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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D803/MZ/9
TitleVolume containing legal precedents and contemporary copies of letters and petitions;
DescriptionFor copy, see Microfilm M840 vol 4
Folio 1; list of contributions to the King from the hundred of Repton and Gresley with a note of places appointed for the review of foot and horse 1618
Folio 2; form of apprenticeship indenture
Folio 3; order for a meeting of the justices of Derbyshire to view the children of persons not able to maintain themselves re. putting them out as apprentices 1618
Folios 4-6; legal precedents
Folio 6; fees due to the King's servants upon the creation of a Knight of the Bath
Folios 7-8; the counsell's [council's] letters for the nomination of a commission of the muster in Derbyshire 23 Apr 1618
Folios 8-10; letter of the counsel [council] to his majesty's commissioners for the muster in Derbyshire 25 Apr 1618
Folios 13-18; legal precedents and petitions
Folios 19-20; counsell's [council] letter to the commissioners of musters for Derbyshire 11 Feb 1618/19
Folio 21; answer of the justices to the counsell's [council] letter of 11 Feb
Folios 22-25; legal precedents
Folios 26-29; the King's commission for the making of baronetts with the names of those to be so created 29 May 1611
Folio 28-29; letter
Folio 30; certificate to the Lord Keeper for the answering of a commissioner's name when upon commission
Folio 32; letter from a Lord Lieutenant to one who did not show his horse at the last muster
Folio 33; declaration of Charles I as King 2 Apr 1625
Folio 34; letter re. the using of the recipient's name for the finding of an office after the death of Sir Gylbert Kniveton - certificate that the bearer is free from "ye contagion of ye sickness" - John Sucklinge to Sir Kelham Digbie; the common voice tells me you have been a large talker in my affairs; I have scotched your rother and he has run away upon it 21 Nov 1634
Folio 35; petition signed by the Archbishop of [Canterbury]Canturbury, bishop of Coventry and others against the great damage caused to the realm by the excessive number of maltsters and alehouses and the consequent excessive consumption of grain 31 Mar 1635
Folio 36; answers to the above petition 30 Sep 1635
Folio 37; announcement of the birth of Charles, son of Charles I 11633
Folio 38; letters
Folio 39; letter by the Speaker - it is some months since the protestation of the Lords and House of Commons was sent down to the country
Folio 40; letter informing recipient that Mr John Jeremy has refused the protestation
Folio 41; letter to the High Constable protesting against the misbehaviour of soldiers in the county - letter - Mr Hasteng [Hastings] has come with forces to Swarkestone - you must declare yourself for him or us 3 Jan 1642/3
Folio 42; Notice requiring the mustering of cavalry with 1 month's pay for each man, at the house of Nathaniell Hallowes at Derby on 2 Jan next for training and exercise - challenge to a duel
Folio 43; call for arms to be sent to Derby to defend the town against "divers papists, Robbers and other leud person that are lately come into our contry and very nere to the Towne of Derbie" letter - if you intend to send us any assistance against Mr Hastings and his crew, do it before Wednesday night
Folio 44; demand to the recipient to send his horse and arms to Derby for use against Mr Hastings - order to sieze upon the money, plate, arms and horses of malignants
Folio 45; letter to the committee - we relied upon you to assist us with 200 horse and 20 foot. It is impossible for us to be ready as we have been asked to aid our neighbours in Staffordshire - letter - has heard that the recipient has entered into a league with the papists against parliament
Folio 46; requisition to send men and tools, to work on the fortifications of Derby - letter to the citizens of London or countrymen, calling for the raising of a troop of horse to be sent to Derby
Folios 47-48 - Declaration by Colonel Hastings re. looting
