
Entry TypeCorporate
Corporate NameHope UK (1995-), formerly Band of Hope (1855-1995)
PlaceUnited Kingdom
EpithetChristian education charity
HistoryFirst established as a temperance society, since the mid-20th century it has worked to educate children and young people about drug and alcohol abuse. Local Band of Hope groups were established across the country during the late 19th century.
Corporate IdentifiersCharity number: 1044475
Key Events1847 Rev. Jabez Tunnicliff, a Baptist minister, and Ann Jane Carlile, an Irish Presbyterian, establish the first Band of Hope meetings in Leeds following the death of a young man
1855 Band of Hope founded as a national organisation
1995 Change of name to Hope UK
Authorised Form of NameUnited Kingdom; Hope UK (1995-), formerly Band of Hope (1855-1995); 1855-; Christian education charity

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