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Collapse D1233 - Wakebridge and Pole families - 1254-1853D1233 - Wakebridge and Pole families - 1254-1853
Expand MF - Family documents - 1438-1538MF - Family documents - 1438-1538
Collapse MT - Title Deeds - [c1254]-1678MT - Title Deeds - [c1254]-1678
1 - Agreement between Richard Davy of Stony Staunton (Stony Stanton, Lincolnshire), chaplain, custodian of the chantry of SS. Nicholas and Katherine in the church of Cruch [Crich], and William de Wakebrugg, founder of the said chantry - whereas William has given the said Richard and his successors a rent charge of 40s. a year from all his lands in Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], Tannesleye [Tansley], Lee [Lea], and Cruch, which rent the said custodian recovered against the William in the King’s court in Michaelmas term, 32 Edw. III [1358] - Richard agrees that if William does not implead, eject or vex Richard and his successors by plea or suit concerning the lands, rents, services, etc., given to Richard and his successors by William and others, nor molest and contrive against Richard, etc., concerning the said lands - nor molest Richard Whyteman, custodian of the chantry of St Mary in the church of Cruch, and his successors, i.e. lands etc. given to them – nor molest the prior and convent of Thurgarton (Nottinghamshire) or their successors re lands etc., given to them nor molest the prior and convent of Thurgarton, or their successors re lands etc given to them by William - nor molest Richard de Cestrefeld, clerk, nor Richard de Outhorpe, parson of Wyddmerpol [Widmerpool, Nottinghamshire], Alexander Coke and Robert Coke of Thurgarton, chaplains and William de Saperton, chaplain, or their assigns, re lands etc given for their use or the use of the prior and convent of Thurgarton by William - then the said rent charge of 40s shall cease to have effect. Witnesses, Roger Beler, lord of Cruch, Laurence de Burton, Abbot of Darley, William de Weston, vicar of Cruch, William de Dethek, Henry Bacherley, Roger de Wynfield, William de Rolleston etc. [Undated] - [c1359]
2 - Quitclaim by John, son of Geoffrey de Dethek to Richard Davy of Stony Staunton, chaplain, custodian of the altar of SS. Nicholas and Katherine in the parish church of Cruch [Crich], of all his title etc to the pond of a mill once known as Netherlee Milne and a mill called Overlee Milne at le Lee [Lea], and to 6s rent from tenements which Henry de Codyngton once held of him, 1d rent from tenements with Roger Tocket once held of him, a messuage and 2 plots of land called Hannefeld and Hanneligh (at Lea) and to all land and tenements in Tannesleye [Tansley] which William de Wakebrugg had of the gift of John. Witnesses, William de Weston, vicar of Cruch, Roger de Wynfield, William de Matlock etc. Dated at Dethek [Dethick], Wednesday after St Hilary, 33 Edward III [15 Jan 1359/60] - [1360]
3 - Gift by Richard Davy, perpetual guardian of the altar of SS Nicholas and Katherine in Cruch [Crich] church, to William de Wakebrugg his founder - reciting gift to him by William of a messuage and croft in Cruch, once held by Henry de Codyngton, upon which site 2 houses have been built, and also a cottage and croft in Tannesley [Tansley], once of Robert Tyllyng - of the said house, nearer the manor of Cruch, with the plot upon which it is built and a moiety of the croft, with the whole of the cottage and croft in Tannesley. Dated at Cruch, Annunciation, 38 Edward III [25 Mar]. - [1364]
4 - Admission by Thomas Heywood, canon of Lichfield, of Thomas Calliper, chaplain, to be chaplain of the chantry of St Mary at Crych [Crich], on the presentation of Thomas Pole, gent., in succession to John Ashley, deceased. 16 Feb 1455/6 - [1456]
5 - Deed to warranty by Ralf de Chadisdene of Cruch [Crich] to Nicolas de Wakebridge for 3 acres of land and a plot of meadow which he has given Nicolas, with added warranty from Richard de Maunsfelt of Chadisdene [Chaddesden] and Nicholas de [Plaustone]. Witnesses, John Kubbul, Robert de Holeweye, Robert de Detheyhic [Dethick], Nicholas [Plaustone], Henry de Detheyhic [Dethick] etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
6 - Gift by Alexander son of Alexander de le Lee to Nicholas de Wakebrugg, of all his demesne in Wetecroft [Wheatcroft, Parish of Crich], Schakthon [Shuckstonefield, Parish of Crich] and Wakebrugg [Wakebridge] with all lands etc both in waste and demesne with the rent of free tenants and the ward, relief and escheat of Thomas de Ferratiis and the other free tenants (except the homage of Henry de Codington) and of all his villeins and their families - rent 2d a year at Christmas. Witnesses, Robert de Holeweye, Walter de Werecroft, Geoffrey de [Plawestowe], Walter de Lyndale, John de Cestrefeld etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
7 - Quitclaim by Alexander, son of Alexander de le Lee to Nicholas de Wakebridge, of all his title etc to all the demesne of Wetecroft, Schokethorn [Shuckstonefield] and Wakebridge and to all his lands etc (as D1233M/T6). Witnesses, Robert de Holeweye, Walter de Wetecroft, Geoffrey de Plawestowe, Walter de Lyndale, John de Cestrefeld etc. - [late 13th cent]
8 - Confirmation by Robert Damascus of the gift by Leticia his wife to Ralf de Wakebridge, of the custody of the land of Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], the assart of le Ricc’ and all commons etc - rent 14s cummin a year. Witnesses, William, chaplain in Lee [Lea], John Decamera, Geoffrey de Holeweye, Richard de Cruche, Robert de Cumb, Richard de D’Echec etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
9 - Division between Thomas de Ferratiis of [? Lockisleye] and Nicholas de Wakebrugg - Nicholas to have the bovate which is lower and nearer his land - Thomas to have the upper bovate towards Stockethorn [Shuckstonefield]. Witnesses, Robert de Holeweye, Robert de Warilon, Henry de Codyngton, Walter de Wetecroft, Geoffrey de [Plaustone] etc. - [6 Jun 1290]
10 - Quitclaim by Margaret Pole, widow of Thomas Pole, to Ralf Pole, son and heir of the said Thomas, of all her title etc to all the lands etc held by the said Thomas in Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], Lee [Lea], Matlok [Matlock], Harstones [Hearthstone], Heegg [Heage], Cruche [Crich] and Tannesley [Tansley] - as her seal is unknown, the deed is also sealed by James [Ranyshover], perpetual vicar of Cruche and William Wodroffe, chaplain of the chantry of SS. Nicholas and Katherine at Cruche 20 Nov, 2 Henry VII - [1486]
11 - Final concord between Stephen Coldewell and Edward [Rydge], plaintiffs and German Pole and Johanna his wife, deforciants, of 2 messuages, 300 acres land, 40 acres meadow, 100 acres pasture, 140 acres woods and 35s. rent in Wakebrydge [Wakebridge] and Matlocke [Matlock] - consideration, lands re-granted to German and Johanna in tail general 3 weeks of Easter, 34 Henry VIII [15 Apr] - [1543]
12 - Exemplification of D1233/MT/11. 10 Apr, 34 Henry VIII - [1543]
13 - Deed to lead the uses of a recovery by Thomas Marryott, esq, and Henry Warnere, gent., against Anthony Haslam of Wakebrydge [Wakebridge] and Edward Haslam of Harston [Hearthstone] - reciting fine acknowledged by German Poole of Wakebrydge, esq, and Margaret his wife to the Haslam’s, of the manor of Wakebrydge with 6 messuages, 4 cottages, 1 wind mill, 2 dove houses, 6 gardens, 6 orchards, 400 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 500 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 1000 acres furze and heath and 100s rent in Wakebrydge, Matlocke [Matlock] and Crouche [Crich] - of the said manor etc to the use of German and Margarett in tail general. 15 Jan, 17 Elizabeth 1 [1574/5] - [1575]
