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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D7573/BOX/U/101
Title"No 27/ Dated 14 April 1841/ Joseph Fox/ to / Richd Arkwright Esq"
DescriptionBundle marked 'No 27/ Dated 14 April 1841/ Joseph Fox/ to / Richd Arkwright Esq / Conveyance of Freehold/ and/ Surrender of Copyhold/ Premises in Starkholmes/ in the Parish of Matlock.'
Contains x 21 documents, some having Post-It notes stuck onto them [at the time of the 2012 survey]
- Dated 14th April 1841/ Conveyance of / freehold and Covenant to/ surrender copyhold premises/ at Starkholes in the Parish of Matlock Coun Derby/ Mr Joseph Fox and others/ to / Richard Arkwright Esq ' A/U 1/ A'
- Valu[atio]n of Josh Fox's/ Estate at Starkholmes/ 1841 'A/U/11 / B'
- Hale & Co / Aprl 22/41/ W Milnes 'A/U 11 C'
- Plan of an Estate at matlock / the property of Mr Joseph Fox / 12th March 1841/ surveyed by/ J Gratton [A/U 11/D]
- Manor of Matlock/ 14th April 1841/ Mr Joseph Fox and others/ to/ Richard Arkwrigt Esq/ Surrender and Admittance 'A/U 11 E'
- 14th April 1841/ manor of Matlock/ Admittance of M/ Luke Robinson as heir at /law of George Robinson 'A/U 11 /F'
- Dated 4th June 1833/ Mr Joseph Fox / to / Mr George Robinson/ Covenant to surrender copyhold/ heredits within the Manor of Matlock for/ securing £300 & interest at £5 per centum/ per annum
- Manor of Matlock/ 5th June 1833/ Josph Fox / to / Geo Robinson/ Surrender in Mortgage
Manor of Matlock/ 5th June, 1833/ Admittance of Joseph Fox/ as the devisee under his late / father's will.
- indenture Wm Alsopp Milnes , Job Allsopp 2nd March 1711
- Copy of ?Mrs Fox's admittance/ a device of her husband Joseph/ Fox deceased
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorArkwright family of Cromford, industrialists and landowners
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