
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameAiton and Company
HistoryAiton and Co first began their Derby operation in 1907, manufacturing steam pipes, and were based in Stores Road. Founded by (Sir) John Arthur Aiton (1864-1950) the firm had previously been located in London, but relocated to Derby after Aiton realised the good communication and rail links that the town offered. He was noted for his ideas about employee treatment, importing a system of industrial welfare whereby workforce committees existed to improve working conditions, as well as endeavouring to provide sick pay and pensions. The firm took on worldwide contracts and was involved in many different kinds of specialist pipe work, notably working on shipbuilding components, and pipe work for power stations. The firm finally ceased in 2000.
Authorised Form of NameDerby; Aiton and Company; 1907-2000

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