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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D779/T/1/1/1
Former ReferenceD779/T/1
TitleLease for 3 lives by Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, son of late William Lord Pagett, William now Lord Pagett son and heir of Thomas late Lord Pagett to William Teyler of Wilne yeoman
Date25 Sep [1605]
DescriptionReciting lease by letters patent dated 26 June 29 Elizabeth I [1587] to James Ward, of tenement and yardland in Wilne in Ward's tenure, parcel of the manor of Weston and late parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett, for 21 years at rent of 18s, that this lease was surrendered by Ward's widow Elizabeth, and for the surrender and 40s fine, the premises, together with a close called Mylne Yard in Wilne, parcel of the manor of Weston and late parcel of possessions of Charles Pagett, were granted to Elizabeth and her son James for their lives, at rent of 18s and 2s for the Mylne Yard, that the premises have reverted to Charles Pagett by letters patent dated 8 July 1 James I [1603] and witnessing that for the surrender of the Wards' lease and for £20, all premises above, reserving timber, mines, quarries, were leased to Teyler for the lives of himself, wife Dorothy and son Richard, at rent 18s and 2s, one year's rent at the death and exchange of a tenant as a harryott, the tenant to render customary services etc suits of courts of manor of Weston. Tenant to have house, hedge, fire, plough and cart boots and great timber for repairs by assignment of Charles Pagett's officer. Attornies for livery of seisin are Richard Alport of Derby gentleman, Henry Holden of Wilne
Dated 25 September 3 James [1605]
Endorsed with livery of seisin, 30 Jan 6 James [1609]
Extent4 items
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorHolden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent
Administrative HistoryRobert Holden purchased the lease in 1617
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