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Collapse D1235 - Edensor, Brereton and Callingwood families - 1603-1826D1235 - Edensor, Brereton and Callingwood families - 1603-1826
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1 - Volume of “various old receipts, bonds, agreements wills, memorandums etc, chiefly relating to Hartington and Cronksden”, Derbyshire - 17th cent
2a - Receipts to Edward Brereton for rent due to the Crown for a house in Buxton - 1640-1650
2b - Receipt by Richard Edensor of Hartington to Edward Edensor for a legacy of £30 left him by Edward Brereton. - 1657
3a - Receipt by Thomas Milwards to Edward Brereton for £25 in part of £385 as a fine for Brereton Farm als. Hyde Farm. - 1651
3b - Receipt by William Windle to Edward Brereton for £10.10s for arrears of rent. - 1651
3c - Agreement between William Wetton, Max Petty and John Hedges, on behalf of Henry Marten of Becket, Berkshire, lord of the manor of Hartington, and Edward Brereton of Hartington, yeoman. Brereton to have Hide Farme, which he now occupies, for 21 years at £12 p.a; Brereton to pay £140 upon the sealing of the lease and £140 on the 29 September next. 5 Apr - 1650
4 - Notes on documents on p.3 of volume - 19th cent
5 - Notes on documents on p.6 of volume with pedigrees of Brereton, Middleton and Edensor families
6a - Receipt by John Taiye to William Harrison for £21 for a year’s rent of Cronkston Grange, due to the Countess of Devonshire. - 1630
6b - Agreement between Thomas Coke, William Wright, Thomas Gladwin and Humphry Pode, commissioners on behalf of William, Earl of Devonshire, and Edward Brereton, Edward Edensor, John Needham, William Sleigh and John Froggatt. The Earl of Devonshire to make a lease to Edensor of that part of Cronkston Grange now in Edensor’s possession, for 21 years; Edensor to pay the Earl £50 before May Day next as a fine and £21 p.a. rent; the same agreement made with Needham and Sleigh, for their part of Cronkston Grange; agreed with Froggatt for a lease to him of that part of Cronkston Grange known as Tom Fields, for 21 years upon a fine of £5 and a rent of 50s a year. 7 Mar 1647/8 - 1648
6c - Receipt for £7 received from Edward Brereton and William Middleton, of Hartington, for the first part of their yearly revenue of £20, part of their personal estate, according to the ordinance of Parliament. - 1644
6d - Receipt to Edward Edensor of Cronkston Grange for £3, the first part of his yearly revenue of £20 of his personal estate, according to the ordinance of Parliament. - 1644
6e - Receipt for £18 received of Edward Edensor, for rent and arrears for his tenement in Cronkston due to the Earl of Devonshire - 1653
7a-d - Receipts to Edward Edensor for payment of rent to Earl of Devonshire, for Edensor’s part of Cronkston Grange. - 1661-1668
8 - Notes on documents on p7 of volume - 19th cent
9 - Notes on documents on p10 of volume - 19th cent
10a - Bond in £120 by Edward Edensor of Cronkston, yeoman, to John Moorwood of Staden, gent. Whereas William Edensor of Hartington, yeoman, has married Hannah, daughter of William Norton, late of Staden, decd. and has received a competent sum of money as her marriage portion, if William shall die, leaving no issue of the bodies of him and Hannah, Edward is to pay Hannah, £60 within 2 months of William’s death. [see also D1235/Z/33d] 18 Mar 1668/9 - 1669
10b - Receipt to George Bircomshire for £2. 10 s paid by the appointment of Edward Edensor of Cronkston Grange. - 1685
10c - Bond in £80 by William Foxlowe of Chesterfield, schoolmaster, to Edward Edensor of Cronkston Grange, yeoman, for the performance by Ellen Edensor of Chesterfield, widow, of the award and arbitration by Robert Dale of Parwich and George Bircomshire of Ashbourne. 9 Jul - 1685
10d - Receipt by William Ferne for £100 received of Edward Edensor of Cronkston Grange, [see D1235/Z/11a] - 1686
11a - Bonds in £200 by Edward Edensor of Cronkston Grange, yeoman, to William Ferne of Heathcote p Hartington, yeoman. Whereas Ferne has married Jane, daughter of Edward and Edward has paid Ferne £100 as part of her marriage portion, that Edensor shall give Ferne as great a marriage portion as he shall give to any of his other children (the above £100 being discounted). 8 Oct - 1687
11b - Bond in £380 by Edward Edensor of Staden, yeoman to John Edensor of Hartington, for the devise by Edward, in his last will, to John of £100 to be paid within one month of his death., for William Edensor, father of Edward, to allow John peaceable possession of his lands at Hartington and for performance by Edward of agreements in indentures of even date. 17 Sept - 1711
12 - Notes on documents on p11 of volume - 19th cent
13 - Notes on documents on p14 of volume - 19th cent
14a-e - Receipts by John Callingwood to his cousin William Edensor for payment of rent for lands at Buxton and Hartington. - 1668-1675
15a - Receipts of John Lowe for 6s paid by John Callingwood of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, as a year’s rent for Raphe Baxter’s house in Uttoxeter - 1658
15b - Receipt for payment by John Callingwood of £1.11.11 ¾ d. rent for his farm, due to the Crown. - 1677
