Description | Comprising: Q/RJ/1/1-27 lists of men eligible for jury service, 1702-1839 Q/RJ/2/1, Jurors books, 1775-1918 An index to this series is available to download from the link on this page. Derbyshire Record Office is grateful to R J Boon for supplying this resource.
Q/RJ/3/1, Volume of jury service exemptions, 1868-1922
Q/RJ/UL Unlisted items dating from 1870-1915, approximately 1.5 boxes |
Administrative History | The Act of 7-8 W III c 32 (1696) directed petty constables to return to Quarter Sessions annually lists of men between 21 and 70 qualified to serve on juries at Assizes and Quarter Sessions. Copies were to be kept in a book by the clerk of the peace. Qualification for jury service had been fixed by an Act of 4-5 Wm and M c25 (1692) as ownership of freehold or copyhold lands worth at least £10 a year, but was extended to long term leaseholders by the Act of 5 Geo II c 25 (1730). In 1825 the Act of 6 Geo IV c 50 added holders of leases for 21 years or more to the value of £20. Although the lists were called freeholders lists until 1825 this was not strictly accurate. |