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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/1/9/4
Former ReferenceD779/T/126
TitleReissue of charter by which King Henry granted to the Abbot and Convent of Saint Werburgh of Chester, a market at Aston within their manor of Weston in the county of Derby on Tuesday each week and one fair there each year for 3 days, the eve, the day and the morrow of the feast of St Peter ad Vincula [31 July-2 August], and which was witnessed by William de Valencia 'our brother'. Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, &
Marshal Hugh de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Johanne de Plessetis Comite Warrewyk'. Ph'o Basset. Joh'e filio' Galfrido. John'e de Grey. Rog'o de monte Alto. Rob'to Waleraund. Will'o de Grey. Nich'o de s'to mauro, Rad'o de Bakepus. Barth'o le Bygot, Will'mo Gernum et aliis" [William de Valencia our brother, Roger le Bygod Earl of Norfolk and marshall of England, Hugh de Ver eEarl of Oxford, John de Plessy Earl of Warwick, Philip Basset, John son of Geoffrey, John de Grey, Roger deHighlow ', Robert Walerand, William de Grey, Nicholas de St Maur [Seymour], Ralph de Bakepuz, Bartholomew le Bygot, William Gernun and others] and dated at Chester, 15 September 41 Henry [III 1257], which was issued under the King's former seal but because this was afterwards changed [in 1259] this present charter is sealed with the seal now used. Witnesses, "Rob `to Waleraund. Rob'to Aguillon. Will'mo de Wynterishull, Will'mo de Aete. Rad'o de Bakepuz. Rog'o de Wautone, William de Faukham et aliis" [Robert Walerand, Robert Aguillon, William de Wynterishull, William de Aete, Ralph de Bakepuz, Roger de Wautone, William de Faukham and others]
Dated at Westminster]15 July 54 Henry III
Descriptionseal on plaited tag
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
Related MaterialSee D779/T/1/9/1-13 for charters and deeds of St Werburgh's Abbey in Chester
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