14 - Quitclaim by Hugh de Gurney to Ralf de Wakebrege [Wakebridge] of all his title etc to all the land which he holds of Ralf de Wakebrege in the field of Kryche [Crich]. Witnesses, Nicholas de Wakebrege, John Kebil of Kreyche, Henry de Dethek of Kreyche, Walter, clerk of Kreyche, Robert de Holeweye etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
15 - Gift by Ralf de Wakebrugg of Chadesdene [Chaddesden], living in Cruche [Crich], to Nicholas de Wakebrugg, of 22 acres land upon the hill of Cruche, next to the land which Mimot held, and 1 plot of meadow at Sottishays, for Nicholas’s life - rent, a peppercorn at Easter. Witnesses, John Kubbul, Robert de Holeweye, Robert de Detheyhit [Dethick], Nicholas de Plaustone, Henry de Detheyhit etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
16 - Gift by Ralf de Frechenvill, lord of Cruch [Crich] to Nicholas de Wakebrugg, of a plot of land lying between his demesne land of Lyndale [Linford?] and the brook of Cruch, butting on the land of Walter de Lyndal, saving to Ralf all demesne mines in the said plot and the right to take marl [a mixture of clay and lime used as a fertilizer] therefrom - if Nicholas and his heirs build a mill on the plot, Ralf and his heirs are to receive half the profits and if a pond is made on the land, he is to have the right to take fish - rent, a pair of spurs or 4d. a year Witnesses, Robert de Holeweye, Walter de Wetecroft, Geoffrey de Plaustone, William de Plaustone, Thomas de Ryndall etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
17 - Gift by Robert de [Gatleye] and Agnes his wife to Robert de Wakebrugg, vicar of Cruch, [Crich] of all lands, meadow, moor and pasture lying within the bank which extends from the hill called [Helotelyf] lineally by the Moor of Holeway [Holloway] to the land of Peter de Wakebrugg called le Longelandes on one side and the lands and meadow of the said Peter on the other, for his life - rent, a rose at St James for the first 9 years and 10s. a year thereafter, and 10d a year chief rent. Dated at Cruch, Sunday after the Purification, 23 Edward III [8 Feb 1348/9] - [1349]
18 - Gift by Thomas son of Robert the reeve of Thanesley (Tansley) to Henry son of Richard de Oldam, of a plot of land called le Bromyley [le Bromley], lying between the land which Geoffrey son of Robert held on one side and the land once held by Thomas son of Henry on the other, stretching from the highway to le Brook, and 1 rood between the land of the said Henry and of the said Geoffrey stretching from the highway to le Brook, at Thanesley - rent 2d. a year. Witnesses, Roger son of John de Thanesley, Walter son of William of the same, John son of Geoffrey of the same, Swayn son of Ralf the blessed of Arlton, John the clerk etc. [Undated] - [mid 13th cent]
19 - Gift by Roger son of John son of Suan [Swayn] de Thanisl [Tansley] of a plot of land lying upon Old Thanisl [Old Tansley] called [Johnstorth] and 1 rood of land upon le Cost [Coast] between the land which Robert the reeve held and the land once held by Nicholas de Thanisl, within the vill[age] of Thanisl - rent 2d a year. Witnesses, Robert son of Ralf, clerk of Thanisl, Robert son of Geoffrey de Thanisl, Geoffrey son of Robert de Thanisl, Robert his brother, William descendant of Robert the reeve etc. [Undated] - [mid 13th cent]
20 - Gift by Roger son of Robert de Tanisleye to Robert his son and Hawise, Robert’s wife, of a toft, croft and messuage in Thanisl [Tansley] with 6 acres of land in divers places viz the toft which Thomas son of Geoffrey held and a butt in the said croft which he bought of Roger de le Grewe, 1 acre lying at [Menestorthe], 2 acre upon le [Bottis], 2 acre upon [Hengaderestorthe], 1 acre upon le [Puthis], 2 acre at [Hteleteye], 1 rood upon [Wolrichestorthe], a plot of meadow at [Hengedestorthe] called le [Brode] Dole 2 rood upon Kilnecrofte, 1 rood by the Croft of Walter and 2 plots of meadow at the head of le [Buttis] - rent 12d. a year. Witnesses , Suan [Swayn] de [Harsto’], Roger son of John de Thanisl, Thomas son of Robert de Thanisl, Henry son of Richard, John son of Geoffrey de Thanisl etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
21 - Gift by Roger son of Margery de Tansley to Henry by the Brook of Tansley, of a meadow at Tansley which Robert de Haddon once held, lying in [Lepewelsiches] and [Midilthaye] and of 1d rent for a capital messuage which Richard son of [Thoralt] once held in Tansley - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist. Witnesses, Walter de [Croftis] of Thansley [Tansley], Roger son of John of the same, John son of Geoffrey of the same, Roger son of Robert of the same, Henry Trot, deacon of Wirk [Wirksworth] etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
22 - Gift by John son of Geoffrey de Tansley to Henry by the Brook of Tansley, of 1 rood of land in le Bromileye [le Bromley] at Tansley, lying on the longer side of Bromileye near the fee of Matlac [Matlock] - rent, a root of ginger at Christmas. Witnesses, Robert de Haddon of Tansley, Swayn de Harston, Henry de [Basco], Robert son of Simon de Thansley, Henry Trot, deacon of Wirk [Wirksworth] etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
23 - Gift by Roger son of Robert son of Geoffrey de Thanisl to Henry by the Brook of Thanisl [Tansley], in consideration of a certain sum of money, of 2 acres of land in the territory of Thanisl, viz. 3 roods upon the [Benthe] between the land of the church and of Robert de Dethek, 1 rood upon Gorebrodes which William son of Roger once held 2 rood and Robert son of Geoffrey held 2 rood, 2 acre below Onetus (Owns?) which Robert his father held and 2 acre upon le [Lytelyes] which the said Robert held, with a certain part of the meadow called le Brodedole and his part of the meadow in le [Midelschay] and le [Fichelsiches] - rent 1d. a year. Witnesses: Robert de Dethek, Robert de Ebor of Matlok [Matlock], Robert de Haselbach, John son of Geoffrey de Tan’, Swayn de Tan’ etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
24 - Gift by Walter super le [Croftis] of Thanisl [Tansley] to Henry [ate Broc] of the same, of 52d. annual rent in Thanisl to be received, from the toft which Henry once held 1d., from the toft once held by William le Macun 2d., from Richard Fox 12d and from the toft of Richard le Macun 1d., with all his half part of the mill of Thanisl - rent, a peppercorn at Easter. Witnesses: Swan de Harston, Thomas son of the reeve, Roger son of John, John son of Geoffrey de Thanisl, Henry de Dethek etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
25 - Gift by Walter de les [Crouftes] de Tansle [Tansley] to Roger son of Robert de Tansle, of all the land which he has at Grenegate [Green Gates?] and [Hundersterth], lying between the land of Geoffrey [le Bovere and le Brodeker] in width and in length between the land of Robert valet of Henry and the way from the house of Swain de Tansle to the house of Robert Coci, and all his land upon [Hennegresterth] in the fee of Tansle, lying in length from [Hennegrevesterthrowe] to le [Blakebrok], with 2 acre at le [Bryrcchenesale] lying between the lands of [Henry ate Wode] and Richard [Abovethegate] and extending in length from Les Doles en le [Sterth to le Honeslane] - rent 2d. a year. Witnesses: Roger son of John de Tanslee, John son of Geoffrey de Tanslee, Thomas son of the reeve, Henry ate Brock, Robert de Haddon etc. [Undated] - [late 13th cent]
