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Collapse D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879
Collapse A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]
Expand TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879
Expand TC - Clerk - 1783-1878TC - Clerk - 1783-1878
Expand TS - Surveyor - 1794-19th centTS - Surveyor - 1794-19th cent
Collapse TT - Trustees - 1766-1883TT - Trustees - 1766-1883
1-16 - Notices given of intended application to Parliament to bring in a bill of altering and enlarging the powers and provisions of the three acts (1766, 1786 and 1811) - 1785-1832
17-22 - Draft bills for continuing the term and altering and enlarging the powers of two acts (1766 and 1786) for repairing roads from Brimington and Chesterfield over Highmoors to several places - 1811
23 - Case and opinion (recites 1766 Act) - [19th cent]
24-26 - House of Commons resolutions about private bills - 1811
27 - Petition from the trustees "for executing the turnpike act of 1766", 24 Jan - 1811
28-29 - Statements on behalf of the trustees - 1811
30 - Case and opinion - 1829
31 - Notes of the House of Commons - resolution regarding private bills - 6 Feb 1833
32 - Petition by the trustees of the Brimington Highmoors turnpike road to the House of Commons - 20 Feb 1833
33-34 - Copy case and opinion relating to turnpike roads in North Derbyshire since 1759 - [c19th cent]
35-39 - Bill for more effectually repairing roads from Brimington and Chesterfield to Highmoors in the parish of Brampton, and for making a branch road through Barlow to the turnpike road at or near Totley (5 copies) (printed) - 1833
40 - Act for repairing Brimington - Chesterfield -Highmoors turnpike, with branch to Totley, 10 Jun (printed) - 1883
41 - Special clauses in Annual Turnpike Acts Continuance Act and covering letter, 26 Aug - 1853
42-43 - Act for continuing the term of the trust (2 copies, printed) - 5 Jul 1865
44 - Circular letter from Shipton and Hallewell to the trustees of the Chesterfield, Newbold and Dunston turnpike regarding the proposed Chesterfield Waterworks and the Gas Light Company Act, 1 Dec - 1864
45-47 - Extracts of clauses from Acts - [19th cent]
48 - Dunston turnpike order books - 1769-1781
49 - Dunston turnpike order books - 1782-1794
50 - Dunston turnpike road minute books - 1783-1792
51 - Dunston turnpike road minute books - 1792-1802
52 - Further trustees minutes books - 1833-1864
53 - Further trustees minutes books - 1865-1879
54-192 - Minutes (loose) of the meetings of the commissioners (trustees) for the Dunston Road - 1766-1783
193-278 - Notices of meetings - 1799-1855
279-284 - Orders given at meetings - 1766-1855
285 - Declaration book - declaration that officials will perform duties honestly etc - [18th-19th cent]
286 - Sketch map of Hernstone Lane Head turnpike showing the start of the Brimington turnpike and Robin Hood - Brampton diversion - 1833
287-288 - Sketch maps of Hernstone Lane Head turnpike (Baslow - Chesterfield; Clodhall - Calver) - [c.1834]
289-290 - 1 inch OS map of the Chesterfield area showing the Chesterfield - Newbold - Dunston turnpike in red and the Hernstone Lane Head turnpike in blue - 1872
291 - Detailed sketch map showing proposed widening of the turnpike road in Newbold - 1877
292-300 - Sketch maps of the Brimington - Chesterfield turnpike, the proposed Crowhole - Cowley Road, and main roads in the Chesterfield, Alfreton, Ripley and Derby area - [19th cent]
301 - Detailed sketch of the Chesterfield - Brimington turnpike at Newbold field showing route of proposed railway - 1872
302 - Plan of new toll bar with receipts for work - 1833
303-304 - Diagrams of a tollhouse and toll bar - [19th cent]
305-308 - Lists of people constituting the trustees - [19th cent]
309 - Oath of qualification for trustees - [19th cent]
310-314 - Draft argument of the reasons why the Hernstone Lane Head trustees should not abandon part of the turnpike between Pudding Pie Hill and Robin Hood side gate - submitted to them by the clerk of the Brimington turnpike road - 1833
315-318 - W B Thomas' communications with the trustees of the Owler Bar turnpike - 1833
319 - W B Thomas' memorandum of the trustees of the Hernstone Lane Head turnpike - 1833
320 - Notes relating to the abandonment of part the Hernstone Lane Head road - [c.1820]
321-367 - Correspondence of trustees, mostly on Parliamentary bills - 1785-1833
Expand TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]