanitary rate books 1907, 1910 - 1907-1910
PP - Constable - 1825-1858
PS - Surveyors of the Highways - 1825-1828
PW - Churchwardens’ correspondence - 1824-1828
PZ - Miscellaneous - 1748-1957
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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