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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/1/9/58-60
Former ReferenceD779/T/180-182
TitleCovenant for suffering a recovery and deed to lead the uses of the recovery made between 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham esquire, Mary his wife 2. Henry Weare and Edmund Halman of London gentleman, and 3. John Holden of Wilne and Thomas Preston of London yeomen, reciting that whereas Mary has an estate in tail right to her and the heirs of her body with divers remainders over in the properties below, and in consideration of barring the estate tail and the remainders thereupon depending and for settling an absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple in Anthony Rooper and Mary and their heirs forever, Holden and Preston will suffer a writ of entry sur disseisin in le post to be prosecuted against them by Weare and Halman, of the manor of Weston and Aston, the advowsons of Aston, Weston and Morley, and all hereditaments to the manor belonging in Weston, Aston, Shardlow, Wilne, Morley, Kiddesley and Smalley, the site or capital messuage of the manor of Weston and Aston, orchards, gardens etc belonging, closes of meadow or pasture called the Parke containing 50 acres, the Poole yeard 5 acres, the Gorese Close 6 acres, Hall Orchard 4 acres, the Newe Close alias Hallowe Close lately inclosed out of the common of Weston 100 acres, Cotte Close la, Caldwell Hill lately enclosed out of the common field of Weston 5 acres, the first moath or crop of 3 parcels of meadow in the common meadow of Weston containing 20 acres and the said meadow, a parcel of meadow in Aston meadow called Lackeholme alias Lockeholme 20 acres, parcel of meadow called Comeholme or Coweholme 9 acres, close of meadow called Gill meadow 4 acres, Allsomer meadow 6 acres, 3 yard of arable with their meares, banks, furrows and hades in the common fields of Aston and Weston, 3 closes of pasture called Deane Leasowe, the Middle Close and the Olde Close 24 acres, close of meadow called Reddie Pitte Close 3 acres, parcels of meadow called Forcke Meadowe 2½a, and Hall Greene 3 acres, all in Aston, Weston, "Sharlowe", Wilne, Kiddesley and Smalley, and are or were appertaining to the manor of Aston and Weston or the site or capital messuage of the manor or reputed to be the demesne lands of the manor, late in the possession or occupation of Sir Thomas Manners and parcel of the possessions of Charles Paget esquire, deceased, and which came into the hands of Queen Elizabeth by the attainder of Pagett and were demised by letters patent dated 20 July 36 Elizabeth I [1594] to Sir Edward Stanhope, Thomas Wright and William Mansfield for their lives successively, and Holden and Preston will appear to the writ of entry, and will vouch to warranty Anthony Rooper and Mary, who will vouch to warranty the common vouchee;
he will make default whereby a perfect judgment will be made for 2. against 3. for the recovery of the premises;
2. (Weare and Halman) will hold the premises to the use of Anthony Rooper and Mary, their heirs and assigns forever. It is lawful for Anthony and Mary to make leases of the premises. The three parts of this covenant are signed respectively by parties 1. and 2., 1. and 3., and 2. and 3.
Dated 1 November 19 James
Extent3 items
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
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