Title | Gift by Robert de Brampton, known as de Aula son of Walter, to Louth Abbey, a bovate at Bramton [Brampton], that is the bovate which Simon the smith holds with 2 tofts and a croft beyond the stream called Smole [Holme Brook] towards the north and 17a land viz 4 1/2 a. lying by the highway upon Stonyfurlong, 2 1/2 a in the same place at Hordehon, 2a at Seacolepytte between Halmssyc and Clay Furlonges, 1 1/2 a in the north part of Wichems, 3 a by Mirisyc to the west, 3a between the lands of William son of Hornuld and the lord Thomas, and half a short acre to the north of Suellewell between the lands of the said William and Thomas. |