26 - Gift by John son of Robert, mason, of Tanesleye [Tansley] to Sarra his sister, of a toft and 1 acre 1 rood of land in Tansleye, viz. the toft below the road in Tansl’ which Roger Dines once held, lying between the land which Thomas the reeve held and the croft once held by Richard Torald and in length between the highway and the millpond - 2 acre upon le Stanhurst, between the land once held by Thomas the reeve on one side and Thomas son of Henry on the other - 1 rood upon [le Secamsleve] between the land which Henry by the Brook held and the land of Nicholas son of Nicholas - 1 rood upon [Brodekochalny] between the land that William de Paltirton [Palterton] held and the land of the said Nicholas - 1 rood butting towards the mill, lying between the lands which Richard Fox and John son of Geoffrey held – a butt in le Butteme between the lands once held by Robert de [Deyeyk] and Henry by the Brook - chief rent 2d. Witnesses: John son of Geoffrey de Tanisleye, Thomas reeve of Tanisleye, Richard Fox of the same, William de Paltirton [Palterton] of the same, Roger de Kendale of the same, William the clerk, etc. Dated at Tanisleye, Sunday after St Giles [2 Sep] - [1296]
27 - Lease by William de [Wayngrif] of Tannesleye [Tansley] to William de [Chastreschir’] for 11 years, in consideration of a certain sum of money, of 1 acre of arable at Tannesleye at a place called le Storth [Storth], in the corner towards Ryberhg (Riber), next to the land of Roger Silverlok. Witnesses, Henry de Haselbach of Tannesleye, Robert son of John of the same, William Fox of the same, Roger son of Roger of the same, Nicholas de Seriannt of Lee [Lea] etc. Dated at Tannesleye, Sunday after Michaelmas 8 Edward III [2 Oct] - 1334
28 - Agreement between John de Dethek and Roger Godfelawe of Tannesl’ [Tansley] – whereas Roger has granted John a rent of 3s charged on all his lands in Tannesl’ - John agrees that so long as Roger and his heirs shall acquit him and his heirs for all rents of lands which he has purchased from Roger viz. a messuage, toft and croft with 3 ["guices"] of land in Tannesl’, the rent charge is not to be paid - Roger agrees that so long as John acquits him of rents for lands which he has purchased from John, viz. a place called [Sirsilcroft], a cottage and croft which William Kibbul once held and a cottage, croft and selion, the 3s rent which John has granted him will not be payable. [written in French] Dated at Tannesl, Monday after St John the Baptist, 25 Edward III [27 Jun] - [1351]
29 - Gift by John de Dethek, son of Geoffrey de Dethek, to William de [Wayngrif] of Tannesley [Tansley], John son of Robert and Adam son of Henry de Haselbach of Tannesley, of a messuage called [Hegekinhous], 2 bovates and 6 acres land and meadow in Tannesleye viz - 1 acre at the messuage - 2 acre upon [Coldewalleknoll] between the lands of the said John on both sides - 2 acre upon le [Grene] between the lands of Robert son of Roger and Adam de Haselbach - 5 acres on le Whiteleghes [Whitelea] next to the land of John son of Robert - 4 acres in [Inefeld] with the pasture there - 3 acres in le Netherfeld [Netherfield] with a piece of pasture called Stanhurst - 3 acres below the wood - 4 acres upon Old Tannesleygh [Old Tansley] - 1 acre meadow between le Whitebrok [Whitebrook] - 4 acres land and meadow between le Brodemeadow [Broad Meadow] and le Moer [Moor] - 2 acres in [le Forlong] - 2 acres upon le Crabbetreplatt [Crabtree Flat] - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist. Witnesses: William de Wakebrugg, Henry de Codington, Henry de Couland, William de [Chasterchir] etc. Dated at Tanneslegh, Friday after the exaltation of the Cross, 25 Edward III [16 Sep] - [1351]
30 - Lease by John de Dethek to William de [Wayngrif] of Tannesl’ [Tansley] of 2 acres of land in Tannesl’ at a place called le Whitelegh [Whitelea] between the land of John son of Robert on both sides, for his life - rent, 16d a year for the first 12 years and 20s. a year thereafter. Witnesses, William de [Chasterchir], John son of Robert, Adam de Haselbach, Augustine Fox etc. Dated at Tannesl’, Sunday after Michaelmas, 25 Edward III. [2 Oct] - [1351]
31 - Gift by John son of Geoffrey de Dethek to William de Wakebrugg, of his manor of Tannesleye [Tansley] with all rents, services etc. of free tenants and villeins, also all the lands that belonged to John Curteys in Tannesleye and a parcel of meadow and pasture called Halliwalker [Holy Well Carr] in the fee of Matlok [Matlock] - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist for the first 12 years and 100s a year thereafter. Witnesses: Roger de Wynfield, Henry de Aderley, Henry de Codyngton, William de Wayngreve, Adam de Haselbach etc. Dated at Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], Sunday before St Nicholas, 25 Edward III [2 Dec] - [1352]
32 - Quitclaim by John son of Geoffrey de Dethek to William de Wakebrugg of all his title to all the lands in Tannesleye [Tansley] and Matlok (Matlock) which William had of his feoffment. Witnesses: Roger de Wynfield of Essovere [Ashover], Henry de Aderley, John de Whitington of Cestrefeld [Chesterfield], Peter de Tapton etc. Dated at Cestrefeld, Sunday after the Purification 27 Edward III [3 Feb 1352/3] - [1353]
33 - Quitclaim by John son of Geoffrey de Dethek to William de Wakebrugg - as D1233/MT/32 above. Witnesses: Roger de Wynfield, Henry Bate, John de Whitington, Henry de Wynfield, Henry de Sutton etc. Dated at Tannesleye [Tansley], Saturday before the Annunciation, 27 Edward III [23 Mar 1352/3] - [1353]
34 - Confirmation by Geoffrey de Dethek of the gift by John his son to William de Wakebrugg of divers lands etc in Tannesley [Tansley], Lee [Lea], Cruch [Crich] and Matlok [Matlock]. Dated at Wynfield [South Wingfield], Sunday before the Annunciation, 27 Edward III [24 Mar 1352/3] - [1353]
35 - Quitclaim by Thomas le Clerc’, belleyetter [bellfounder] of Derby and Johanna his wife (formerly wife of John de Dethek) to John de la Pole and Cecilie his wife, and to her heirs, of all their title etc to lands in Tannesley [Tansley] and Lee [Lea] which belonged to William de Wakebrugg [Cecilie’s brother]. Dated at Derby, 9 Jun, 8 Richard II - [1385]
36 - Gift by John de Chestershire of Cryche [Crich] kinsman and heir of Robert de Chestershire, to John [Talbot], Earl of Shrewsbury, John Fesaunt, perpetual vicar of Cryche, Richard Page of Alfurton [Alfreton] and William Hill of South Wynfield [South Wingfield] and the heirs of the said William, of all his lands, tenements etc in le Lee [Lea] and Tannesley [Tansley] which belong to him by right of inheritance. Witnesses: John Stafford, gent, Thomas Cooper, chaplain of the chantry of Cryche, Richard Sutton, etc Dated at le Lee, 26 Dec, 49 Henry VI - [1470]
37 - Lease for 5 years by Laurence Coterel to Peter de Wakebrugg of a meadow called le Boghmedwe[Bow Meadow] with liberty to enclose the meadow with a hedge during the said term Dated at Cruch [Crich], Purification, 13 Edward III - [2 Feb 1338/1339]
38 - Bond in 10 marks [£6-13-4d.] by Hugh son of Laurance Coterel to Peter de Wakebrugg Dated at Cruck [Crich], Sunday after Easter, 13 Edward III [4 Apr] - [1339]
39 - Gift by Hugh son of Laurence Coterel to Peter de Wakebrugge and William his son, for their lives, of all his meadow called le Boghmedwe [Bow Meadow], both that which was ploughed and sown in the time of Laurence his father and the remainder, at Matlok [Matlock] - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist for the first 10 years and 20s. a year thereafter - chief rent 8s a year. Witnesses, Robert de Codington, Henry de Coland, John de Merlache, John Kibbul, Thomas le Boler etc. Dated at Cruch [Crich], Friday after St Hilary, 15 Edward III [19 Jan 1342] - [1342]
