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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/2/8/2
Former ReferenceD779/T/322
TitleProbate of will of Samuel Holden of Aston esquire dated 26 August 3 James II 1687
Date18 Nov 1692
DescriptionTo wife Mary capital messuage called Aston Hall, lands etc in Aston or within parish of Aston called Hunts Lands, of which John Hunt gentleman was formerly owner, for her life for jointure in lieu of dower;
all other lands etc. in Aston, Weston, Wilne or Shardlow (except the advowson of Aston and half the pasture ground in Weston called the Hollow alias New close alias Weston Hollow as divided by the award of Richard Newdigate sergeant at law) to wife Mary until son Robert is 25, for the maintenance of sons and younger children and to raise portions for daughter Mary and 3 younger sons, Thomas, Alexander and John, £500 apiece to be paid them at age 21;
when Robert is 25, or sooner if he undertakes to pay the portions, he is to have all the last mentioned lands to him and lawful male heirs, with successive remainders to testator's sons Thomas, Alexander and John likewise, other son or sons likewise, daughters Hannah and Mary and every other daughter Samuel may have and to daughters of sons and the heirs of Hannah, Mary and other daughters, wife Mary for life, testator's brother John and lawful heirs, brother Edward likewise, nephew Samuel Holden likewise, testator's right heirs;
as to Hunt's lands, the reversion on wife's decease to son Robert in tail male with like remainders to persons above mentioned as appointed for other lands;
if the portions are not raised, when Robert is 25, the lands charged with the portions shall continue charged with any sum not exceeding £1,000 as there shall be occasion to raise, provided that if Mary or the 3 younger sons die before 21, their portion is to be equally divided between surviving younger children and that if wife remarries, she and her husband shall annually account with overseers of the will for profits of lands;
to wife Mary all goods, linen, bedding, jewels, plate, that were hers before marriage, the disposal of other household goods with £30 to the children;
the rest of household goods and plate to first son to reach 25 or to eldest son sooner if wife, the sole executor, thinks fit.
Overseers are named as friend Alexander Stanhope esquire and brother John, £5 to each and their costs, to mother Lathwell a piece of broad gold, to daughter Hannah, whose portion is already paid, 2 pieces of gold, to brother Adderly 20s to buy a ring, to nephew and godson Charles Adderly 20s, to poor of Aston £6 to be bestowed in bread and given 6 times annually to 12 poor people as shall be most comfortless and not able to work (further details). To wife and friend Alexander esquire (sic), the advowson of Aston for 10 years from date of will, then to son Robert with remainders to sons as for other lands above;
if any younger son is qualified to be presented when living is next vacant, the owner will present him to the advowson, but if none is capable, the owner will present an able clerk, he first giving security to resign when any of the testator's sons is capable of being presented.
Codicil: to wife Mary as long as she is a widow, ground or grounds called Calldwell, 17 August 1692.
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
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