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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/1/7/48
Former ReferenceD779/T/97
TitleIndented marriage articles made between 1. Sir Thomas Cokayn knight and William Basset of Blore, county Stafford, esquire and 2. John Hunte of Assheover gentleman
Date3 Jun [1520]
Descriptionby which Hunte covenants to William Basset that Christopher his son and heir apparent will marry Dorothy, William's sister, before Michaelmas next if Dorothy consents, and Basset covenants likewise for Dorothy if Christopher consents and Hunte covenants that before Michaelmas next he will make to 1 and to Anthony Fitzherbert sergeant at law, Henry Bulloke doctor in divinity, John Bulloke and `Raufe' Blakwall, their heirs and assigns, a lawful estate in fee simple of lands and tenements in Hukenall Torkerd, county Nottingham, and Risley, Wylne and Chelaston, county Derby, to yearly value of £10 over all charges, to have to Cokayn and his cofeoffees and their heirs to the use of Dorothy for her life, with successive remainders to the right heirs male of Christopher's body lawfully begotten, the lawful heirs male of John Hunte, and the right heirs of John Hunte, and that immediately after the death of Elizabeth late wife to Thomas Tykhull all the lands that were of Walter Tykhull and Thomas Tykhull shall descend to Christopher and his heirs, which with the aforesaid lands of £10 annual value are of yearly value of £53 6s 8d over charges and Hunte covenants that he will reparell Christopher as shall be to his worship and likewise Thomas and William covenant to John that as shall be his worship (sic - words possibly missed out), on the marriage day
For all the covenants specified, Sir Thomas and William Bassett covenant to pay John £100:- £40 at the marriage, £20 12 months later and so annually until £100 is paid up and will keep Christopher and Dorothy until their friends judge it covenient to go to their own, and for their finding Basset shall have all the said lands assigned for Dorothy's jointure of yearly value £10.
And it is agreed that when Christopher reaches 21, if John and he make Sir Thomas, William, Anthony, Henry, `Raufe' and John Bulloke or such of them as shall be alive and 4 others to be named by Dorothy for the term of her life, a lawful estate in fee simple of lands and tenements in Ynce, county Stafford, to the annual value of £10 over all charges, to her use for life in name of a jointure, then Sir Thomas and the 5 others named above, shall be seised in the said lands in Hukenall Torkerd, Wylne, Rysley and Chellaston to the [?use] of John Hunt to perform his will for term of life or lives only, and after, they shall descend to the heirs male of John Hunte according to the covenants here specified and that if Dorothy dies before Christopher is 21 and John Hunte makes a good estate in lands etc in Ynce to the yearly value of £10 over charges to Christopher for John's life, then Sir Thomas and the others named above shall be seised of the lands in Huknall Torkerd, Wylne, Rysley and Chelaston to the use of John as set out immediately above.
And John covenants with 1. that all lands and tenements as descended and came in use, possession or reversion of estate of inheritance shall be at John Hunt's disposal for term of life or lives to his younger sons, for payment of debts and for marriage portions to his daughters, and after such lives and debts and portions paid, then the lands etc will come to Christopher and the heirs male of his body with remainder to John's heirs.
Dated 3 June 12 Henry VIII
2 tags, seal and signature of Cokayn, Basset's signature
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
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