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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D7573/BOX/E/107
Date18th-19th cent
DescriptionA/E 3 Bundle marked ' Mellor/ Dated 2nd Dec 1819/ Conveyance (and Title Deeds) from Devisees of John Ferns deceased his/ heir at Law and others to Samuel/ Oldknow Esquire of Messuages Mills/ Lands and other heriditaments/ Long Hurst Lane/ and mill premises' [paper badly torn, and too small for contents]
Post-it notes are attached to most of the enclosed documents [at the time of the 2012 survey], and have been listed in order of the post-it numbering:
- A/E 3 A 'Copy of Ralph Fearns's Will/ Dated 1st Setr 1778/ died 4th Jan 1786
- A/E 3 B Probate and Copy of the Will/ of John Fern deceased/ …'
- A/E 3 C Dated 28 Octr 1819/ Samuela Oldknow Esq /to/ Mr George Ferns/ Mortgage if ffee of / messuage and Lands mills/ and heriditaments in Mellor/ in the County of Derby for / serving £4500 and Interest/' and in another hand is written 'and /reconveyance inclosed'. ALSO 'Dated 28 Decr 1819/ Samuel Oldknow Esq/ to/ Mr George Ferns/ Bond for £4,500 to/ accompany mortgage' [Oldknow bound in the penal sum of £9000 to Ferns, grocer of Stockport]
- A/E 3D Dated 30th October 1891/ The Devisees of Mr John Ferns/ and Samuel Oldknow Esqre/ Agreement for Sal of/ Premises in Mellor/ ?Conson £5500/ The premis is comprised this / agreement on part of Tarden part of Longhurst lane afterwards called Bagshaw's and part of Booths'
- A/E 3 E Dated 4th Octr 1819/ Samuel Oldknow Esqre/ and/ Mr Ralph Ffern / Deed of Exchange/ of certain premises at Mellor/ in the County of Derby
- A/E 3 F Dated 12th January 1824/ Copy/ George Ferns Esqre / Will…..'
- A/E 3 G Dated 2nd Decr 1819/ Release in Fee of retain messuages= ?/ Landd and Hereditaments/ in Mellor in the County of / Derby/ The Devises in Trust / under the Will if Mr Jno/ FFerns deceased his heir/ at Law and others/ to/ Samuel Oldknow Esq'
- A/E H 'Dated 1st Decr 1819/ Lease for a Year/ The Devises in Trust/ under the Will of Mr Jno/ fferns deceased, his herr / at Law and others/ to/ Saml Oldknow Esq'
- A/E 3 I '29th April 1738/ Release of a / premises situate/ in Mellor called/ Longhurst lane Farm/ Thomas Furniss/ to/ Wm Fearnes'
- A/E 3 J '3rd April 1750/ Release of ?/ in Mellor called/ Longhurst Lane Farm/ Wm Fearnes/ to/ Ra. Fearnes' [tied with pink tape, unopened]
- A/E 3 K '3rd Janry 1761/ Copy of George Fearns's Will/ died 13th June 1762'
- A/E 3 L '24 march 1719/ Conveyce. Of an Est. in/ Mellor called Booths/ Stafford & ors/ to/ Geo Ferns'
- A/E 3 N '6 May 1712/ Office copy of Mr/ James Chethams' Will'
- A/E 3 N '29 Decr 1703/ Office copy of James/ Chetham Esqs' Will'
- A/E 3 O Will of Samuel Jowett
- A/E 3 P ' 10th April 1679 10th April 1679/ Ffeoffmt Deed of C?/ (no1)/ Thomas Birds/ and others/ to/ Mr James Cheetham'
- A/E 3 Q '28.Decr 1819/ Schedule of the several/ Title Deeds relating to Saml/ Oldknow Esqs land and / premises by him mortgaged/ to Mr Geo Ferns for / £4500 and Interest'
- A/E 3 R 'Dated 7th Decr 1819/ Lease for a year/ Samuel Oldknow Esq/ to/ Mr George Fferns'
- A/E 3 S ' 12th March 1784/ Conveyance of an Estate called Tardon/ in Mellor in the County of Derby/ Thomas Chetham Esq / and Trustee/ to/ Mr John ffearn'
- ' 28 Decr 1819 / Schedule of the several/ Title Deeds relating to/ Saml Oldknow Esqrs land/ and premises by him/ mortgaged to Mr Geo Ferns/ for £4500 and Interest/ Newtons & Winterbottom/ Stockport'
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorArkwright family of Cromford, industrialists and landowners
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