Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879
Collapse A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]
Expand TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879
Expand TC - Clerk - 1783-1878TC - Clerk - 1783-1878
Collapse TS - Surveyor - 1794-19th centTS - Surveyor - 1794-19th cent
1 - Newbold and Dunston turnpike list by George Frith, Surveyor - 1794
2 - List of horses and teams in Great Barlow - 1797
3 - Copy of assessment on the inhabitants of Brampton - 1806
4 - Cutthorpe statute duty list - 1808
5 - Barlow statute duty list - 1820
6 - Brampton statute duty list - 1820
7 - List of teams in Brimington - [18th-19th cent]
8 - Account of highway and turnpike roads in the liberty of Barlow - 1796
9 - Objectionable parts of the highway according to survey, 21 Jul - 1796
10 - Measurement of roads by the surveyor of Barlow - 1796
11-12 - Orders by George Frith, surveyor, for an account of those liable to do statute work - 1799
13 - Order as above to Thomas Sanforth and Thomas Roberts, surveyors of highways for the liberties of Newbold and Dunston - 1799
14 - Declaration by John Siddall to trustees of the Dunston Road to keep the road in good repair. Dated 15 Nov - 1800
15-17 - Agreements for repairs - 1800-1820
18 - Agreement between W B Thomas and Bernard Lucas regarding the transfer of a stone wall opposite Grangehill Toll Bar, 19 May - 1823
19 - Memorandum that at a meeting of the Newbold parishioners, an allowance made by the trustees towards the repair of the road was declines by the parishioners, 5 Mar - 1832
20 - Statute duties for Barlow, Whittington and Brimington, and exemptions for Barlow, Whittington, Brimington, Newbold and Cutthorpe from tolls - [18th-19th cent]
21 - Total length of roads in Barlow, with amount of composition - [18th-19th cent]
22 - Measurement of roads in Barlow parish - [18th-19th cent]
23-36 - Correspondence relating to the surveyor - 1793-1833
37-42 - Correspondence relating to the line of the road - 1832-1833
43-257 - Receipts and bills relating to repairs to the road - 1777-1835
Expand TT - Trustees - 1766-1883TT - Trustees - 1766-1883
Expand TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]