40 - Bond in 100s by Hugh son of Laurance Coterel to Piers de Wakebrugge and William his son, for their peaceable possession of a meadow called Boghmedwe [Bow Meadow] for a term of 10 years. [written in French] Dated at Cruch [Crich], Saturday after St Hilary, 15 Edward III [20 Jan 1342] - [1342]
41 - Lease by Hugh son of Laurence Coterel of Cromford to Nicholas Broun of Wodesetes [Woodseats Farm, Matlock], of a plot of meadow called le Heyhe, enclosed between the Boughwode [Bow Wood] and the land of Geoffrey son of John for his life - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist for the first 12 years and 3s a year to Geoffrey de Dethek, 10s a year thereafter. Dated at Cromford, Sunday after the Purification19 Edw III [6 Feb 1344/5] Witnesses, Thomas le Meigners, lord of Willardesleye [Willersley], William le Soiniour, Simon le Soiniour etc - [1345]
42 - Bond in 10 marks [£6-13s-4d] by Hugh son of Laurence Coterel to Piers de Wakebrugg for peaceable possession of a meadow called le Boghmedwe [Bow Meadow] for a term of 4 years [French] Dated at Cruch [Crich], Monday after the purification 20 Edward III [6 Feb 1345/6] - [1346]
43 - Quitclaim by Hugh son of Laurence Coterel to Peter de Wakebrugge and William his son, for their lives, of all his title etc to a meadow called Boghmedwe [Bow Meadow] and to all lands etc which they have of his gift, with release of all rents. Dated at Wakebrugge [Wakebridge], Thursday, before SS Simon and Jude, 21 Edward III [25 Oct] - [1347]
44-45 - Quitclaim by John de Dethek to William de Wakebrugg of all his title etc to the demesne of Boghwode [Bow Wood] and le Boghmedue [Bow Meadow] in the fee of Matlok [Matlock] which he holds of John in chief. Witnesses, William de Wayngrif of Tannesleye [Tansley], John son of Robert, Adam de Haselbach, John son of Robert de Chestershire etc. Dated at le Lee [Lea], St Luke 27 Edward III [18 Oct] - [1353]
46 - Bond in 10 marks [£6-13s-4d] by Hugh son of Laurance Coterel to Piers de Wakebrugg for peaceable possession by Piers and his heirs of a meadow called Boghmedwe [Bow Meadow] for a term of 5 years and against enclosure of the said meadow during the term [written in French] Dated at Cruch [Crich], Saturday after St Ambrose, 30 Edward III [9 Apr] - [1356]
47 - Quitclaim by John son of Hugh Coterell to William de Wakebrugge of all his title etc to a meadow called le Boghmedue [Bow Meadow] and a toft called Boghwode [Bow Wood], also to a piece of pasture called le Coumbes [Coumbs] in the fee of Matlok [Matlock] Witnesses, John Sleigh of Cromford, Nicholas Broune, Roger Kibbull, Henry de Codinton etc. Dated at Cruch [Crich], Monday after the Nativity of St John the Baptist, 36 Edward III [27 Jun] - [1362]
48 - Quitclaim by Nicholas Coterel of Tadynton [Taddington] to John de la Pole and Cecile his wife, of all his title etc to le Boghwode [Bow Wood], the Boghmedue [Bow Meadow] and all the lands etc which belonged to William de Wakebrugg in Crumford [Cromford] and Matlok [Matlock] Witnesses, Roger de Bradburn, Nicholas de Buxton, John de Aston etc. Dated at Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], 12 Jan 5 Richard II [1381/2] - [1382]
49 - Gift by Henry de Hareston, son of Henry de le Heseles, to William his brother, of a toft with all messuages thereon in the fee of Hareston [Hearthstone], lying within the ancient bounds to the north and the house of Walter Warde, and of rents of 1d a year from Henry de Willardesle and 2d a year from Peter de Hareston, also all his arable land with meadow and pasture in the village of Hareston - chief rent 5d a year. Witnesses, Robert de Deyhc, Roger de Wedenesle, John de Myners, Ranulf de Snyterschon, Peter de Hareston, William Byger of Matlok [Matlock], William Mitery, William the clerk etc. [Undated] - [c1300]
50 - Gift by Gundreda, widow of Walter the smith of Wyrk [Wirksworth] and John Kynneknawe of Wyrk to Nicholas son of Simon de Cromford and Richard his brother of a rent of 12d from a tenement which Nicholas and Richard have bought from Robert son of Peter Grave of Harestones [Hearthstones]. Witnesses, William son of Bate de Wyrk Roger Hay of the same, Henry de Hopton, William de Kersincton, Nicholas de Middulton etc Dated at Wyrk’, St Nicholas, 10 Edward II [6 Dec] - [1316]
51 - Bond in 100s by William son of Nicholas de Crumford [1340] to Peirs de Wakebrugg for peaceable possession of lands and tenements in Hareston [Hearthstone] given to him by William [written in French] Dated at Hareston, the day after Michaelmas, 14 Edward III [30 Sep] - [1340]
52 - Gift by Henry son of Peter de Kyrketon to Peter de Wakebrugg, of all his meadow at Hareston [Hearthstone] - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist for 20 years and 10s a year thereafter. Witnesses, Geoffrey de Dethek, Thomas le Myners, Robert le Warde, Robert Imydyeton etc. Dated at Hareston, St Mary Egyptiaca, 15 Edward III [2 Apr] - [1341]
53 - Quitclaim by Robert Hall, kinsman and heir of Robert Kyng, to Ralf Pole, gent of all his title etc to all messuages, lands etc in Harstones [Hearthstone] and Cromford - as his seal is not well known, the document is also sealed by John [Ashby] Abbot of Darley and John Curson of Ketulston [Kedleston] esq. Dated at Harstones, 6 Feb, 4 Henry VII [1488/9] - [1489]
54 - Lease by George Poole of Spynkehill [Spinkhill] gent., to Jamys Haslam of Harthstone [Hearthstone] yeoman - reciting lease by German Poole of Wakebridge esq to Edward Haslam (son of Hughe Haslam of Harthstone and Grace, daughter of William Fogg) (22 Nov 1561) of his messuage and lands at Harthstone for 41 years at 14s a year - of the above messuage and lands for 41 years from the end of the said term at 14s a year. 13 May, 25 Elizabeth I - [1583]
55 - Quitclaim by William de Both, son of Adam de Both, to Robert de Cumbis, of all his title etc to the tenement which Adam de Both held at le Both and le Cumbis [Combs] in Matlach [Matlock] Witnesses, Henry son of Robert de Crumford Richard son of John de Crumford, Ralf de Crumford, Adam son of Emma de Matlac, Nicholas clerk of Matlac [Matlock], Henry de Haselis son of Alexander de Harsloye, Robert son of Henry de Haselis etc - [late 13th cent]
56 - Quitclaim by Geoffrey son of Richard de Dethec to Geoffrey son of Robert de Dethec of all his title etc to the tenement of del Cumbis [Coumds] and Deleboch with all libraries and appurtenances, as Robert Delcoumbis his uncle, held the same, also all his title to the tenement of Fernileg with all liberties etc as Richard his father held it. Witnesses, Geoffrey de Holwei, Robert de Plaustowe, Robert de Butirleg Henry tenant of le [Lea], Robert de Dethec etc [Undated] - [c1300]
57 - Power of attorney by John de Dethek to Henry Lowcock and Thomas del Hurst for livery of seisin to William de Matlok of a piece of land and meadow in Matlok [Matlock] Dated at Matlok, Sunday before the Purification, 27 Edward III [27 Jan 1352/3] - [1353]
58 - Gift by John de Dethek to Richard Davy of Stonistaunton [Stony Stanton, Lincolnshire], chaplain and John Breton of Anesley [Annesley, Nottinghamshire] of a parcel of pasture and wood in the fee of Matlok [Matlock] called le Coumbes [Coumbs]. Witnesses, Roger de Wynfield of Essouere [Ashover], William de Wayngrif of Tannesley [Tansley], Adam de Haselbach of the same, John son of Robert of the same etc. Dated at le Lee [Lea] St Luke, 27 Edward III [18 Oct] - [1353]
