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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D7573/BOX/S/ref?7
Title- Bundle wrapped in modern brown paper, with small piece cut from original bundle and marked: 'No 4 / Dated 8th April 1789/ Conveyance of/ Lands Mill and /Premises in the Parish/ of Bonsall and /Matlock. Mr George Evans/ to/ Mr Richard Arkwright and his Trustee [original packet cut with scissors and placed on top of a new parcel. Contains x 4 documents: all water damaged] [relates to allotments in Bonsall] [x 2 loose stamps]
Description- 'Dated 7th April, 1789/ Lease for Possession/ Mr George Evans/ to/ Sir Richrd Arkwright/ and his Trustee'
- Dated 25th August 1787/ Lease for possession/ Mr Bernard Luras and/ Messrs Maynard & Wilkinson/ to/ Mr George Evans
- Dated 26th August 1787/ Conveyance of a piece of / Land at Bonsall Coun Derb/ Mr Bernard Luras and/ Messrs Maynard & Wilkinson/ to/ Mr George Evans
- Bargain and Sale/ Mrs Mary Pearson/ Mrs Frances Pearson/ Mr Joh Pearson/ Mr Richard Nall and William Milnes Esq and/ Mary his wife/ to/ Peter Nightingale Esq/ Dated 2nd October, 1776/ Inrolled in his Majy's High Court of Chancery the Sixteenth Day of / December in the Year of our Lord 1776….'

[The 2012 list from which this description comes does not allocate a reference number to this bundle]
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorArkwright family of Cromford, industrialists and landowners
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