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Collapse D1092 - Parish of Derby St John the Evangelist - 19th-20th centD1092 - Parish of Derby St John the Evangelist - 19th-20th cent
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1825-1990A - Parish archives - 1825-1990
Expand PEF - Derby St John National School - 1839-1936PEF - Derby St John National School - 1839-1936
Expand PF - Derby St John Charities - 1880-1915PF - Derby St John Charities - 1880-1915
Collapse PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1825-1990PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1825-1990
Expand 11
1 - Baptism registers - 1847-1961
1-40 - Registers - 1847-1996
Collapse 2 - Marriage registers - 1847-19962 - Marriage registers - 1847-1996
Expand 3 - Banns registers - 1847-19483 - Banns registers - 1847-1948
Expand 4 - Confirmation registers - 1912-19594 - Confirmation registers - 1912-1959
5 - Number not used
Expand 66
6-40 - Service registers and associated papers - 1854-1990
37 - Notice of sermons to be preached at St John's church on behalf of the Pastoral Aid Society. 14 Oct - 1855
38 - Notice of sermons to be preached at St John's church on behalf of the Pastoral Aid Society. 12 Oct - 1856
39 - Hymn sheet for United Sunday Schools service in commemoration of Queen Victoria's Jubilee Celebrations in Derby. 22 Jun. - 1887
40 - The order for the burial of the dead
41-42 - Bill "to make better Provision for the Spiritual Care of populous parishes". - 1843
41-204 - Incumbent - 1825-[c. 1968]
43 - Ecclesiastical Commissioners - resolutions respecting grants in augmentation of livings with correspondence regarding assignment of a consolidation chapelry attached. - 1844
44 - An Act for the further Amendment of the Church Buildings Acts. - 1845
45 - London Gazette - formation of the "Consolidation Chapelry of St John, Derby" from the parishes of St Werburgh, St Alkmund and All Saints. 9 Mar - 1847
46 - Return relating to public worship - 1851 Census. - 1851
47 - Clauses bearing on the formation of a consolidated chapelry
48 - 'London Gazette' - St John's benefaction. 22 Jul - 1862
49 - 'London Gazette' - grant by Ecclesiastical Commissioners. 8 Aug - 1865
50 - Relinquishment of fees for performing offices of the church: Vicar of St Alkmund's to the Perpetual Curate of St John's. 10 Jun - 1870
51 - Legal bill - relinquishing of fees - 1870
52 - 'London Gazette' - patronage of St Michael's and St Werburgh's. 6 May - 1873
53 - 'London Gazette'. 23 Apr - 1880
54 - Licence to hold divine service in St Barnabas Mission Church - 1881
Expand 5555
56 - Memorandum relating to Marriage Acts of 1836-1856 - 1885
57 - 'London Gazette' - Consent for performance of baptisms, marriages and burials at St Barnabas Mission Church - 6 Apr 1886
58 - 'London Gazette' - transfer of patronage. 9 May - 1919
59-60 - Church Assembly parochial statistics. - 1923-1924
61-69 - Marriage licences - 1886-1927
70 - Faculty for alterations in church (with citation) - 1870
71 - Faculty for alterations and improvements to Derby St. John Parish Church - 1891
72 - Faculty for additions and alterations to Derby St. John vicarage - 1899
73-74 - Faculty for removing unsafe pinnacles - 1902
75 - Faculty for placing a memorial tablet - 1921
76 - Faculty for renewing the wiring and fittings in Derby St. John Parish Church - 1950
77 - Faculty for the renewal of lead guttering at Derby St. John Parish Church - 1959
78 - Faculty for the renovation, painting and decorating at Derby St. John Parish Church - 1962
79 - Faculty for the alterations to heating system at Derby St. John Parish Church - 1964
80 - Faculty for relaying the main entrance paths of Derby St. John Parish Church - 1967
81 - Faculty for repairs to pinnacles and for installing twowrought iron flower stands in Derby St. John Parish Church - 1969
82 - "Proceedings relative to the erection of a New Free Church in Derby", 1827-1828 - 1827-1896
83 - Cash book for the erection of St John's Church - 1825-1829
84-86 - Scale of pew rents, with accompanying letter, in the new St John's Church, Derby - 1825
87 - Newspaper cutting relating to the laying of the foundation stone of St John's Church, Derby - 1826
88 - View of proposed chancel of Derby St. John Parish Church, under the 1870 improvement scheme - 1870
89 - Improvement Committee minute book - 1870
90 - Estimate by Edward Dusautoy of Derby contractor for the alterations to St John's Church - 1870
91-107 - Correspondence relating to the alterations to Derby St. John Parish Church proposed in 1870, relating mainly to obtaining a faculty but including also two further estimates for the work by J W Thompson and W E Wood - 1870-1871
108 - Account relating to the improvement - [c.1871]
109 - Poster advertising the opening of the new Chancel by Bishop Hobhouse. 14 Jun - 1871
110-111 - Newspaper cuttings relating to the reopening of St John's Church following the alterations - 1871
