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Collapse D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879D1 - Chesterfield and Brimington Turnpike Trust - c1766-c1879
Collapse A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]A - Trust records - [18th-19th cent]
Expand TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879TA - Treasurer - 1765-1879
Collapse TC - Clerk - 1783-1878TC - Clerk - 1783-1878
1-49 - Agreements for letting toll bars and taking tolls - 1783-1851
50-77 - Leases of tolls - 1819-1878
78-101 - Notices that tolls will be let by auction - 1799-1854
102-131 - Conditions and notes of the bidding in auctions for the letting of tolls - 1787-1842
132-271 - Amount of tolls taken at the toll bars (monthly statement) - 1787-1829
272-281 - Toll provisions (copies from act) - [18th-19th cent]
282-298 - Toll charges, including drafts and proposals - 1811-1833
299-304 - Draft orders, etc relating to toll ticketing - 1825
305-309 - Documents relating to summons and fines for evasion of paying toll - 1813-1823
310 - Amount of money for mortgages in possession of tolls - 1812-1832
311 - Draft agreement of mortgagees of tolls - 1833
313 - Memorandum from W B Thomas relating to examination of George Ellis, St Helens toll barkeeper, 5 Mar - 1828
314 - Return of expenses incurred in leasing tolls during the last seven years - 13 Feb 1836
315 - Memorandum to Joseph Dooley at St Helens Bar regarding the payment of tolls - [c19th cent]
316 - Note regarding toll gates on turnpike roads - [c19th cent]
317 - Note regarding the number of carts on the Dunston Road - [c19th cent]
318 - Toll receipt - [c19th cent]
319-333 - Correspondence relating to tolls and tollhouses - 1811-1853
334-345 - Receipts and bills of the clerk - 1804-1852
346-429 - Draft letters from W B Thomas and miscellaneous correspondence - 1785-1853
430-446 - Agreements for letting toll bars and taking tolls - 1787-1790
447-448 - Draft notices of letting tolls - 1793-1804
449-473 - Conditions and notes of bidding at auctions for the letting of tolls - 1793-1804
474 - Letter enclosing draft agreement for Daniel Norton, 8 Sep - 1849
Expand TS - Surveyor - 1794-19th centTS - Surveyor - 1794-19th cent
Expand TT - Trustees - 1766-1883TT - Trustees - 1766-1883
Expand TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]TZ - Miscellaneous - [18th-19th cent]