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D1326 - Shardlow Parish Council (from 1894), including Vestry of Parish of Shardlow St James - 1715-1992
P - Maps and plans - 1757-1938
PC - Parish Council - 1894-1992
PEF - Parochial Schools - 1810-1865
1 - Rules of the Shardlow School opening on 6 Aug 1810 - 1810
2-3 - Plans of the schoolroom drawn up by Edward Furniss, 1810 - 1810
4-5 - Rough balance sheets, 1811-1826 - 1811-1826
6-11 - Letters and note on payment of subscription, 1825-1839 - 1825-1839
12-34 - Letters of application and testimonials for position of schoolmaster - 1839
35-37 - Minutes of meetings of the School Committee, 3 May, 22 and 27 Jun 1839 - 1839
38-40 - Notices of re-opening of Shardlow Boys’ Day School, together with a copy of the revised rules, 13 May 1839 - 1839
41 - List of subscriptions towards repairs to the school and supply of books, Nov 1839 - 1839
42 - List of subscriptions, Aug 1841 - 1841
43 - Letter of John Allen concerning forwarding of papers on school, 20 Jan 1842 - 1842
44 - Samuel Cresswell’s letter of resignation of the mastership, 8 Jul 1842 - 1842
45-49 - Letters of recommendation, Jul 1842 and notice of appointment of Samuel Ackersley of Ashbourne as the new schoolmaster, 4 Aug 1842 - 1842
50 - Letter to J Clifford on valuation of equipment, 13 Jan 1843 - 1843
51 - Notice of decision of the schools committee to provide accommodation for the schoolmistress in the master’s house, Jun 1851 - 1851
52-55 - Correspondence of James Clifford relating to use of school equipment and subscriptions, Oct 1815-Apr 1854 - 1854
56 - William Howitt’s letter of resignation as schoolmaster, 11 Jun 1855 - 1855
57-61 - Correspondence of W C Soresby and James Clifford on schoolmaster, examinations and other topics, Jun 1855-Jun 1856 - 1856
62 - T Chamber’s letter of resignation as schoolmaster, 4 May 1857 - 1857
63 - Circular letter from the Committee of Council on Education about examinations, 17 Nov 1858 - 1858
64 - E Henshaw’s letter of resignation as schoolmistress of Shardlow Girls’ School, 27 Jul 1859 - 1859
65-74 - Correspondence following the resignation of Miss Henshaw, 30 Jul-10 Oct 1859 - 1859
75 - Report on Boys’ and Girls’ schools by HM Inspector, 31 Oct 1859 - 1859
76 - Letter from Jeanette Soresby to James Clifford on the ill health of her brother, 22 Apr 1860 - 1860
77 - Letter from Education Department to W C Soresby on proposed presentation of Mr Martin for examination, 7 Aug 1860 - 1860
78-84 - Correspondence with Lord Harrington over his donation to the Parish School, 16-17 Feb 1861 - 1861
85 - Letter to the Committee of Council on Education requesting assistance with replenishing books for the school, 9 Mar 1861 - 1861
86 - Letter to the executors of the late Lord Harrington requesting the subscription of his lordship to be maintained, 20 Feb 1863 - 1863
87-92 - Further correspondence on the Harrington subscription, 20 May-17 Jun 1863 - 1863
93-94 - Correspondence on closure of school by Miss Kate Roberts, 11-12 Jan 1865 - 1865
95-100 - Further correspondence on the Harrington subscription, 16-24 Jun 1865 - 1865
101-102 - Printed rules of the Boys’ and Girls’ schools, 1851 - 1851
103-331 - Bundle of bills and receipts, Shardlow Parochial School (boys only from 1850) - 1824-1861
332 - Resolution of managing committee to build a new school, 1847, with record of subscriptions paid to 20 Apr 1849 - 1849
333 - Note of expense of new building
334 - Letter from Mr M Jones, complaining on being asked for money towards the school subscription when a poor man, 12 Jun 1847 - 1847
335-379 - Subscription receipts, letters and lists - 1847-1850
380 - Correspondence and bills on fitting of girls school by Mr Roberts, 1850 - 1850
384-406 - Subscription letters, receipts and lists, 1850-1864 - 1850-1864
407 - Notebook containing a list of subscribers to Shardlow Bells, 1842, and accounts of Shardlow Girls’ School, 1850-1865 - 1842-1865
408-411 - Notes found in PEF 407
412-698 - Bills and receipts, Girls’ School - 1850-1866
699-714 - Mary Ann Stroud, headmistress of the Girls’ School accounts with the school committee - 1850-1857
715-821 - Shardlow Girls’ School correspondence, mainly applications for the post of headmistress and associated papers - 1849-1861
822 - Draft memorandum of an agreement between Mary Ann Stroud, schoolmistress, and the National Schools, Shardlow, 29 Dec 1849 - 1849
823 - Census return, Shardlow Parochial School - 1851
824 - List of scholars sent to the Girls’ School, 20 Sep - 1851
825-826 - List of subscriptions to the erection of Castle Donington parish schools, with letter, 26 Jul - 1852
827 - Rules of Shardlow Parochial Girls’ School, 1851, amended 1857 - 1857
828 - Suggestions for the Girls’ School made by HMI - 1857
829 - Draft advertisement for schoolmistress, 29 Aug 1859 - 1859
830 - Memorandum of an agreement between Sarah Jeays, headmistress, and the Committee of the Parochial schools, 23 Sep 1859 - 1859
831 - As PEF 829 - 1860
832-874 - Committee of Council on Education circulars and correspondence (Boys’ School), including recommended book list, c1850 (PEF 839-840), and manuals on classroom lay-out and apparatus (PEF 855-857) - 1846-1861
875-904 - Committee of Council on Education papers relating to the examination of pupil teachers at Shardlow Parochial School - 1848-1860
905-907 - Pupil-teachers’ apprenticeship indentures - 1852-1856
908-912 - Samuel Ackersley’s certificates from Glasgow University for attendance of classes in humanities, public logic and Greek - 1823-1824
913-938 - Bills and receipts, building of new infants’ school, including subscription list (PEF 937) - 1891-1894
939-940 - Two agreements for the employment of teachers - 1930-1938
941-948 - Correspondence with Derbyshire Education Committee about defects at Shardlow Parochial Schools - 1938
949-1000 - Derbyshire Education Committee circulars - 1938-1941
1001-1002 - Miscellaneous papers, comprising correspondence quotations, estimates on school alterations, 1937-1938, correspondence on complaints, 1942 and draft accounts, 1939-1942 - 1937-1942
PF - Charities - 1716-1915
PM - Parish Meetings - 1798-1893
PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1695-1923
PP - Constable - 1825-1858
PS - Surveyors of the Highways - 1825-1828
PW - Churchwardens’ correspondence - 1824-1828
PZ - Miscellaneous - 1748-1957
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