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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/2/6/5
Former ReferenceD779/T/311
TitleCounterpart release made between 1. Dorothy Houlden relict of Henry Houlden of Weston gentleman, Samuel Houlden of Aston esquire, John Houlden of Wilne gentleman and Robert son and heir of Henry Houlden late of Weston gentleman 2. Sir Nicholas Wilmot Sergeant at law, Robert Wilmot esquire his son and heir apparent, Francis Revel of Carnefield esquire and Nicholas Wilmot of Duffield gentleman and 3. Sampson Baker of Ashbourne gentleman and Richard Knight servant to Sir Nicholas Wilmot
Date6 Apr 1681
DescriptionIn pursuance of an agreement made on their behalf concerning the conveyance of the premises below and to end all suits concerning them, and for 5s., Dorothy, Samuel, John and Robert Houlden released to Sampson Baker and Richard Knight messuage, dovecote and 2 yardlands in Thomas Storer's possession, messuage and 3 yardlands in Francis Palfreyman's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands in possession of widow Sleigh and son John, messuage and yardland and part of a yardland in widow Moore's possession, messuage and 2½
yardlands in Gilbert Newton's possession, messuage and 2½ yardlands and part of a yardland in John Shelton's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands in Ralph Bostock's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands formerly in James Gannor's possession, now of John Williamson, James Ward and Walter Gray, messuage and 2 yardlands in possession of John Williamson and son John, messuage and yardland in possession of William and Daniel Doxie, messuage and 2 yardlands in possession of widow Gilbert and son Thomas, messuage and 2½ yardlands in possession of widow Pagett and George Pagett, messuage and 2 yardlands in Robert Bryan's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands in John Bryan's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands in William Dumiloe's possession, 2 messuages and 4 yardlands and part of a yardland in possession of widow Swindell and her sons, messuage and 2 yardlands in John Cotton's possession, messuage and 2 yardlands in widow Henshaw's possession, cottage and lands in widow Whittington's possession, cottage and lands in possession of Hugh Millward and Thomas Ragg, cottage and 1/4 yardland in possession of widow Fisher alias Taylor and son William, cottage, malt mill and lands in Stephen Cooper's possession, cottage and lands in possession of widow Feasant and John Brandon, cottage and lands in possession of William Sandys, cottage and lands in John Clarke's possession, cottage and lands in possession of widow Eggleston and son William, cottage and lands in Anthony Fukes' possession, cottage and ½ yardland in James Rose's possession, cottage and part of yardland in Robert Lockoe's possession, all in Weston, messuage and yardland in Thomas Cooper's possession, messuage and yardland in Christopher Fairbrother's possession, cottage and lands in Robert Clarke's possession, all in Aston, toft of a cottage in possession of Robert Clarke and heretofore of - Piggen, cottage and lands in Shardlow in possession of Robert Banton alias ?Bowney, ½ eastwards of the New Close or Hallow in Weston, the whole containing 100 acres, as it was divided by award of Sergeant Newdigate, Westwell Close in Weston, parcel of land in Weston lying between 2 closes called the Great-thickrushes Flatt and the Little thick rushes Flatt, formerly in Sir John Harpur's possession, and all other the lands, tenements, in Weston, Aston, Wilne and Shardlow, which during the last 30 years have been usually enjoyed by Sir Nicholas Wilmot and Robert Wilmot, all mines and quarries of stone, buildings, commons, etc. usually enjoyed with the premises. Reserving to Samuel, John, Dorothy, Robert and Edward Houlden, all messuages, lands etc which usually in the last 30 years have been enjoyed by them and by Robert Houlden gentleman deceased, father of Samuel, John and Edward, and by Henry his son and heir and half westward of the Hollow or New Close in Weston, and excepting from this exception the eastern half of the same close, and grant by party 1. to parties 2. and 3. of liberty to enclose ther arable lands, baulks and hades in all the fields in the township of Weston, and all their meadow grounds in the township usually held by the Wilmots in the last 30 years, and grant by Samuel and John Houlden severally to parties 2. and 3. of liberty to enclose so much of the common slades in fields of Weston as according to their proportion of horse pastures and liberty to enclose so much of the common pasture called the Moore and of another common pasture called the Oxe Pasture in Weston as according to their proportion of Beast Gates therein.
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
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