Folio 48; letter to the inhabitants of ? re. the vacancy of their church and requiring the admittance of Tymothy Smythe as incumbent
Folio 49; to the inhabitants of Derby from the inhabitants of Melbourn[Melbourne] and other towns in South Derbyshire against depradations committed by the forces of Sir John Gell, stationed at Derby 2 Jan 1642/3
Folio 50; letter to (Colonel Hastings ?) against the actions of his soldiers and the breaking of Swarkeston[Swarkestone] Bridge
Folio 51; petition to the Lord Lieutenant (?) - a troop of horse, led by a desperate and bloody malignant is quartered near the town - Colonel Hastings has boasted that he will put Gell out of Derby before Thursday next - all our dragoons are sent to Chesterfield to quiet the Peak and Ashbourne has asked for aid
Folio 52; letter re. an attack by (Gell ?) upon the forces of Colonel Hastings
Folio 53; Order of Parliament appointing Sir George Gresley, Sir John Curzon, Sir John Gell, Sir Edward Coke and others (named) to execute all things according to the ordinance of militia 2 Nov 1642 - order of Parliament empowering deputy lieutenants to disarm and arrest disaffected persons 1 Nov 1642
Folio 54; order of parliament requiring the lords lieutenant of Derbyshire and other northern shires to assist each other in defence 17 Nov 1642
Folio 55; letter of the Earl of Essex to the county of Derby requiring them to associate themselves with Staffordshire, Leicestershire, Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Yorkshire, and to arrest all papists and malignants 13 Dec 1642
Folios 55-56; letter of the Earl of Essex to Colonel Thomas Ballard, appointing him Sergeant Major General of all forces raised in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire 7 Jan 1642/3
Folio 56; order constituting a committee to raise men, arms, horses and ammunition lieutenants to discuss co-operation between counties - tables of weekly charges for 100 dragoons and a troop of horses
Folio 58; John Fytzherbert to the High Constable re. the seizing of all arms, power and shot 2 Jan 1642/3
- Order of Charles I to the High Sheriff for the suppression of all forces raised without royal warrant 28 Nov 1642
Folio 59; order of Charles I to the High Sheriff for the raising of troops for the defence of Tutbury Castle 26 Nov - order to officers and men not to plunder the property of Sir Symon Every of Eggington 14 Feb 1642
Folio 60; order to constables to send the names of persons bearing arms against parliament to the committee at Derby 1 Mar 1642/3
Folio 61; letter to "my lordship" asking for help. "We desire to meete the enemy in the field and wil bringe 1000 men well armed, besides others indifferently well armed".
- Thomas Robinson to the constable, threatening reprisals if his town continues to support Gell
- Letter from Frederick (?) to (?) thanking the recipients for their civility to his children and family
Folio 62; orders for delivery of peas and oats to the provante master of the Prince of Wales Regiment - parliamentary commission to Edward Bagshawe for the raising of a troop of horse 15 Apr 1643 - safe conduct for a messenger travelling to London
Folio 63; Earl of Essex to S.Gell(?) - appoints him captain of a troop of arquebusiers, consisting of 60 "besriles" (fusiles ?) 24 Jun 1643
Folio 64; safe conduct for S.Gell(?) travelling to D. (Derby) - Parliamentary resolutions for the sequestration of the estates of Mr Allestrie, Recorder of Derby and Member of Parliament and for his expulsion from the House for non-attendance
Folio 65; Parliamentary order for the calling of Mr Allestree before the Committee of Derby to hear his answers to the articles against him 19 Oct 1643 - letter from the Committee of both Kingdoms, requiring the recipient to join his forces with those of Sir William Brereton 23 Oct 1644
Folio 66; letter of F.G. about an exchange of prisoners and the taking of arms and horses from the soldiers who surrended Auferton [Alfreton] House, contrary to the articles of agreement signed by Colonel Henderson - letter offering the exchange of prisoners at Alfreton or any other place between Chesterfield and Derby 1 Dec 1643
