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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D535/BOX/1
TitleThornsett Turnpike: Box 1
Date19th-20th cent
DescriptionThe following text summarises the content of the box. Documents are bundled, but the contents of each bundle are not sorted by theme, date or type of document.

Financial documents:
Manuscript notes: 1864: various details, including list of annual totals of toll receipts, 1833-1863
Stamped receipts: 1877-1878: 13 items: payments made by the treasurer
Receipt: 1851: Dennis Rangeley, surveyor: salary
Quotation: 1862: painting of buildings: George Alsop
Receipts: 1846-1863; interest payments to subscribers
Accounts: 1854, 1856, 1862 & 1876: payments made by the clerk
Invoices: 1845-1874: purchase of limestone, fencing posts, paint, ironmongery; maintenance and repair of toll houses and gates; printing of toll tickets; repair of clothing; meals and refreshments at Ram's Head Inn, Disley
Itemised accounts: 1854 & 1856: legal work completed by Edward Reddish: including work relating to proposed Disley and Hayfield Railway
Account: 1853: work by Dennis Rangeley, surveyor
Rent account: Mr Adamson: cottage and barn at Jumble, Hayfield: entries 1871-1873
Account: 1839: fees payable to Magistrates' clerk for making an order for road repair
Account: 1840: court case legal work: William Bennett
Annual statement of accounts: 1833-1835, 1836; 1843-1845
Estimate of expenditure: 1835: completion and maintenance of Thornsett Turnpike
Income and expenditure account: 1833: James Worrall
Letter: 1879: from George H Thorne, Wolverhampton, to H Lathom: to accompany taxation voucher
Receipts: 1877-1879: payments to New Mills Local Board and others
Receipts: 1867-1876: payments to Disley Township
Letter: 1877: from Thomas Royle, waywarden: money due to Disley Township

Plans: 1886: Oven Hill Toll Bar, Birch Vale: scale: 50 feet to one inch: 2 copies: 30cm x 44cm and 23cm x 44cm

Toll Bar collectors' records: 1841-1842:
daily lists of monetary amounts and names: presumably tolls paid: Potters Hey Bar: 24 notebooks; Marsh Lane Bar: 5 notebooks; High Hill Bar: 5 loose sheets; Oven Hill Bar: printed proforma (18 items) with daily summarised entries
Accounts showing receipts from each toll house: 6 items

Toll Bar collectors' records: 1842-1843:
daily lists of monetary amounts and names: presumably tolls paid:
Marsh Lane Bar: 4 notebooks; Potters Hey Bar: 7 notebooks
Unidentified bar: loose sheets showing total receipts
High Hill Bar: loose sheets with daily entries; Oven Hill bar: loose printed sheets

Toll Collectors' Returns: 1847: appear to be daily records of tolls paid at each toll bar: notebooks appear to have taken apart and systematically re-arranged into a single chronological sequence

1835: from J K Winterbottom to Mr Adamson:
1836: from J K Winterbottom to Dennis Rangeley
1837: from James Meadows, Peak Forest Canal, to J K Winterbottom
1854 & 1862: from John White, Park Hall: news of friends and family including Thomas and Matilda
1841-1870: various letters relating to the finances and operations of the Turnpke Trust: correspondents include in particular: Ebenezer Adamson of Hayfield and Glasgow (treasurer); John Adamson, (clerk, Salford Union and son of Ebenezer Adamson); Edward Reddish, father and son, of Stockport, successive clerks); John White of Park Hall (chairman); John Greenwood of Pendleton (toll contractor); John Taylor of Ollersett, (agent)
1850: from Edward Reddish: reports death of his father; wishes to apply for the clerkship of the Turnpike Trust

Manuscript: undated, (refers to 1853): copy of national financial statistics: "Turnpike Trusts in England"

Documents relating to alleged failure to repair the Disley to Hayfield road: 1879: Cheshire Quarter Sessions:
Copy writ
Associated correspondence from Clerk of the Peace's office, Chester Copy of consent to a plea being entered
Notice of advice by W C Glen
Brief for the prosecution
Certificate of finding of Bill of Indictment against New Mills Local Board
Writ: High Court Queens Bench Division: New Mills Local Board and William Rayner, Turnpike Trustee

Brief for the prosecution, legal opinion by Edmund Swetenham and related correspondence: 1879: Knutsford Midsummer Quarter Sessions: dispute about road repairs: New Mills Local Board.

