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Collapse D1038 - Parish of Hope St Peter - 1711-1902D1038 - Parish of Hope St Peter - 1711-1902
Collapse A - Parish Council records - 19th-20th centA - Parish Council records - 19th-20th cent
Expand PC - Parish Council - 1897-1902PC - Parish Council - 1897-1902
Expand PI - Incumbent - 1732-1838PI - Incumbent - 1732-1838
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1697-19th centPO - Overseers of the Poor - 1697-19th cent
Expand PP - Constable - 1771-1847PP - Constable - 1771-1847
Expand PS - Surveyor of the Highways - 1777-1896PS - Surveyor of the Highways - 1777-1896
Collapse PT - Taxation - 1797-1892PT - Taxation - 1797-1892
128-131 - Property tax assessments - 1806-1812
142 - Assessment of Hope under Schedule A - 1810-1812
1-2 - Appointments of assessors - 1817-1818
3-11 - Assessors' instructions - 1818-1825
12 - Instructions to the assessors of assessed taxes in the Hundred of High Peak - 1823
13-29 - Tables of duties of assessed taxes - 1817-1846
30-31 - Assessments for window tax - 1807-1808
32-32a - Assessments for tax on horses and dogs - 1811-1812
33-34 - Assessments of Hope for assessed taxes - 1801-1803
35-51 - Collectors duplicates of first assessments of assessed taxes - 1813-1841
52 - Manuscript copy of assessment - 1827
53-54 - Collectors' duplicates of additional first assessments - 1815-1836
55-69 - Collectors' duplicates of supplementary assessments. - 1814-1836
70-79 - Forms of return for assessment for assessed taxes (blank) - 1828-1841
80-83 - Forms of return for assessment of tax on horses, mules and dogs (blank) - 1830-1832
84 - Form of return for assessment of tax on carriages, trade horses and mules, and dogs (blank). - 1835
85 - Forms of certificates and order re payment of tax collected (blank) - [c1825]
86-88 - Lists of poor people exempted from paying window tax - 1816-1824
89 - Table of additional charge on certain persons for horses and dogs - 1825
90 - Alterations from the assessment of 1811 - [1812]
91 - List of shopkeepers who have more than 7 windows - 1830
92-93 - Schedules of windows in various persons' houses - 1815-1840
94 - Draft return to the surveyors of taxes - 1841
95 - Notice of assessment to Nathan Woodroofe - 1820
96 - Notice of surcharge on assessment - 1797
97-107 - Lists of persons who have received forms for assessed taxes returns - 1812-1844
108 - Draft assessment - 1827
109 - Abstract of certificates of composition for assessed taxes - 1817-1819
110 - Notice to be given to persons who do not mean to continue their compositions - 1831
111-113 - Notices that returns for assessed taxes are to be delivered to the Hope assessor within 14 days - 1823-1842
114 - Notice that the period for making or renewing compositions for assessed taxes has been extended to 1 Oct - 1851
115-118 - Circular letters from the Surveyor of Taxes - 1828-1835
119 - Letter - Secretary of the Affairs of Taxes to George Bramball at Hope - it appears that Bramball has made no return for the present year, Aug - 1814
120 - Letter - High Constable to N Woodroffe - inform all persons who have compounded for assessed taxes that Mr. Thornhill will attend at the George Inn, Tideswell, to receive declaration from persons who wish to renew their compositions, Nov - 1821
121 - Letter - High Constable to Thomas Hadfield re practice of applying money collected for land tax to the payment of arrears of assessed taxes, Oct - 1828
122 - Notice that the Commissioners of Assessed Taxes cannot relieve the parties claiming exemption for dogs without doing injustice to others - 1836
123 - Appointment of Nathan Woodroofe as collector of the property tax, Jul - 1809
124-125 - Appointment of assessors for property and income tax - 1848-1851
126-127 - Assessors' warrants and instructions - 1843-1846
132-139 - Collectors' certificates of assessments for the tax on profits arising from property, professions, trades and offices. - 1803-1814
140-141 - Assessments of Hope under Schedules A and B - 1808-1810
143 - Assessment of Hope under Schedule D - 1809
144 - Collector's duplicate of first assessment of property tax - 1814-1815
145 - Collector's duplicate of supplementary assessments of property tax - 1814-1815
146 - Collector's duplicate of first assessments of income tax and inhabited house duties. - 1891-1892
147 - Assessor's certificate of first assessment of property and income tax (specimen form) - [c1845]
148 - Aston and Thornhill property tax - 1818
149-152 - Lists of persons who have had tax forms - 1808-1814
153 - Schedule of what people are charged in their notices from the commissioners' clerk - 1809
154 - Property and income tax - form for return under Schedule D (blank) - [c1845]
155 - Forms for claim of exemption by reason of total income under £150 a year - [c1855]
156 - Notice from the Surveyor of Taxes to the assessors of property duty for Hope to give notice to the overseers to produce a copy of the latest poor rate assessment to the commissioners for High Peak Hundred, Jan - 1809
157 - Property and Income Tax - instructions to officers relative to claims for exemption and for repayment of duty. - [c1845]
158-171 - Assessors' appointments, warrants and instructions - 1826-1852
172-175 - Collectors' appointments, warrants and instructions - 1820-1840
176 - Notice re sale of land tax - 1798
177 - Instructions re delivery of notices to individuals under the Land Tax Redemption Act - [c1840]
178 - Account of what is charged upon the land exonerated in the land tax duplicate - 1801
179-229 - Land tax assessments - 1798-1892
230-232 - Draft assessments - [18th-19th cent]
233 - Assessment for land and assessed taxes - 1809
234 - Schedules of land tax charged upon the lands of Joseph Denman and Elizabeth his wife, at Stoney Middleton. - 1798
235 - Schedules of exonerated land tax - 1801
Expand PV - Vestry - [19th cent]PV - Vestry - [19th cent]
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1827-1842PW - Churchwardens - 1827-1842
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1743-1857PZ - Miscellaneous - 1743-1857