59 - Gift of Thomas de Goushull to William de Wakebrugge of all the rents that Thomas had from Geffrey de Dethek for divers lands etc held of him by Geffrey in the fee of Matlok [Matlock] with all the other lands that Thomas has in the said fee [written in French]. Witnesses, Anker Freschvill, Walter de Elmeton, Roger de Wynfield, Sir Henry de Shirleie, parson of Barleburgh [Barlborough], Nicholas Brown and Dame Agnes his wife. Dated at Romeleie [Romeley], Wednesday after St Foi [Faith], 40 Edward III [7 Oct] - [1366]
60 - Quitclaim by William de Dethek - reciting gift by Thomas de Goushill, knight to Richard de Cestrefeld, clerk, Richard de Tyssington, clerk, William de Wakebrugg and Elizabeth his wife, and the heirs of the said William, of a rent of 12 marks [£8] with William de Dethek’s homages and services from divers tenements in Matelok [Matlock] which Geoffrey de Dethek his grandfather held of the said Thomas and which John de Dethek his father also held - to the said Richard, Richard, William and Elizabeth, of all his title to the said lands which were held by Geoffrey and John Witnesses, William de Rolleston, John Mylner etc. Dated at Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], Friday after St Luke, 41 Edward III [22 Oct] - [1367]
61 - Lease by George Poole of Wakebridge, in Crich esq to Edwarde Spencer and Thomas Spencer of the Highleys [High Leas Farm], in Matlock, husbandmen in consideration of, 20 of a messuage, farm or tenement at High Leys with all houses, land etc and all such ground in the High Leyes as is now in their occupation, for 21 years at an annual rent of £4. 10 Sep, 1 Charles I - 1625
62 - Gift by William de Ferrariis, Earl of Derby to Pagan the forester of 10 acres land in his forest of Duffield [Duffield Frith], measured by the perch of 17 feet, lying between the land of Gilbert and Smith of Blegrif, viz between the way leading from Gilberts house to Duffeld and Bruggemereker - rent 20d a year - grant also of 20 pigs quit of pannage in the forest of Duffeld - [early 13th cent]
63 - Gift by Robert de Ferrariis, Earl of Derby [Robert de Ferrers, 6th Earl of Derby 1254-1266] to Norman son of Silvester de Byngham, of a toft and all buildings thereon with 68 acres land and meadow in the field called Totehull at Heghegge [Heage], lying in width between the way from Fryccheleye [Fritchley] to Rypleye [Ripley] on one side and the land of Henry Wyke on the other, and lengthwise from the way from Heghegge to Hegham [Higham] on one side, with cart toll of the said road - to be held by service of hunting wolves in his demesne by Beurepeyre [Belper] for all services save suit at the 2 great courts of Beurepeyre. Witnesses, William de Ferrers, Nicholas de Eylysbury, Henry de Irton, Roger de Norton, Henry de Herliston etc. [Undated] - [c1254-1266]
64 - Lease by Norman de Byngam to Richard Banest’ of Heytheg’ [Heage] of 2 plots of land with buildings thereon in Heytheg’ and 9 acres of land in the field of the said vill which Roger Valbec once held, for a term of 20 years, from St Nicholas, 28 Edw. I [6 Dec 1299] - annual rent of 3s 9d to Norman and chief rent of 6 arrow heads and 6 shafts. Witnesses, Thomas le Graung’, John Lythred, Robert de Holegrif, John de Bosco, William Benech etc. [Undated] - [1299]
65 - Gift by Thomas de Bingham to Adam Hubert of Heyegg [Heage] of a messuage and 13 acres of land with 3 acres of meadow and moor which Angers Arblastarius [the crossbowman] once held, in the village of Heyegg, for the life of Adam - annual rent8s - Adam is not to fell any timber or cause any waste in the land. Witnesses, Thomas de Berkelee, lord of Berkelee [Berkeley, Glos], Maurice de Berkelee, Thomas de Berkelee jnr., William de Watton, knight, William de Tissingtone, John Lutred, Thomas le Graung’ of Beurepere [Belper], Robert clerk of Heyegg, Nicholas clerk of Pedintone [Pedington, Glos] etc. Dated at Berkelee, St Bartholemew’s eve, 33 Edward I [23 Aug] - [1305]
66 - Lease by John son of Ivo de Cruch to Robert, clerk of Holegriffe, of 1 acre arable in Heyegge [Heage] between the curtilage of Roger Bigot and the orchard of the said Robert the clerk, for 21 years - rent 4d a year and chief rent 2d a year. Witnesses, Thomas Surugario, Nicholas de Hungirforde, Nicholas Prince, William de Cowland Walter de Wetecroft, clerk of Cruche [Crich] etc. Dated at Heyegge, Michaelmas 4 Edward II [29 Sep] - [1310]
67 - Grant by Nicholas le Clerk of Heghegge [Heage] to John de Chastrefeld of all his goods and chatells, moveable and immoveable, which he has in Heghegge. Dated at Heghegge, Saturday after St James, 16 Edward III [27 Jul] - [1342]
68 - Grant by John de Chastrefeld, clerk, to Nicholas le Clerk of Heghegge [Heage] of all his goods and chatells in the messuage and 20 acres of land at Heghegge which he has given to Nicholas. Dated at Heghegge, Monday after the Nativity of the Virgin, 16 Edward III [9 Sep] - [1342]
69 - Gift by Emma, widow of Thomas Lark of Chestrefeld [Chesterfield] to Roger de Chestrefeld, clerk, and William de Wakebrugge, of all his lands, tenements, rents etc in Hieghegge [Heage] which she had of the gift of John de Chestrefeld, clerk, her brother, for her life. Witnesses, Richard de Chestrefeld, clerk, Adam le Clerk of Chestrefeld, Thomas Durant of Chestrefeld, Edmund Sauvage, William de Matlok etc. Dated at Cruch [Crich], Monday after SS Simon and Jude, 32 Edward III [29 Oct] - [1358]
70 - Gift by Richard Barionas to Peter de Wakebrugg his nephew, of all the land that Roger Metlefrein held in Holewei [Holloway] and all the meadow and croft which Richard Biker held - rent 1 pound of Cummin at Martinmas - consideration 1 ox Witnesses, Hubert son of Ralf, Robert Deincurt, Gervast de Clift’, Peter de Dedhec, William de Bradem’, Robert Sergant, Ralf de Wakebrugg etc - [c1200]
71 - Gift by Henry son of Nicholay de Cromforde to Nicolas de Wakebrugg, of all tenements which he has in le Lee [Lea], Netherholeweye [Nether Holloway] and in wood of le Lee, by charter from Alexander de le Lee. Witnesses, Robert de Holeweye, Geoffrey de Plaustowe, Richard de Holeweye, William de Alveley, Henry de Detheyk etc - [late 13th cent]
72 - Gift by John son of Geoffrey de Dethek to William de Wakebrugge, of a site and a millpond at Lee [Lea] upon which site once stood a mill called Netherleemilne, and 200ft of land around the said site, with a messuage and other lands which he has in Tannesley [Tansley], 6s rent from 2 bovates which Henry de Codyngton holds in Shukthorn[Shuckstonefield] in the village of Cruch [Crich] with the homage and service of the said William, 1d. rent from certain tenements in Lee held by Roger Tochet - a plot of pasture in Lee called Hannehegh a messuage and plot of land called [Hanne] feld which William Sareson, Johanna his wife and Adam their son hold for their lives, and his upper mill of Lee. Witnesses, William de Weston, Richard Davy, Walter de Uffton, chaplains etc. Dated at Dethek, Monday after Easter 24 Edward III [29 Mar] - [1350]
73 - Quitclaim by John son of Geoffrey de Dethek to William de Wakebrugg, of all his title etc to the site and pond of a mill, once called Netherleemylne, and to a mill called Overleemylne, at le Lee [Lea], 6s rent from tenements once held by Henry de Codyngton, 1d rent from tenements once held by Roger Tochet a messuage and 2 plots of land called Hannefeld and Hanneligh, and to all his tenements in tannesleye [Tansley], all of which William had of his gift. Witnesses, William de Weston, vicar of Cruch [Crich], Richard Davy, Walter de Uffton, chaplains etc. Dated at Dethek [Dethick], Wednesday after St Hilary, 33 Edward III [15 Jan 1359/60] - [1360]
