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Archive Reference / Library Class No. | D8760/F/FSJ/1/15/28 |
Former Reference | D3311/40/32 |
Title | Typed transcript of letter from John Franklin to his sister Miss Franklin, on his wife's illness and his plans for another Arctic expedition, original dated 2 Dec 1823 |
Date | [20th cent] |
Description | Wife is something of an invalid; wife's uncle had died suddenly; wife's uncle had managed her "outdoor affairs" since the death of her father; had helped both of them with arrangements for their house; Dr Thompson recommends rest; house not habitable; staying with Mr and Mrs Kay in Gower Street, then Greenwich; planning to take a lodging near Devonshire Street, to superintend arrangement of furniture; want to remain incognito to avoid interruptions from visitors; preserves have arrived; planning for another expedition; plans submitted to Lord Bathurst; if approved will not leave before February 1825; Eleanor supports his Arctic exploration; Mr Barrow approves and plans also tie in with Captain Parry's ideas; particularly in respect of a North West passage; visit to Nottingham; Mrs Burnside; Catherine to have a governess; visit to Kenilworth Castle, Warwick, Blenheim and Oxford; James living at 41 Great Portland Street, near Devonshire Street; separation of James from his family, inconvenient and expensive; Mr Sellwood appointed election agent for Sir William Ingoldby; condolences to Mrs Faussett's family; kind regards to Mr Short; engraving of his "Phiz" to be done; love to father, sister, Mrs Sellwood and little girls; barrel of oysters sent to Mrs S; kind remembrance from Mr and Mrs Kay |
Extent | 4 sheets |
Level | Item |
Repository | Derbyshire Record Office |
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Sender | John Franklin |
Sender Location | Greenwich |
Recipient | Sarah Henrietta Kay |
Recipient Location | No address |
Archive Creator | Sir John Franklin (1786-1847) |
Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth |
Term | Elections |