112 - General account of St John's Church, Derby and parish in The Sun. 14 Nov - 1874
113 - Newspaper cutting relating to the new organ at St John's Church, Derby - 1875
114 - Newspaper cutting recording the Golden Jubilee of St John's Church, giving a lengthy account of its history - 1879
115 - Small plan of St John's Church and adjoining area by Coulthurst and Booty of Derby - 1890
116-117 - Plans for alterations to gallery, reseating and new Vestry by Naylor and Sale - 1891
118 - Circular letter relating to a proposed memorial to the late Rev James Chancellor - [c. 1891]
119 - Circular letter asking for donations towards reseating and warming St. John Parish church, Derby - [c. 1891]
120 - Specification and estimate for cleaning, restoring and renovating organ by J H Adkins of Derby - 1913
121 - Land values duties return for St John's Church - 1914
122-127 - Papers relating to St John's War Memorial including specification and quote by R G Lomas of Derby - 1919-1921
128 - Estimates for repairs and painting - 1922
129 - Report on St John's Church by Currey and Thompson with accompanying correspondence and specification for decorating by Ward and Co - 1922
130 - Glebe terrier for the Parish of Derby St. John - 1845
131 - Glebe terrier for the Parish of Derby St. John - 1865
132 - Notification by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners that a disposable balance of £5,000 is available out of the Common Fund - 1857
133 - Notification by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners that they are prepared to receive applications for grants out of the Common Fund - 1859
134 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners to Capt J S Haverfield regarding a new benefaction for Derby St John's. 25 Jan - 1860
135 - Regulations regarding augmentation grants - 1860
136-138 - Handbill on the proposed endowment of Derby St John's with list of subscriptions
139-140 - Two further letters regarding grants from the Common Fund - 1860
141 - Questionnaire from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners giving full details of St John's parish. 3 Jan (probably associated with application for grant) - 1861
142-154 - Further correspondence relating to Derby St John's application for a grant of £800 from the Common Fund in 1860: the application was refused - 1861
155-158 - Four copies of the circular letter reporting that the application for a grant was unsuccessful, giving a list of subscribers to the endowment. 1 Jul - 1861
159-175 - Further papers relating to Derby St John's application for a grant from the Common Fund including lists of subscribers to the Endowment Fund and the application to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for 1861 - 1861-1862
176 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission to John Borough regarding apportioning the income of St Werburgh between that cure and the cure of St John. 21 Jan - 1870
177 - Letter from Rev J Chancellor to the Ecclesiastical Commission regarding a grant of £60 a year to St John's living. 30 Jun - 1880
178-180 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission to Rev J Chancellor regarding the transference of the grant of £60 a year from St Johns Derby to St Anne's, Derby - 1889-1890
181 - Letter from QAB to John Borough regarding the vicarage deeds in their custody. 20 Jan - 1899
182 - Consent for fixing of stay to wall side of brook near St John's Church. 8 Sep - 1915
183-187 - Specification and estimate for repairs at St John's Vicarage by Joseph Parker and Son of Friar Gate, Derby - 1922
189-190 - Area of consolidated chapelry of Derby St John's - 1861
191 - Total houses and population in the Ecclesiastical District of St John's, Derby
192 - Notes on enumeration districts within the parish of St John's, Derby
193 - Draft district visitors' book
194 - "The Derbyshire Churchman". 16 Jul - 1872
195 - Short account of St John's Church, Derby - [c.1879]
196 - Church Missionary "Society - Honorary District Secretaries" Statistical returns, Derby district - 1889
197 - List of names and addresses of members of St John's Church, "1st Class"
198 - Newspaper cutting relating to Canon Hamilton's departure
199 - Notes on the history of St John's Church
200 - Manuscript poem "in memory of the friends of St Johns"[,Derby].
201 - Centenary issue of St John's parish magazine - 1928
202 - Notice of meeting of the Church Missionary at Queens Hall, Derby - 1928
203 - Handbill advertising Derby SPG Association Annual Festival - 1934
204 - List of 'significant dates' in the life of St John's Church, Derby - [c.1968]
Expand PW - Derby St John Churchwardens - 1847-1958PW - Derby St John Churchwardens - 1847-1958
Expand PZ - Assorted records of the Parish of Derby St John - 1872-1894PZ - Assorted records of the Parish of Derby St John - 1872-1894