74 - Lease by Roger de Chestrefeld, clerk, Nicholas de Chaddesdene, Geoffrey de Chaddesdene, parson of Whatton [Notts], William de Westover, vicar of Cruch [Crich] and Richard Davy, chaplain, to William de Wakebrugg and Elizabeth his wife, of the upper mill at Lee [Lea], a parcel of land called le Haliwalker [Holy Well Carr, Matlock], a parcel of land called Fernilegh and Doggeparrok, with all their lands in Wakebrugge [Wakefield], Cruch, Lee, Tannesleye [Tansley], Clatercotes [Clattercotes, Ashover], Tyversale [Teversall, Notts] Suthewell [Southwell, Notts], and Normanton by Suthewell [Normanton by Southwell, Notts] in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire, which they have of the feoffment of the said William, for a term of 8 years - rent, an apple at Michaelmas. Dated at Wakebrugg, Monday after All Saints, 34 Edward III [2 Nov] - [1369]
75 - Lease by William de Wakebrugg to John Milner of Lee [Lea] of his two mills at Lee for a term of 3 years from Michaelmas 36 Edw. III [29 Sep] at an annual rent of £4-6-8d to William and 22 bushels of wheat to the perpetual chaplain of Lea - to mill all corn for the use of William’s household free of toll - John to keep the mills and millponds in repair [written in French] - [1362]
76 - Gift by Richard Bateman of Wyssington [Wessington] to John son of Robert de Wyssington and Eden his wife, of all his lands in Wyssington and elsewhere in Derbyshire with all his goods and chatells therein. Witnesses, John Cowehird, baker, John de Northegge of Assheoverm [Ashover], Walter Couper, Richard Taylis of Brakenthweyt [Brackenfield] John Milner of Wyssington etc. Dated at Wyssington, St Scholastica, 1 Henry IV[10 Feb 1399/1400] - [1400]
77 - Lease by Henry atte Bruck of Tanesle [Tansley] and Agnes his wife to Reginald de Grey knight, of a toft with land and meadow which Agnes holds as dower from Alan Fath, her former husband, at Overton, for the life of Agnes - annual rent of 5s chief rent 12d a year. Witnesses, Reginald, rector of Scyrland [Shireland], Reginald de Holm, Walter de Ogaston, John de Holmes, John de Ulensdif John de le Grif, Gilbert chaplain of Scirland etc - [c1300]
78 - Agreement between John de la Pole and John Touk since Pole holds certain parcels of meadow and pasture in Potlok [Potlock], parcel of the manor of Potlok of which Pole and other were enfeoffed in fee simple for a term of 6 years from February last, paying 12 marks [£8] - Pole is to pay nothing for the first 3 years of the term and is to pay 12 marks for the last 3 years. Dated at Newburligh (?), 4 Jul, 2 Richard II - [1378]
79 - Grant by John Cheyne, parson of Hambury[Hanbury, Staffs], Thomas de Marchyngton, esq Robert de Knyveton, vicar of Douvebrugge [Doveridge] and Thomas Burwey, clerk to John de la Pole and Cecile his wife - being enfeoffed by John Touk, son and heir of Mr Robert Touk, of the manor of Potlok [Potlock] - for the lives of John and Cecile and for 1 year thereafter, of the mills of Potlok with all water courses, sluices and customs thereto belonging, all ponds etc., the soil belonging to the mills, between the two courses of water, all the fisheries in all the waters of Trent and other waters in the said village, a parcel of meadow called le Petit Holme another parcel of meadow called le Hallestede, a messuage with soil and curtilage next to the land leading from the highway to the mills, with the said lane and all willows growing nearby and a small parcel of pasture, paying to the Abbot of Burton, the rent due for the same - Cheyne et al to pay all other services and customs etc due from the said manor - saving to John Touk and Elizabeth his wife, free milling for all their demesne wheat in the said mills. [written in French] Dated at Potlok, 7 May 5 Richard II (1382) - [1382]
80 - Confirmation by John Touk - reciting that he had granted the manor of Potlok [Potlock] and all lands etc in Potlok to John Cheyne, Robert de Kneveton and other men (as D1233/MT/77), the others having released their interest to Cheyne and Kneveton who granted the mills, fisheries and certain lands in Potlok to John de la Pole and Cecille his wife for their lives and for 1 year thereafter - of grant by Cheyne and Kneveton to the said John and Cecille and Esmond [Edmund] their son for their lives of an annual rent of £4 from all the lands etc in Potlok [written in French] Dated at Potlok, 10 Sep 7 Richard II - [1383]
81 - Indenture between John de la Pole and John Touk - Pole holds all the meadows and pastures in Potlok which Hugh Skynner held of the Pole last year, for a term of 6 years commencing 10 March next, paying the rent to John Cheyne and Robert de Kneveton, who hold the meadows and pastures in fee - Touk confirms that the estate and the 6 marks [£4] rent which Pole, Cecille his wife and Esmond [Edmund] their son pay for the said meadows etc is to cease during the said term of 6 years (written in French) 31 Oct 7 Richard II - [1383]
82 - Grant by John Cheyne and Robert de Kneveton to Esmond and Rauf, sons of John de la Pole and Cecilie his wife - reciting D1233/MT/77 - of the reversion of the premises comprised in D1233/MT/77, after the deaths of John and Cecilie, paying the rent to the Abbot of Burton, for their lives with remainder to John Touk, to be held in chief. [written in French] 10 Jul 9 Richard II - [1385]
83 - Confirmation by John Touk of D1233/MT/80 [written in French] 10 Sep, 9 Richard II - [1385]
84 - Quitclaim by Robert Cudworth and Rober Smyth to William Hasylhyrst and Dionisia his wife, of all their title which they have by the gift of the said William, to a close called Spynckyll [Spinkhil] and a close called Robardoroft [Roberts Croft] Witnesses, Thomas Gefforay of Wortley [Wortley, Yorkshire] Thomas Bell of the same, Henry Chutt of the same, Rober Creyn of Pyllay [Pilley, Yorkshire], Thomas Geyn of the same etc. Dated at Wortlay, 10 Oct, 7 Henry VII - [1491]
85 - Eckington manor court - admission of William Hassilhurst of Spynkell [Spinkhill], heir of John Hassilhurst his brother, to land at Spynkell known as Bromeclif. Fine 6s 8d. Dated Monday after St Paul, 18 Henry VII [29 Jan 1502/3] - [1503]
86 - Final concord between James Asheton and Richard Innce, plaintiffs and George Poole and Elen his wife, deforciants of 3 messuages, 2 orchards, 1 garden, 150 acres of land, 100 acres of meadow, 150 acres of pasture, 40 acres of wood, 30 acres furze and heath and 30s rent in Spynkell [Spinkill] - premises re-conveyed to George and Elen in tail general, with remainder to the heirs of the body of Elen, and for want of such issue, remainder to the right heirs of George. Dated Octave of Hilary, 4 and 5 Philip and Mary [20 Jan] - [1558]
87 - Bond in £20 by Richard Ynce of Spynkill [Spinkhill] yeoman and John Ynce of Beighton Feldes [Beighton Fields], his son and heir, to George Pole, for peaceable possession of all lands etc within the beirlow of Spynkill, on the north side of Spynkill Lane, conveyed to him by the Ynces. Dated 13 Nov Elizabeth I - [1559]
88 - Eckington manor court - admission of John Pole as brother and heir of George Pole of Spinkhill, deceased to all the copyhold lands in Eckington of which the said George died seized Fine 19s 7d. Dated 10 Oct - 1678
89 - Agreement between Henry son of Herbert and Helen his wife, and Nicholas son of Ranulf de Wakebruge - Nicholas to have all the land and messuages which belong to Helen by way of dower in the village of Hassop, being her third share of the tenements of Peter de Wakebruge, her former husband, for her life, and also of 3s 6d rent to be received from his tenement of Wakebridge, being part of her dower - annual rent of 20s 6d. Witnesses, Richard de Launcecombe, Geoffrey de Holeweie, John Kubbul, Robert de Plaustowe, Henry de Codintun etc - [c1270]
