Title | Deed to levy a fine between John Plumptre of Nottingham, esq, John Nevill of Nottingham, gentleman, the feoffees of the Scargill Charity (Francis Handley of West Hallam, yeoman Edward Gregory of West Hallam, yeoman, John Hancock of Dale Abbey, yeoman, Michael Kilbourne of Stanley, husbandman) John Hanford of Eastwood, gentleman, George Oldfield of Nottingham, framework knotter, John Platts, of Cossall, gentleman, John Pinckney of Trowell, yeoman, and John Flamstead of Little Hallam, gentleman, by which in consideration of an enclosure of certain lands in Eastwood, Plumptre, nevill, the feoffees, Hanford, Oldfield, Platts, and Pinckney agree to levy to Flamstead a fine of all those lands in the Nether field of Eastwood 27a 0r 19p also two leas and half a balk in Hobcroft, 0a 3r 00p, 3 lees in the New Intack, 0a 3r 00p, a parcel of meadow 1and a half acres in meadow close called Little William start: to be held to several uses. The South part of the Nether field, now divided into three small parcels to be held to the use of the trustees of the free school at West Hallam. 17 Apr |