Description | Green book wrapped in thick paper labelled Winster Green Book of Record and containing - memorandum of vestry agreement that no drink be allowed by highway overseers to labourers, 30 May 1736 - rental of houses, lands etc in Winster Library for rate assessment purposes with poor rate assessment, 1735: gives owner, occupier, brief reference to property (p1) - minutes of vestry meetings relating to maintenance of the poor, particularly to provision of poor house (under act of parliament of 9 Geo I) 1744-1745 (p9) - glebe terriers 1758 (p14) 1927 (p24) 1824 (p116, dorse) 1841 (p117, dorse) 1849 (p118, dorse) 1776 (p146) - list of benefactors (p16) - list of parish registers beginning in 1632 ?written after 1846 (p18) - notes on church bells and clock, the old church and building of 'present' church, incumbents 1710-1895, Winster's return for county rate 1847, the parish chest, planting of lime trees 1737, building of vicarage 1874, restoration of chancel and repewing of church 1880s (p19) - extract from will of Robert Oates of Winster oreburner (1719) in part relating to his 'dole' [charity] 1923 (p23) - newspaper cutting about history of Winster and Elton churches (p25, dorse) - list of church plate in 18th and 19th cent, transcribed 1969 (p20) - inventories of church plate, furniture etc 1969 (p28) 1937 (p121) - work to be done on church 1936 (p32) - notes on beautification of church 1950 (p32 dorse) - list of accounts, papers etc belonging to the hamlet of Winster ie, poor law papers and accounts, chapelwardens accounts, with inventory of goods in the workhouse (1750) from late 17th cent, 20 Apr 1750 (p100) - historical notes on Winster 20th cent (p123) - pastoral scheme for dissolution of benefice of Darley with South Darley and creation of new benefice of South Darley, Elton and Winster, 1982, pasted in to book (p127) - minutes of vestry meetings for the election of new chapel clerks, sometimes with poll lists 1778-1853 (p148) - minutes of vestry meeting concerned with alteration to church and cutting down of yew tree 1812 (p154) - index
Separately packaged and numbered D776 A/PV 3/1/1, a document originally found enclosed in D776 A/PV 3/1: Copy of conveyance and declaration of trust by Joseph Burton of Nottingham, gent to the incumbent and others (trustees) of 'The Burton Institute' Winster: the property conveyed was land and buildings on the East side of the Nottingham and Newhaven road (otherwise West Bank) comprising the 'Public Hall' with various buildings on trust to be used as a public reading room or library for township of Winster and to be known as the Burton Institute (1 Mar 1902) |