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Collapse D1233 - Wakebridge and Pole families - 1254-1853D1233 - Wakebridge and Pole families - 1254-1853
Collapse MF - Family documents - 1438-1538MF - Family documents - 1438-1538
1 - Settlement upon the marriage of Thomas of Pole and Margarette, daughter of Thomas Bradfeld, esq - the marriage to take place before St John the Baptist next - Thomas of Pole to make a sure estate before Michaelmas next of lands in Derbyshire to the before Michaelmas next of lands in Derbyshire to the annual value of 10 marks [£6-13-4d] to Rauff Pole, Harre of Pole and John Brokhey, parson of Rodburn [Radbourne] and to make to them also an estate of all his lands etc in York - Rauff, Harre and John to make an estate to Thomas of Pole and Marget of the estates in York in tail general and an estate of the lands in Derbyshire in tail male, with remainder to Hawe of Pole in tail male and remainder to the right heirs of Dame Cecill of Pole, upon condition that if Margette shall survive Thomas and shall claim any dower in any of the other lands which Thomas held in fee simple or fee tail, her right to the estates in York shall cease and they shall revert to the heirs male of Thomas, as above - in consideration of which marriage Thomas Bradfeld shall pay Thomas of Pole 40 marks [£26-13-4d] within 4 years. 24 Mar, 31 Henry VI [1452/3] - [1453]
2 - Dispensation by Peter Vannes, collector and receiver of the first fruits etc in England for the immediate marriage of George Poole of London and Alice Bosnum of the diocese of Coventry and Lichfield. Dated at Pouleschayne by St Paul’s, London, 28 Jul - 1531
3 - licence by Roland [Lee], Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, for the marriage of German Pole of Crich, gent and Jane, daughter of German Pole of Radbourne, esq. Dated at Lichfield, 2 Jul - 1538
4 - Indenture whereby James Poull, son of Ralf Poull of Waykbrug [Wakebridge], gent apprentices himself to John Breverer, citizen and draper of London, for a term of 9 years, commencing the Nativity of the Virgin [8 Sep] next. Witnesses, Thomas Kneseworth, mayor of London Richard Shore and Roger Grove, sheriffs of London. Dated at London, 3 Sep, 22 Henry VII - [1506]
5 - Letters of administration for the goods of John Raghton of York (who died intestate) to Alice, his widow, Edward Pole of Ebor [York] esq, and Thomas Danyell of Ebor. Dated at Ebor, 29 Sep - 1438
Expand MT - Title Deeds - [c1254]-1678MT - Title Deeds - [c1254]-1678
Expand ZZ - Miscellaneous - 1853ZZ - Miscellaneous - 1853