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Archive Reference / Library Class No. | D8760/F/FEG/1/20/5 |
Former Reference | D3287/31/3/23 |
Title | Letter from Isabella Cracroft to her niece Eleanor Isabella Gell, congratulating her on the prospect of her soon becoming a mother. |
Date | [early 1850] |
Description | She congratulates her at the prospect of her soon becoming a mother and assures how glad she will be if she can help in any way. She is not to be persuaded to take a fine lady but one that is of plain and simple habits; she will gladly come to her to be of comfort in her confinement. Her letter that morning was the first news they had had of her coming event; she supposed Sophy thought Eleanor had written some time ago to Isabella. She thanks Eleanor for accommodating Emma for a day or two to see their friends Colonel and Mrs Reid, who will be in town in the middle of the month. Her sister's removal from "this scene of sorrow and sin" ought to be a matter of thankfulness, but it is still deeply felt to lose a truly attached sister and friend; God graciously caused to think she had all her sisters around her on her death bed, if not Eleanor's father. She hopes Eleanor is able to take regular walking exercise. When the weather is more settled, Cathy will go to the Moores as they request, but Cathy is is not willing to be there long. Remembrances to Mr Gell. PS: she is proud at the prospect of becoming a great-aunt to Eleanor's child; does Eleanor think Sophy really knows of her prospects; Isabella suspects not Undated but 1850 has been added in pencil; Eleanor's first child was born in May 1850. Paper blacked, almost certainly for her sister Elisabeth Franklin, who died on 10 Jan 1850. |
Extent | 1 sheet |
Level | Item |
Repository | Derbyshire Record Office |
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Sender | Isabella Cracroft |
Sender Location | No address |
Recipient | Eleanor Isabella Gell |
Recipient Location | No address |
Archive Creator | Eleanor Isabella Franklin, later Eleanor Gell (1824-1860) |
Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth |