Title | Arrack Closes, Ashford, of Samuel Harrison Abstract of title of Samuel Harrison of Stretford, Lincolnshire, gentleman, to copy-hold premises called Arrack Closes, situate at Ashford- reciting the surrender on 25 Aug 1831 by William Heyward of Broom Edge, in the Parish of Lymm, Cheshire, gentleman, and his wife, Ann, and George Heyward of Manchester, cheesefactor, and his wife, Ann, for £190, to John Harrison of Bakewell, gentleman, of two pieces of land called the Arrack Closes, 4 acres, at Ashford, late in the possession of Francis Cooper, and then of George Jackson; also a mortgage for £250 by the said John Harrison to John Barker of Chorlton upon Medlock, Lancashire, on 6 Aug 1850; also a conveyance dated 22 Jan 1851 by the said John Harrison to Samuel Harrison and his trustee, Alfred Lloyd Hardman of Manchester, gentleman, for £50 |