Documents relating to New Mills/Goyt bridge:
Account: 1865: bridge repairs: Samuel Howard
Correspondence: 1873, 1877-1879
Further case for legal opinion: 1878: with opinion by J H P Leresche
Manuscript copies of 1878 newspaper reports: proceedings of New Mills Local Board: in relation to Goyt Bridge
Extracts from Stockport and Hyde Highway Board Minute Books: 1864-1866 and 1875
Receipt: 1879: payment to S Howard: court attendance and photograph expenses
Report: 1878: by Samuel Howard: condition of Beard Terrace Bridge

Documents relating to High Court Queens Bench case: The Queen v White: a dispute about paying for road repair in the hamlet of Beard:
Court order: 1842/43
Related correspondence: 1840-1843, particularly from Bower & Black, solicitors, London
Case and appeal statement: 1842
Judgement: undated
Legal opinion: 1841: H H Griffin
Legal opinion: 1841: Charles W Wood
Argument: (verbatim transcription of court judgement)
Account: 1842: J Charge: for copying and delivering related documents

Conditions for Letting the Tolls: 1863 and undated draft

Surveyor's report: 1843: state of Thornsett road: Dennis Rangeley

Agreement: 1833: no toll gate to be installed west of Red Mill: Thomas Grimditch and Richard Wright

Notices of proposed railways: 1845:
Whaley Bridge and Hayfield Railway
Manchester, Buxton, Matlock and Midlands Junction Railway

Draft mortgage deed: 1855: William Collier Vaudrey

Minutes: undated: annual general meting

Brief for the prosecution: 1840: Knutsford Midsummer Quarter Sessions: John Billingham v. Township of Disley: dispute about payment for road repairs

Brief for the respondents: 1840: Derbyshire Sessions: dispute about payment for road repairs

Parliamentary Bills: 1865: Stockport, Disley & Whaley Bridge Railway; and Cromford & High Peak Railway

Gradient plan: 1854: marked Stockport, Disley & Whaley Bridge Railway: turnpike road at 7 miles 4 furlongs: 23cm x 19cm: scale 5 chains to one inch

Notices: 1872 and 1875: from Local Government Board: establishment of boundaries of New Mills District

Original newspapers:
North Cheshire Herald: 19 July, 26 July & 2 August 1879
Glossop Dale Chronicle: 17 August 1878
Cheshire County News: 15 March, 22 March, 24 May & 2 August 1878
Ashton Reporter: 19 July 1879

Printed notices: undated: 22 items: amount of tolls

Newspaper fragments: 1840: notice of annual general meeting, and sale of land and premises in parish of Glossop

Letters to/from William Marriott [William Marriott ca 1779-1839 was curate at Disley from 1805: these letters show no evident connection to the Thornsett Turnpike Trust.]
1830: to Robert Ladbury: receiver of rents at Disley: claims income owing to Disley
1831: to Thomas Leigh: history of Disley Chapel and assertion that there is money owing to the incumbent
183?: from R Ladbury, Lyme Park: no income being withheld by Mr Leigh
1833: from George William Newton, Aspinshaw: seeks information about Thorneycroft family: with newspaper advertisement seeking heirs of Ann Thorneycroft of Thorneycroft Hall
1833: to William Hancock, chapel warden, Disley: Thorneycroft family
1833: from Oswald Marriott (son): family news; invitation to visit: on reverse: printed text promoting Oswald Marriott's school at Crosby Sea Bank
1827: from Charles Tucker, clerk to the [Charity] Commissioners: not yet investigating within the county of Chester
1831: from [signature not legible]: seeks proof of claim
1833: from William Tatton Egerton: acknowledges letter: hopes for a Bill in the House of Commons
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorThornsett Turnpike Trust
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