Folio 67; answer to the last letter, asking for the names of prisoners to be exchanged 2 Dec 1643
- Arrangements for the exchange of prisoners
- John Henderson and others to Sir John Gell in answer to his enquiry about their powder makers - John Prescot has left their garrison and he may have him but they cannot release Richard Wylson 25 Nov 1643
Folio 68; J.S. Loughborough at Ashy to Sir John Gell - has the Mayor of Derby and his son-in-law prisoners but is willing to exchange them "for any considerable man". Hopton has defeated Waller and is advancing into Kent 4 Dec 1643
- Answer of Sir John Gell declining the exchange but asking to be sent the Recorder so that a new mayor can be sworn in. Has heard that it was Waller who defeated Hopton 5 Dec 1643
Folio 69; letter asking when Sir Thomas Fairfax is coming to Derbyshire as the strength of the enemy increases daily 8 Dec 1643
Folio 70; letter (from Loughborough to Gell ?) - for the mangled soldiers set at liberty by the recipient, he will certainly send as many, but none wounded after quarter was given, as was one of those released. Hopton is still on his march to Greenwich and was at Arundel of Thursday 17 Dec 1643
Folios 70-71; Gell to Loughborough (?) - the wounding after quarter was given took place in the absence of Capt. Swetnam. Does not think Arundel is on the route to Greenwich 19 Dec 1643
Folio 72; request to be informed of prisoners taken from the Marquis of Newcastle's royalist forces 24 Dec 1643 - request for the arrest of deserters from the companies of Capt. Clarke and Capt. Taylor 2 Jun 1643
Folio 73; letter of Sir Symon Every suggesting a parley 30 Dec 1643 - letter stating that 50 soldiers kept prisoner at Newark and as many of the Northern Army have been set at liberty - asks that the 2 fugitive captains and their companies be returned in exchange
Folio 74; letter re. the desertion of Capt. Clarke and Capt. Taylor, Clarke having gone to Alfreton - asks for a warrant for their arrest 2 Jan 1643/4
Folio 75; miscellaneous letters
Folio 76; letter from J.N. (?) (to Gell ?) - has received a list of 24 of his soldiers, held prisoner at Derby - if he will release 20 of them, he will in turn release as many, when he captures any - answer to above, declining the exchange - letter to Mr Carter of Sandiacre, threatening the town with retribution if it continues to support Gell
Folio 77; letter re. a skirmish near Loughborough on 6 Feb, at Kings Mills 8 Feb (1643/4)
Folio 78; letter re. an exchange of prisoners, including some taken at Chatsworth
Folios 78-79; letter re. Capts. Clarke and Taylor 13 Jan 1643/4
Folio 80; letter from James Hutchinson and others at Nottingham re. complaints from Stapleford and elsewhere about the taking of horses by soldiers, with list of horses stolen 12 Jan 1643/4
Folio 81; letter of Edmund Jaques and Robert Lacy
- Captain Barton has taken a mare and 3 quarts of oats from George Jacques of Toton and some soldiers have taken a horse and 4 sacks of peas and oats (21 Jan 1643/4) - George Gresley, John Gell and others to the commander at Nottingham re. the horses taken from Stapleford 13 Jan 1643/4
Folio 82; letter re. the service of a regiment 24 Feb 1643/4- T. Fairfax to (Derby ?) - has received the letter of 20th March but cannot come to their aid 22 Mar 1643/4 - letter re a charge against Capt. Steevens 16 Apr 1644
Folio 83; letter of J.N., B.B, Richard C., T.S and A.G. asking to be released
Folios 83-84; letter to parliament - have recaptured 120 cattle from the enemy, captured many of Lord Loughborough's and Colonel Bagot's troops at Burton and been in action against Colonel Goring who retreated to Ashby 20 Apr 1644
Folio 84; letter of G. Rob - refuses to release beasts taken at Weston unless Lord Loughborough's teams are set free and 5s per beast paid to his men
Folio 85; - letter (to Parliament ?) - while Goring was at Leicester, they sent to the Earl of Manchester for 1000 horse but received no aid. Goring came via Burton to Tutbury where there was much plundering.