90 - Power of attorney by William le Herberiur of Chaddesden [Chaddesden] to Roger de Draycot for livery of seisin to Nicholas de Wakebrig’ of the tenement in Hassop which he has given to Nicholas. Dated at Derby, Friday after SS Peter and Paul, [5 Jul] - [1275]
91 - Gift by William de Stafford senior to Nicholas his son and heir, of all his lands, tenements etc in Meller [Mellor] in tail general - in default of issue of the body, remainder to Thomas, brother of Nicholas, in tail general in default of issue of the body, remainder to Margaret, sister of Alice, with remainder to the right heirs of William. Witnesses, Richard de Berde, Robert de Meller, Thomas de Kyndre, Richard de Bradbery etc. Dated at Meller, Monday after the Assumption 20 Richard II [21 Aug] - [1396]
92 - Gift by Alice, widow of Robert Blaunchecote of Ebor [York] to Hugh de Ryggeton, of her messuage etc in Nessegate in Ebor, upon the corner between Nessegate and Kergate, lying in width between the high street of Kergate and the land once of Gilbert de Aumbelur and extending from the high street of Nessegate at the front of the land of John de Cauntebrig at the rear - except the house separated from the said messuage at the rear towards Kergate, which house John, her son, has of her gift - rent, a rose a year. Witnesses, Andrew de Bolynbroke, mayor of Ebor Vincent Verdenall, Bartholemew de Novo Castello, William de Usseburn, bailiffs of Ebor, John son of John de Cauntebrige, William de Quixlay, Robert de Grimeston, Richard de Ryggeton, William de Thurgarton, Walter son of Hugh del Breuhous, Nicholas de Crauntebrige son of John de Crauntubrige etc. [Undated] - [c1300]
93 - Grant by John de Cawod, chaplain - reciting grant to him by Walter de Brewhouse, pelterer of Ebor [York] and Cecilia of a rent of 1 mark [13s at Ebor, which they inhabit - that after a term of 20 4d] charged upon their tenement in Nessegate years from St Martin in Winter [11 Nov] 1316, he will cease to demand the said rent. Witnesses, Walter Gra, John Gra his brother, Robert de Wixtowe, Nicholas le Sauser, William de Quixeley, William de Thurgarton, William de Nottingham, Thomas le Aumblour etc. Dated at Ebor, Trinity Sunday, 9 Edward II [13 Jun] - [1316]
94 - Lease by John son of Thomas de Northfall of Naburne [Naburn, Yorkshire] to William de Riggeton of Ebor [York], spurrier, for a certain sum of money, of a messuage with all buildings etc in Nessegate at Ebor, now inhabited by William, for 2 years. Witnesses, Simon de Bossale, Ralf Sauvage, spurrier, William Fox, Thomas de Lincolne, John Candeler etc. Dated at Ebor, Tuesday before Pentecost, 26 Edward III [22 May] - [1352]
95 - Gift by John Barber, Thomas Billham, William de Whiteby and John de Colne, executors of the will of John Wadword of Ebor [York], decd., to James de Secroft, of a rent of 6s 8d from lands and tenements in Coppergate at Ebor which belonged to Alice Blanchecote and which Wadword had of the gift of John Blanchecote, chaplain - 30 Jun [1322]
96 - Gift by Cecilia, widow of Walter le Skinner of Ebor [York] to James de Secroft, of a messuage in coppergate at Ebor with all buildings etc extending from Coppergate at the front to the land of Katherine Gra at the rear and lying between the lands of Thomas de Bokingham and Katherine Gra which she had of the gift of Alice Blanchecote. Witnesses, Nicholas de Langton, mayor of Ebor, Nicholas Sauser, William de Friston, John de Selby bailiffs of Ebor, John de Housum, William de Wixstowe, William de Quixlay, Robert le Spurer, William le Spurier, Roger de Pickering of Ebor, clerk etc. Dated at Ebor, 4 Jul, 15 Edward II - [1322]
97 - Gift by Alice de la Pole, widow of Edmund de la Pole of Ebor [York] esq to Thomas de la Pole, her son, of all her tenement of Coppergate at Ebor, lying between the tenement of the Dean and Chapter and the tenement of Henry Thwayt, which she had of the gift of John Braythweayt, her father - 2 Jan [1452]
98 - Quitclaim by John son of John Russel of Naburn [Yorkshire], to Andrew de Bossale, citizen of Ebor [York] of all his title to a tenement in Hertergate in Ebor which Andrew had of the gift of Nicholas de Cartel of Ebor, lying between the land of Nicholas le Sauser, now inhabited by William de Crauncewyk, and the land of Thomas Rabuk, extending from Hertergate in front to the lane of the Friars Minor of Ebor at the rear. Witnesses, Henry de Belton, mayor of York, John Durant, Abel de Hesell and John de Moreby, bailiffs of York, Nicholas le Sauser, John de Housum, William de Riggeton, William son of John Gra, William de Crauncewyk, Thomas Deyvile of Ebor, clerk, etc. Dated at Ebor, Saturday before the Exaltation of the Cross [13 Sep] - [1337]
99 - Power of attorney by Thomas Haxey, clerk to Robert Gamyll, chaplain and John Styrtavaunt, for livery of seisin to Edmund de la Pole, of a messuage etc in Hertergate in Ebor [York], lying between the tenement once held by John Brathwayt, late citizen and draper of Ebor and the tenement once held by John de Rypon, extending from Hertergate to the lane of the Friars Minor. Dated at Ebor, 29 Mar, 1 Henry VI - [1423]
100 - Quitclaim by Thomas de Langele, Bishop of Dunelm [Durham] and James Stranguays to Edmund de la Pole, esq of all their title etc to a messuage in Hertergate at Ebor [York] which he had of the gift of Thomas Haxey, clerk (see D1233/MT/99). Dated at Ebor, 30 May 1 Henry VI - [1423]
101 - Gift by Nicholas de Ellerker, clerk, to Alice his daughter, of all the messuage and building etc which was once held by John de Hoton, in the parish of St Andrew, which he bought of John, son and heir of the said John, in tail general with remainder to his right heirs - rent 1d a year to Nicholas and 40d a year to the wife of Andrew de Nevyle. Witnesses, John de Melsa, custodian of the city of Ebor [York], Ralf de Esingwald, Thomas de Benyngburg, goldsmith, Roger Gobet, Peter de Norwys, David le Yirenmagg, Stephen de Schipton, goldsmith, Robert called Frend, Walter de Norton, Adam Lumbard, Robert del Newland, Roger Attelyth, pelterer, Hugh le Teuler, William de Preston etc. Dated at Ebor, 3 Kal Jul [29 Jun] - [1292]
102 - Gift by Henry Hyndeley, merchant of Ebor, [York] to John Raghton, draper of Ebor and John Talkane, of Ebor of all his lands, rents etc in the city of Ebor, in the suburbs and in Shirburne in Elmete [Sherburn in Elmet, Yorkshire]. Witnesses, Robert Otteley, clerk, Nicholas Blakeburne, John de Brathwayt, Robert Talkane, John Poleyn, John Scot, Ralf Cheseman etc. Dated at Ebor, 25 Jun 12 Henry IV - [1411]
103 - Quitclaim by John Raghton, citizen and merchant of Eboracum [York] to Edmund de la Pole of Eboracum, esq and Alice his wife [John’s mother] of all his title etc to all lands tenements etc in the city of Eboracum and the suburbs. 3 Sep, 2 Henry VI - [1423]
104 - Lease by Robert Amcotes of Amcotes [Amcotts Lincolnshire], gent to Edmund de la Pole of Ebor [York], esq of all tenements in Conistrete at Ebor viz the tenement held by Thomas Boteler, for 7 years - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist (I 24) Witnesses, Thomas Boteler, Robert Brereton etc. Dated at Ebor, Invention of the Cross, 17 Henry VI [3 May] - [1439]
105 - Gift by Robert Amcotes of Amcotes [Amcotts, Lincolnshire] to Edmund de la Pole of Ebor [York] of a rent of 4s from a tenement in Gylygate in Eboracum, now in the tenure of Robert Pepercorne and 4s a year rent from a pasture in South Duffeld [South Duffield, Yorkshire] called Northmore, in the tenure of Thomas Boteler, spurrier, of Ebor, for a term of 12 years, rent, a rose at St John the Baptist - bond in 100s for peaceable possession. Dated 30 Jun, 20 Henry VI - [1442]
