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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/1/4/1
Former ReferenceD779/T/14
TitleBundle of four sheets of paper endorsed "Theise Copies of Mr Dales Evidences were lefte at Mr Lawrence Wrights house by Mr Roger Goodwyne"
DescriptionA note from Roger Goodwyne to Mr Lawrence Wright on dorse of 2nd sheet that he has left here the copy of his inquisition or elegit and all the leases with copy of Dales bargain and sale etc is dated 14 Aug
Contains (but not in this order):
- Copy, examined with the original, on 29 Aug 1610, of mortgage by lease, dated 23 January 40 Elizabeth I [1598], by 1. Richard Francis of Ticknall esquire to 2. Richard Dale of Osmaston gentleman, for a certain sum, of capital messuage in Osmaston in which Dale lives, all cottages, buildings and lands belonging, lying in the town fields and territories of Osmaston, for the lives of Dale's eldest son William, John eldest som of Thurston Dale of Chelmorton yeoman and Thurston Dale the younger of 'Hordlowe' [?in Castleton or Hartington] yeoman at rent of £5. If any of the three lives dies before 30 April 1603, Francis will allow another life to be added, and if he pays (by instalments) £170 to Dale by [1 May] 1603 the lease is void.
- Copy, examined as above on 29 Aug 1610, of assignment dated 20 Sep 40 Elizabeth I [1598] by Richard Dale of Osmaston next Derby gentleman to Robert Roper of Derby esquire and Philip Aram of Derby gentleman, of premises as in deed of 23 January, for good causes and considerations.
- Copy, examined as above on 29 Aug 1610, of surrender dated 29 Sep 40 Elizabeth I [1598], by 1. Robert Roper of Derby esquire and Philip Aram of Derby gentleman to 2. Richard Francis of Ticknall esquire, of capital messuage in Osmaston with lands etc in occupation of Richard Dale, the reversion and yearly rent of which appertain to Francis, with proviso that if 1. pay 2. 12d, the surrender will be void.
Note that Aram gave 12d to use of Francis, 7 March 1606/7.
- Copy of assignment, said to be annexed to assignment of 20 Sep 40 Elizabeth I [1598], and dated 1 Aug 1610, by Philip Aram the surviving landholder of Robert Roper esquire of late deceased, at the request of Richard Dale gentleman, to Roger Goodwyn of 'Hordlowe' [?in Castleton or Hartington], of premises as described in surrender dated 29 Sep 40 Elizabeth I [1598] (but the rent and reversion of which appertain to Richard Dale by grant of Richard Francis esquire) excepting the twentie landes lately passed to Humfrey Robinson alias Randall of Elvaston and closes called Thurspittes lately passed to Thomas Smyth.
Note that this has not yet been executed, 14 Aug 1610.
- Copy of inquisition taken at Daffedd [Duffield], 25 Ap - James I of England, ?40 James VI of Scotland [?1606-7] by which the jury say that William Dale son of Richard has nothing and that Richard Dale at Trinity 44 Elizabeth I [1602] had capital messuage in Osmaston now in his occupation, with 2 closes near adjoining and one lepigenhouse built on one of them, of which one is called Rieflatt, annual value £5, 2 closes called Humberholmes *value £4, le Milne pit value 20s, cranche closse value 13s 4d, close called le breach value 10s, close called Oxelaies value 10s, le xxti [twenty] landes value 10s, messuage with croft adjoining in tenure of John Nidham gentleman value 30s, messuage with appurtenances in tenure of John and Robert Thacker value 40s, closes called le pingle value 20s, le Broad meadow leyes value 10s, Meirell value 30s, Thurshpittes value £3 13s 4d, ?Stand?ell, value 30s, and Cru..e sich Close value 10s, close lying at upper end of Caldway sicke value 5s, close lying there ? with Dovebotham towards the south value 5s, and 90 acres arable in 3 fields of Osmaston in the occupation of Richard Dale value £4 10s and they say that half the premises ie messuage and le pigenhouse, 2 closes adjoining to the messuage, Humberholmes, Oxelees, Milne pitt, Cranke closse, le Breach, xx [twenty] landes, tenement and croft, and 45 acres arable should be given to Roger Goodwyn by Robert Ball attorney by virtue of letters of attorney to him and Philip Aram, for a debt owed to Goodwyn by Dale, until it is paid.
*values are annual
- Copy of bargain and sale, dated 25 January 6 James I [1609], by 1. Richard Dale of London grocer to 2. John Lord of Derby gentleman and Nicholas Fisher of Scraptoft, county Leicester, clerk, for a competent sum of capital messuage in Osmaston next Derby with lands etc and one ? croft adjoining the messuage in the occupation of John Needham gentleman, also closes in Osmaston called the Oxleyes in occupation of John Stere, the Mylne Pyt in occupation of John Thacker, the Cranck close in occupation of William Frost, the Twentie landes in occupation of Humfrey Robenson alias Randle, the Breach in occupation of Richard Dale father of above Richard, and 2 closes called Humberholmes in the tenures of Richard Dale the father, Ralph Owtrem, William Carver and Thomas Lacie. Warranty is against 1. and wife Alice.
Enrolled 1 Feb 6 Jan [1609]
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
Related MaterialSee D779/T/1/4/2 for an abstract of these deeds
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