Folio 86; - letter of (George Gresley ?) - has received the recipient's commission and his officer has arrived with 300 horse and 100 foot - wishes to resign the command 1 Jun 1644 - letter of Richard Adburgh - the general is glad that the recipient's horse have joined him - they are ready to pursue the Prince (Rupert ?) The siege of Latham is raised 1 Jun 1644
Folio 87; W Davenill (?) to Sir Edward Osborne - the foot from Chatsworth are within a mile of the rendezvous - we shall march within 3 or 4 miles of the Prince tonight
- Roger Molinex at Winfield Manor - has been besieged for 9 days and the enemy are increasing daily but are very lax in their guarding - a little power might scatter them - if the well fails he will be forced to surrender 30 Jul 1644
Folio 88; letter of the Earl of Manchester forbidding trading in lead within Derbyshire - such lead as is found is to be brought to Gainsborough 3 Aug 1644 - Lord Loughborough at Ashby to Colonel Bagot - has heard nothing from Newark - quarter your men at Burton tonight 30 Jul 1644
Folio 89; Earl of Manchester to the Committee of Derby - is troubled to find that his order re lead has been construed as a burden to the county 5 Aug 1644
Folios 90-91; answer to the Earl of Manchester complaining about the fall in the price of lead 7 Aug 1644
Folios 91-92; complaint that Colonel Frencheville claims to keep his house by parliamentary commission but is in fact a royalist - he has 200 muskets and the house is strongly fortified 7 Aug 1644
Folio 92; Thomas Fairfax at Selby to (Derby ?) - requiring that measures be taken to pay the regiment of foot raised by Colonel Randall 16 Apr 1644
Folio 93; Mr Woodrowe at Haddon to Lieut. Col. Gell - the colonels left no arms with him but gave him 60 - 80 muskets which he will send to Gell if necessary 5 Jul 1644
- J. Frencheville at Staveley to the commander in chief at Chesterfield complaining about the depradations of his troops and the capturing of the minister of Staveley 10 Jul 1644
Folio 94; J. Frencheville to Sir John Gell - refers to above letter and asks for the dismissal of the Chesterfield commander - refuses to lay down his own arms as he does not wish to be taken as Mr Sytwell was 11 Jul 1644
Folio 95; letter stating that it is thought that a troop of horse and two foot companies should be left for the defence of the town 17 Aug 1644 - George Gresley to Sir John Gell re a vacancy in almhouses in Derby and the correct procedure for filling it 16 Aug 1644
Folio 96; John Hutchinson and others at Nottingham to Sir John Gell complaining about a demand that provisions be sent to Wingfield 18 Aug 1644
Folios 96-97; F. Fairfax at York to Sir John Gell and Sir George Gresley - Colonel Frencheville received his protection after he had laid down his arms and sworn not to fight against Parliament - has now demanded that Frencheville surrender to Colonel Bright 15 Aug 1644
Folio 97; Earl of Manchester to Derby - if they will release Major Wheeler in exchange for his troops held at Newark
Folio 98; letter from Richard Byron at Newark - has divers of the Earl of Manchester's troopers which he will release for Major Wheeler's ransom 27 Aug 1644 - letter of Charles Wheeler at Newark- has been unable to arrange for his release 28 Aug 1644
Folio 99; Earl of Manchester to Derby - asks that 2 of the committee come to him for discussions upon important matter 21 Aug 1644
Folio 100; - letter (to Fairfax?) - the forces at Bolsover have already demanded provisions and we will not provide them 4 Sep 1644 - Fairfax to (Derby ?) - requiring provisions to be sent to his forces at Bolsover 30 Aug 1644
Folio 101; proclamation by Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, Lord General of the North, that John Low of Hasland, an associate of Colonel Frencheville, has laid down his arms and is not to be molested 14 Aug 1644
Folio 102; letter re. a joint petition by Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire to Parliament against the Northern Association 20 Sep 1644
Folio 103; order of parliament that the business concerning the three counties be committed to the committee for the northern counties 16 Sep 1644 - petition to Parliament that the association of the three counties with the northern shires will not be in their best interests 23 Sep 1644
Folios 103-104; reasons why Derbyshire should be associated with Leicestershire and other southern counties 1644
Folio 105; petition to parliament for £2000 to pay troops - letter re. setting up a garrison in the county and suggesting a meeting to discuss it 14 Nov 1644
Folio 106; conditions for setting up a garrison at Calverton (Notts.) (1644) - Thomas Sanders and others (named) to Sir John Gell - we expect Capt. Barton's and Watson's troops at Melbourne tomorrow - we can stay with the Leicestershire troop at Calverton no longer (1644)
Folio 107; Thomas Saunders and others (named) at Calverton, to the Derby committee - Hastings came to Ashby with 30 men, followed by 1,000 horse and foot, intending to attack us - we expected muskets from you - Leicester has sent out 140 horse and as many foot 18 Nov 1644