106 - Gift by Ralf de la Pole, Justice of the King’s Pleas, and Henry Punt to Thomas de la Pole and Margaret his wife, of all the lands, tenements etc in Ebor [York] which they had of the gift of the said Thomas, in tail general, with remainder to the right heirs of Thomas. Witnesses, Thomas Barton, John Bedale, Walter Grastok etc. Dated at Ebor, Tuesday after St Bartholomew 33 Henry VI [26 Aug] - [1455]
107 - Gift by John Sartaraunt to John Raghton of Ebor [York], merchant, of a messuage in Kyngeston super Hulle [Kingston upon Hull], lying in the street called Hulstrete, between Northyate on the north and the lane to the capital messuage of William de Upsall, with all the jetty above the said lane and the solar and cellar built thereon, extending from Hulstrete in the west to the water of Hulle in the east, which he had of the gift of the said John Raghton, which messuage measures 14 ells all but a quarter of an ell and a clave, and an ell in length towards Hulstrete. Witnesses, John de Birkyn, mayor of Hull, John Fitling and John Walas, bailiffs of Kyngeston etc. Dated at Kyngeston upon Hulle, Thursday after the Annunciation [29 Mar] - [1403]
108 - Power of attorney by William Page of Scardburgh [Scarborough], merchant, and Cecilia his wife (daughter and heir of Thomas Kemp of Scardburgh and Beatrice his wife) to John de Esyngwald, servant of Philip de Brathwayt of Ebor [York], draper, for livery of seisin to the said Philip of a messuage in the new borough of Scardburgh. Dated at Scardburgh, 20 Jun, 50 Edward III - [1376]
109 - Gift by William Page of Scardburgh [Scarborough] to John de Brathwayt of Ebor [York], draper, of an annual rent of 5 marks [3-6-8d] from all his land etc in Scardburgh. Witnesses, Rober de Rillyngton, William de Shropham, William Sage, Robert Galon, John de Scalby etc. Dated at Scardburgh, 20 Aug, 3 Richard II - [1379]
110 - Lease by Wylliam Haslast, Dionisia his wife and Richard Haslast, their son, of Spynkyll [Spinkhill] to Thomas Fyrth, Helen his wife, John Fyrth their son and Alice, of a messuage and 1 bovate at Gledeles [Gleadless] for 81 years for an annual rent of 40d. Witnesses, Henry Wygfall of Rygeway [Ridgeway, Eckington], William Tuch of the same, Robert Samson. Dated at Ekynton [Eckington], 9 Feb 8 Henry VIII [1516/17] - [1517]
111 - Gift by William de Padynore, son of William de Padynore, to John le Tannere of Fordyngebrigge [Fordingbridge] and Matilda his wife, of a messuage and curtilage in Fordyngebrigge which he had of the gift of William de Padynore, his father, lying between the two courses of the water of Sweteford - consideration 40s. Witnesses, Adam de la Forde, knight, Mr. John Gereberd, Nicholas de Wyly, John Aignel, John de Netheravene, William le Engleys, Geoffrey Sprake etc. Dated at Fordyngebrigge, Friday after St Mark, 6 Edward II [27 Apr] - 1313
112 - Gift by John le Tannere of Forde [Fordingbridge] to John Wynegod son of William Wynegod of Ford of a messuage and curtilage between the two courses of the water of Sweteford, next to the malt mill of the lord of Ford, on the west side of the said mill. Witnesses, John le Brommore, John Pik, John Lengleys, John le Monek, William Sprak, John le Tornor etc. Dated at Ford, Monday after the Assumption, 13 Edward III [16 Aug] - [1339]
113 - Gift by Robert Makew, chaplain of Forde [Fordingbridge] to Henry Wythewol of Forde and Alice his wife, of all his tenement in le Bothelstrete of Forde between the two courses of the water of Sweteford being next to the malt mill, in tail general with remainder to the right heirs of Alice. Witnesses John de Brommore, John Pyk, Richard Reyson, John Monek, John le Englische etc. Dated at Forde, St Michael in Monte Tumba,16 Edward III [16 Oct] - [1342]
114 - Lease by Henry Sancock and Alice his wife to Henry Fairevene, clerk, of an annual rent of 7s which Cecily his wife of John Harwit pays for a messuage in Fordyngebrigge [Fordingbridge] to be received after the death of Cecily - rent, a rose at St John the Baptist for the first 12 years and 20s a year thereafter. Witnesses, John de Bromore, John de Stamford, Thomas Waryn, John le Monek, Henry le Fendur etc. Dated at Fordyngebrugge, Wednesday after Ascension, 21 Edward III [12 May] - [1347]
115 - Lease by Roger de Launey of Graneby [Granby, Nottinghamshire] to John de Saundwick, of 5s rent from 4 bovates in Farnefeld [Farnsfield] which Mr. Giles de Eddingley pays at Martinmas, for 20 years from the Purification 29 Edw I [2 Feb 1300/1] - bond in100s against alienation of the rent by Roger during the term to anyone but John and his heirs - 7 Feb 1300/1301
116 - Agreement between John de Bohun of Kilpek[Kilpeck, Heref] to Sibilla, widow of Alan de Plokenet, knight - whereas Sibilla has sought in court a third part of the manors of Magna Kyngton [Kington Magna, Dorset] Parva Kyngtone [Kington Parura, Dorset], Knyhtetone [Knighton, Dorset] and Bere [Bere Regis, Dorset] and of the tenements of John de Chiltone in Magna Kyngetone in Dorset, at third part of the manors of Putteme [Puxton?, Somerset], Werne(?) and Hewenbere (?) and of the tenement of John son of John le Rede of Prestone in Prestone Plukenet [Preston Plucknett, Somerset] and the tenement of John de Chiltone in Haselbere Plukenet [Haselbury Plucknett, Somerset] in Somerset, a third part of the manors of Westharnham [West Harnham], and Whatddene [Whaddon], in Wiltshire and a third part of the manor of Lugwardyn [Lugwardine] in Herefordshire, as her dower, and whereas the tenants of the said manors have called John to warranty - John concedes to Sibilla a fourth part of two parts of the manor of Kilpek with appurtenances (except the castle of Kilpek and the adjoining close viz the little park, the pasture called Novus Parcus and the park of Trivel) in Herefordshire and a fourth part of two parts of the manor of Haselbere (Haselbury Plucknett) with appurtenances (except the capital messuage, vinyard and great garden) in Somerset, for her life in exchange for what she claims above. Witnesses, Mr. Henry de Shorne, canon of Hereford Thomas de Penebrugg , treasurer of Hereford, Edmund le Galeys, William de Strattone, John de Chiltone, Geoffrey Pipelpenne, John de Baddeshawe, John Marmion, William Hakelut etc. Dated at Kilpek, Friday after St Ethelbert 1 Edward III [22 May] - [1327]
117 - Quitclaim by John Terry to Richard Terry, of a messuage and 6 acres land in Lythun (?), viz at the cross between Lythun and Cotun (?) 22 acres in le Wandel 12 acres in le Englandes 3 roods and at Grenewall 1 acre 1 rood. Witnesses, James de Toucotes, Thomas de Heton, Thomas Homet etc. Dated at Lythun, Easter, 48 Edward III [ Apr] 1376 (sic) - [1374]
118 - Quitclaim by John Belewe to William de Wakebrugg and Elizabeth his wife, for the life of William, of all his title etc to the manor of Wildethorp (?) and to40s rent payable from divers lands etc which Thomas de Harlington, Thomas Cartwryght, Matillda his wife, John Roward and William Haryngell hold for their lives in Barneburgh [? Barnborough, Yorkshire] and of the reversion of the said lands, which William and Elizabeth have of the gift of Robert de Anesley, parson of Rodyngton (Rodington, Shrops), Richard Davy and William de Morton, chaplains. Dated at Wakebrugg [Wakebridge], Monday in the first week of Quadragesima, 34 Edward III [23 Feb 1359/60] - [1360]
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