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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D7755/3/1930-1939
TitleActor/Actress and Cast photographs
DescriptionRelating to performances of:
San Toy, 1930 (2 items)
* The Gondoliers, 1931 (3 items)
* The Arcadians, 1933 (6 items)
* Floradora, 1934 (2 items)
* Maid of the Mountains, 1937 (3 items)
The Gondoliers, 1938 (1 item)
Iolanthe, 1939 (2 items)

*Oversize photographs stored separately
Extent19 items
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorDerby Opera Company (1891-2012)
Related MaterialSee also D7755/3/1930-1939/O for large photographs 1930-1939
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