
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameLyndenhurst
Parent BodyDerbyshire County Council
Epithetchildren's home
Datesc1974-18 Oct 1996
HistoryA proposal was made in 1972 to buy Lyndenhurst (a three-storey residence formerly the home of the mayor of Chesterfield) and adapt for use a community children's home, with 12 places for children over 5 years of age. A second proposal in 1973 referred to residential accommodation for 4 adolescents over school age. The home closed on 18 October 1996 and the move was made to the new home on Newbold Road.
Address28 Gladstone Road, Chesterfield, S40 4TE
Authorised Form of NameChesterfield; Lyndenhurst; c1974-18 Oct 1996; children's home

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