Transcript or Index | Roll, up ye Vegetarians Of Military age, An give the Hun barbarians A sample of your rage ; Show that the CABBAGE and the PEAS, The CARROT and the BEET, Induce as much combativeness- As Meat.
Roll, ye LENTIL lovers and Ye BEAN devotees too, And lend your Meatier mates a hand, To see the matter through ; Show that the TUNRIPS can sustain And PARSNIPS yield resource, And ONION eaters can maintain- Their force.
Then when the fight is fought and won, In your victorious hour, You may be proud of what you've done On CHIPS and CAULIFLOWER ; You'll praise the luck that let you live Through War's appalling scenes ; So haste to gith the Huns, and give- Them BEANS!!!
CONTRIBUTIONS may be sent to The Mayor (Albert Green, Esq.), Mayor's Parlour; and gifts of fruit and vegetables to C. J. Shackleton, Hon. Secretary, Town Hall, Derby |