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NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994
A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972
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Archive Reference / Library Class No.
Mapperley Colliery Company Limited
The records for the company are arranged in the following series
NCB/A/MAP/1 Mapperley Colliery Company accident record books for Mapperley and Stanley collieries, 1908-1962
NCB/A/MAP/2 Mapperley Colliery Company compensation records for Stanley Colliery, 1908-1928
NCB/A/MAP/3 Mapperley Colliery Company employee record books, 1893-1951
NCB/A/MAP/4 Stanley Colliery employee record books, 1892-1944
NCB/A/MAP/5 Mapperley Colliery Company cost record books, 1919-1935
NCB/A/MAP/6 Mapperley Colliery weekly cost record books, 1918-1944
NCB/A/MAP/7 Stanley Colliery weekly cost record books, 1898-1945
NCB/A/MAP/8 Mapperley Colliery production record books, 1930-1943
NCB/A/MAP/9 Stanley Colliery production records, 1891-1946
NCB/A/MAP/10 Mapperley Colliery Company leasing and coal royalty records, 1903-1947
NCB/A/MAP/11 Mapperley Colliery Company surveying records, 1903-1947
NCB/A/MAP/12 Mapperley Colliery Company management records, 1913-1946
114 volumes, 4 bundles, 1 file, 1 roll, 9 items
Derbyshire Record Office
Archive Creator
Mapperley Colliery Company Limited
National Coal Board
Administrative History
The Glendon Iron Company of Leicester acquired the mineral rights at Mapperley under lands belonging to the Drury Lowe family and started to sink a new colliery to the west of Mapperley in 1870. Mapperley Colliery was officially opened in 1872. The colliery was acquired from the Glendon Iron Company by the Mapperley Colliery Company in 1884. The colliery worked the Deep Soft, Deep Hard, Piper, Low Main and Kilburn seams. The company purchased Stanley Colliery at West Hallam from Derby Kilburn Colliery Company in 1908.In the 1930s the company drove a surface drift mine at Stanley called Hillside (later kown as Stanley No. 2).
The company's collieries were transferred in 1947 into the control of the National Coal Board during the nationalisation of the coal industry.
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Mapperley; Mapperley Colliery Company Limited; 1885-1947; colliery company
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National Coal Board
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