15c - Receipt by Francis Callingwood to Edward Edensor of Cronkston, for payment of £2.10s annuity. - 1685
15d - Receipt for 50s paid by Edward Ensor to Thomas Harrison for the use of Harrison’s mother-in-law Ellen Callingwood, widow - 1689
16-18 - Pedigree of Callingwood, Brereton and Edensor families - c 1650–1700
19 - Notes on documents on p 20 of volume - [19th cent]
20a - Receipt by Thomas Harrison to Edward Edensor for £2.10s for the use of Ellen Callingwood - 1689
20b - Receipt by William Edensor to his uncle John Callingwood of Uttoxeter, Staffordshire for £70 - 1667
20c - Surrender by Jane Callingwood of Hartington, widow of John Callingwood of Hartington, deceased to Edward Edensor of her life interest in a messuage in Uttoxeter, Staffordshire and lands in Hartington which she holds under her husband’s will, the remainder thereof having been devised to Edensor. 30 Oct - 1682
21-22 - [Blank]
23 - Continuation of pedigree from p 16 of volume - 1700-1745
24a - Agreement between Edward Edensor of Heathcote and Samuel Penistone of Pilsley, p Edensor. Edensor, in consideration of £8 to be paid to his sister Jane Penistone of Pilsley, widow as her annual jointure and dower, will allow Penistone to occupy as tenant, the messuage and lands which Edensor holds in trust for Jane, for one year. Penistone agrees that Jane shall occupy the larger parlour of the messuage at Pilsley, for the said year, and that she shall have 20 loads of oates for her horse or 2 wain loads. 16 Nov - 1717
24b - Continuation of pedigree from p.16 - 1672-1762
25-26 - [Blank]
27 - Receipt by E Short to John Edensor for £10 for entering a caveat against the probate of Thomas Gold of Parwich, deceased - 1730
28a-b - Receipts for payment by Edward Edensor of rent for his part of Cronkston Grange, due to the Earl of Devonshire - 1671-1676
28c - Order of the Lords in Parliament that the Duke of Buckingham and Lord Craven be put in possession of their estates which are in the hands of persons who are to be secured and whose estates are to be seized for being the late King’s judges. 23 May - 1660
28d-e - Receipts to Edward Edensor for rent paid to the Earl of Devonshire. - 1678-1684
29a - Receipt to Edward Edensor for £11.16.6d. for half year’s rent for his farm at Cronkston, due to the Earl of Devonshire. - 1693
29b - Account by Edward Edensor of money delivered to Mr Dunnage of Derby for the militia and money for the use of the army delivered to Francis Hill, headborough of Hartington - 1659
29c - Receipt to Edward Edensor for payment of 2s 4d rent for his copyhold land - 1660
30 - Notes on documents on p29 of volume - 19th cent
31 - Notes on documents on p32 of volume - 19th cent
32a-c - Receipts to Edward Edensor for payment of rent for Hides Farm at Hartington, due to Col Wetton - 1653-1656
32d - Receipt to Edward Edensor for payment of rent for Hides Farm, Hartington, due to the Duke of Buckingham. - 1661
32e - Note by John Lodes that, by his agreement, Edward Edensor is to pay £50 p.a. for Hide Farm and is also to pay all taxes, assessments etc - 1653
33a - James Wheldon, Chatsworth to Edward Edensor. This is to desire John Needham and William Sleigh to meet writer at Bakewell with their rent on 23 March and give notice to William Goode to meet writer at the same time. Writer is commanded (by the Earl of Devonshire) to give notice to his tenants that are freeholders to give their vote to Mr Gray of Risley at the ensuing election, his lordship will not take it well at his tenants that refuse to oblige him, his lordship does well approve of Sir Gilbert Clark to be a fit person for the other Parliamentary man for the county. 9 Mar 1684/5 - 1685
33b - Bond in £40 by William Edensor of Hartington, yeoman, to Jane Edensor of Heathcote, spinster, for payment of £20 to Jane in 1672 18 Mar 1668/9 - 1669
33c - Quitclaim by Edward Edensor of Cronkston yeoman, to William Edensor, his brother, of all manner of actions, debts. Etc 15 Jan 1669/70 - 1670
33d - Bond in £80 by Edward Edensor of Hartington, yeoman, to Hannah Edensor, wife of William Edensor of Hartington. If William Edensor should die, leaving no issue by Hannah, Edward is to pay Hannah £40. [see also D1235/Z/10a] [1665/6] - 1666
34a - Receipt by Dorothy Buxton to her uncle Richard Edensor for a legacy of 20s, left her by her grandfather John Edensor - 1754
34b - Receipt by John Buxton to his brother-in-law Richard Edensor for legacies of 20s. each left to his daughter, Temperance, and his son John by their grandfather. - 1754
34c - Receipt by John Buxton to his brother-in-law Richard Edensor for legacies of £10 left him by his father-in-law John Edensor. - 1755
34d - Note on D1235/33d also - 19th cent
35 - Notes on Edward Brereton and the Edensor family and on John Callingwood - 19th cent
36 - List of bonds, acknowledgements, mortgages etc, 1808-1819. - endorsed with acknowledgement by T Mountfort and Thomas J Mountfort that they have received from Mrs Christian Edensor of Manchester, Lancashire a quantity of books, papers and receipts contained in a box at Ashbourne, 1829. - 1808-1829