Folio 108; letter from Nottingham re. the imprisonment of Richard Jackson at Derby for "unnatural speeches" 29 Jun 1644
Folio 109; letter re. the possibility of keeping a garrison at Burton on Trent, to be supported by Repton and Gresley hundred and to protect the county from attack by the garrisons of Ashby, Tutbury and Lichfield (1644)
Folio 110; letter of John Gell, George Gresley and T.G.(?) - asking permission to establish a garrison of 200 foot and 300 horse at Burton 16 Nov 1644
Folio 111; letter of the Earl of Essex re. a garrison at Burton - Staffordshire are not in favour as a garrison would cut off the town from trade 22 Nov 1644
Folio 112; Lewis Chadwick and others at Stafford to Sir John Gell - they have only 200 horse and no more foot than they need, therefore they cannot help at present 28 Nov 1644
Folio 113; John Gell and George Gresley to the Committee of both Kingdoms - have received the order to join with the Nottingham forces and blockade Newark from the north but have been unable to do so because Nottingham broke off the arrangements - have established a garrison at Calverton with some of the Leicester troops and have asked permission to set up a garrison at Burton 29 Nov 1644
Folio 114; petition of Sir George Gresley to the citizens and burgesses, having exercised the office of deputy lieutenant and had all his goods and property taken by the royalists, asking for compensation from confiscated estates - letter thanking the recipient for his kindness towards the writer's sister, Mrs Hutton "in these deplorable tymes"
Folio 115; Samuel Taylor at Bolsover to Mr Cartier - there are divers warrants come for the provision of the manor (Wingfield) - there is a garrison in Bolsover and therefore provisions cannot be sent to the manor 25 Nov 1644 - Gervase Lomax at Welbeck to Major Sanders at Chesterfield - his colonel will be at Warsop tomorrow and has obtained Sir Thomas Fairfax's Regiment from Lord Fayrfax, to join with his own - he desires Sanders to come up to that they may march to the relief of Torksey (Lincolnshire) 24 Sep 1644
Folio 116; order of Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, that Major Rookesby is to march with Sir Thomas Fairfax's regiment to Welbeck where he is to join with the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire forces and advance into Lincolnshire where they are to join with Colonel Rosseter who will give further orders 23 Sep 1644 - Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, to the Derby Committee - has heard that they have been ordered to blockade Newark and that they think the garrison at Bolsover unnecessary, with which he agrees - the Bolsover and Wingfield garrisons are to be moved to such other place as Derby shall think fit 13 Dec 1644
Folio 117; Sir John Gell, Sir George Gell and T.G. to Fairfax - promise to move the Wingfield garrison as soon as they can get the permission of the Earl of Pembroke - Robert Ayer's forces are disbanded 16 Dec 1644 - Lewis Chadwick and other (to Derby ?) - re. the behaviour of certain Staffordshire troops 15 Nov 1644
Folio 119; (Earl of) Warwick to Committee of Derby - the sequestration committee has recommended that Nicholas Leake should have the estates of Lord Daincourt (his father) in Derbyshire 25 Nov 1644
Folios 119-120; agreement between Colonel. Edward Rosseter and Quarter Master General Henry Ireton on behalf of the Earl of Manchester, and Anthony Eyre and Lieutenant Colonel. George Cartwright, on behalf of Sir Richard Byron, General of Newark, re. future exhanges of prisoners Aug 1644
Folio 121; table of the establishment of a month's pay for a troop of horse and a troop of foot or dragoons 12 Aug 1644
Folio 122; Ferdinand, Lord Fairfax, at York to the Derby Committee - has heard that the garrison at Bolsover is in need and is not receiving help from Derby - please inform him why 25 Sep 1644
Folio 123; letter of Sir John Gell re. the cause of Major Sander's confinement to his house
Folio 124; Sir John Gell to (?); is more beholden to Sir Thomas Fairfax than to them since Fairfax acknowledges him as his colonel 21 Feb 1644/5 - Sir John Gell to (?) - has already sent part of his regiment to Sir W. Brereton and can spare no more - desires Capt. Hardstaffe to bring his company to Derby 21 Feb 1644/5
Folio 125; letter of the Earl of Essex - intended that Major Sanders should obey the recipient's orders and have ordered him to deliver up his former commission for a new one 16 Jan 1644/5 - letter of the messenger to the Earl of Essex to Sir John Gell - Essex was much displeased at Major Sanders' disobedience and has sent him another, more restricted, commission which he is to deliver to Sanders (1644/5)
Folio 126; (Sir John Gell) to Essex - Major Sanders refused to accept the new commission and has been confined within his own house 29 Jan 1644/5 - Essex to Gell - set Major Sanders free and send his charge to me 11 Feb 1644/5
