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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D6710/1/4/90-102
TitlePlans of Devonshire Hospital, signed by Samuel Wareburton (builder), Henry Rankin (iron founder) and in some cases by Edward Ashworth (Cotton Districts Convalescent Fund trustee). All at scale 16 feet: 1 inch. Comprising:
D6710/1/4/91 Ground plan, with uses of rooms marked on. Dated 6 Apr 1878
D6710/1/4/92 Chamber floor plan, with details on girders
D6710/1/4/93 Roof plan
D6710/1/4/94 Ground plan of ventilating pipes and shafts
D6710/1/4/95 Chamber plan of ventilating pipes and shafts
D6710/1/4/96 Section across dome and entablature, with clock tower added pencil
D6710/1/4/97 Elevation towards Devonshire Road
D6710/1/4/98 Ground and chamber floor plans, showing servants' bedrooms and hall, operating room, accident ward, kitchen, laundry and postmortem room, with details of girders
D6710/1/4/99 Roof plan, cellar plan and sections
D6710/1/4/100 Elevations of additional buildings towards back road and Manchester Road
D6710/1/4/101 Plan and elevation of gardener's tool shed and entrance lodges
D6710/1/4/102 Block plan of Devonshire Hospital site and proposed conversion
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorDevonshire Royal Hospital, Buxton
Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
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