Folio 127; Derby Committee to Parliament - have sent 9 troops of horse to Sir W. Breriton as ordered and will continue to guard Chatsworth and Hardwick - the Bolsover garrison do many things against their authority 18 Feb 1644/5
Folio 128 - George Gresley and John Gell to Essex - have set Major Sanders free but he is not ready to travel to Essex until he has heard from Cheshire 17 Feb (1644/5) - Earl of Northumberland to the Derby Committee - has heard of plans to demolish Chatsworth and Hardwick - orders them not to 28 Jan 1644/5
Folio 129; Earl of Warwick to Derby Committee - thanks them for their help to his son (in law) Leake 15 Feb 1644/5
Folios 129-130; petition of Nicholas Leake, son of Lord Deincourt, re his father's estate in Derbyshire
Folios 130-131; John Wylde to Committee of Lords and Commons for Sequestrations re. Nicholas Leake's petition 5 Feb 1644/45
Folios 131-132; Derby Committee to the Speaker - asking that Derbyshire men who have deserted the county should not be made committee men - Robert Mellor has absented himself from the committee - we have been declared traitors at Oxford for serving parliament 15 Apr 1645
Folio 132; letter asking that Mr Buxton come to Derby to act as a witness in a case between the writer and another
Folio 133; letter (to Essex?) - thank him for releasing Sir Symon Fanshaw in exchange for some of their prisoners - the garrison at Bolsover should be dismissed as it is of no use 4 Apr 1645 - letter to the Speaker - asking that Derbyshire men who have deserted the county should not be made committee men - Robert Mellor has absented himself from the committee - we have been declared traitors at Oxford for serving parliament
Folio 134; Derby Committee to the Speaker - have conferred with the collectors of the excise for Derby and feel that they should not be required to pay it in view of their services to Parliament - have lately raised several taxes for the support of the New Model Army and their own soldiers are paid only 2s. 7d as week 13 May 1643
Folios 134-135; (Derby Committee to Essex?) - have had many complaints against the Bolsover garrison - Mr Woolley has no warrant for his actions and they have therefore confined him at Derby - has heard that Capt. Revell commands them as a Prince 16 May (1645)
Folio 135; (Derby Committee to Essex?) - have heard that Taunton is relieved by Sir Thomas Fairfax who has now returned to Newbury - the King is thought to be at Newport (Shropshire) - the Newark horse are near Nottingham comman-deering horse to mount their musketeers - their forces will be at the rendezvous on Wednesday 18 May 1645
Folio 137; letter stating that the writer has heard that Sir F.W. (?) returned to Derbyshire with all his forces and is at B(uxton?) - hopes that the recipients will join with him in driving out the royalists n.d. (c.1642?)
Folios 137-138; letter stating that the writer has a commission from the Earl of Essex to raise 1200 men for the defence of the county - asks to know what money, horse and arms the recipient will contribute n.d. (c.1642?)
Folio 138; order to constables to bring all horses and mares with harness to Derby for military use n.d. - declaration that although divers horses were taken last market day for use in preventing plundering by certain troops, all men shall have liberty to trade and stay in Derby without molestation n.d.
Folio 139; order to constables to aprehend persons making treasonable utterances n.d.
Folio 140; order to contables for sending horses to Derby n.d. - letter saying that Sir F.W. (?) is likely to return to the county no date
The following are at the back of the volume:-
Folio i; a poem by George Gresley n.d.
Folio ii; list of money received from Repton and Gresley Hundred for the British Army in Ireland n.d.
Folios iii-iv; questions and answers as to whether the King or Parliament began the war
Folio iv; lists of names of the committees to treat for peace on the King's and Parliament's part
Folio v-xvii - "A True account of the raysing and imployeing of one foote Regiment under Sir John Gell from the beginning of October 1642 until the midle of February 1643/4" (see D258/34/57)
Folios xviii-xix; paper delivered in the House of Lords by the Earl of Essex, Lord General, at the offering up of his commission, 1645
Folios xx-xxi; queries directed to the Derby Committee by George Gresley, Henry Wiggfull and Nathaniel Hallows re. the powers and authority of the committee
Folios xxi-xxii; answers to queries directed to the Derby Committee by George Gresley, Henry Wiggfull and Nathaniel Hallows re. the powers and authority of the committee
Folios xxiii-xiv; replies to the answers to queries directed to the Derby Committee by George Gresley, Henry Wiggfull and Nathaniel Hallows re. the powers and authority of the committee
Loose at the front of the book is a bookplate of Roger Gresley of Drakelow, 1835
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorGresley family of Drakelow, baronets
CopiesMicrofilm M840 vol 4
Armed forces
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