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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D517/BOX/12/9/4/34
TitleLetter from Mrs Williams to Nelly Mundy regarding her daughter, Mary Feilding
Date16 Nov 1805
Extent1 item
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorMiller Mundy family of Shipley Hall, Heanor
Transcript or Index[Note: spelling has not been corrected]
Allow me to introduce myself to you, by the inclosed letters
from two Friends whos death, I shall ever lament. The Oppinion
the late Ld: Feilding had of my conduct, as a mother, & the
Confitence he showed in trusting interely to my Direction
the Education of his eldest son till to the age of 14 when
he went to his Father, will I trust convince you, that
althoug I was imprutend he always respected me. He
knew my unfortunate history, & the bad man who
was the cause of, & to whom I was to be maried in
my Country, where I became acquainted with him.
Mrs. Cotton too, ever since I was introduced to her,
behaved with much civility, & kindness to me, till
we had some words occasioned by her servant, &
by which I felt to much hurt as to be able to repress
my spirit; a short time after, I went to Germany
& saw her no more. I have stated to you, all this
madam, in hopes to meet with a liberal judgement,
& that you will not think I assume to much liberty
in addressing you, particularly, as it is on the subject
of my Daughter. By the wish of procuring a
respectable Establishement for her, I have yielded
to much to my feelings. On reflecting I find it impossible
to take her with me to India. I am confitend that I
should bring on my son George who is so good, & so much
respected by every person who knows him, trouble
& mortification, & certainly she would bring that
[page 2]
upon us both. During the five months, she has been
with me, I have seen so much of her disposition, that I
desper she ever will mend her faulds. She naturally hates
work, & only works becase she must. She is careless, &
westfall [wasteful] extravagand. She is untidy, & has not much
truth in her. After her arrival from Bath, her conduct
gave me much satisfaction. I mentioned it, to Mr Mundy, &
had she continuet to behave well, nothing should have
parted me from her, but when after some time, I desired
her to attend to our smal domestique concernes to save me
that trouble, & lern her a little Housekeeping, she caused
me so much vexation, that I was obliged to give up that
point. I then told her, she must [..ed?] close to her neadle, as
I could not otherwise maintain her, to that only I could
keep her, by constantly wadching her. As she does very
little attend to her work, she undoes in general the
next day, what she has done the day before, so that her
work brings very little benefit. In the morning she
will not get up, her careleness & behaviour all
together is such, that I could not endure it any
longer. I confess I am not gifted with to much
patiance, & can not calmly repeatedly remonstrate
so that I got several times extremely angry with
her, but to no purpose. When she is severly rebuked
then she gest sulky, & if she things herself mortified
& affronted her Temper, & Conduct become so
agraveding, that she has provoked me to give her
the most severe corection, & at last forced me to
[page 3]
part with her. I have placed her at Mrs Jaffers, who
consented to keep her a week, which is elapsed to
morrow, but I have been inconsequence of the
trouble & vexation she has given me, this last ford-
night, so unwell, that I have not been able to write
before. I will be infinitly obliged to you Madam
if you will inform her Guardian & request of him
to write to Mrs Jaffers to let her stay with her,
till some other situation is found for her. She has
now my full consent to be a Mantua Maker,
or anything where she decently can get her life;
as to take her again unter my protection, or with
me to India, is impossible, I would rather not
go myself but as I still remain her Mother I wish
to act for the best, & therfore intread you will ask
Mr Mundy to take some steps fo her. Trusting you
will kindly excuse the trouble I have taken the
liberty of giving to you
I have the honor to be
Madam your most obediend s'd
M Williams
No 13 Sachevill Street
Nov[em]b[er] the 16 1805

When last Sunday I parted with her, I told her I would
giver her a few Days to consider, before I should
inform her Guardian of her Conduct, in return for
this indulgence, I received 3 days ago, a most
insolent letter, saying that I had treated her like
[page 4]
a slave. She desired me to send her letter to her
Guardian, which I should have done had not
by chance a friend be with me Mr Croft, who
sent it her back to her with the advise never to let it
be known that a Daughter, could write such
a letter, to a Mother.

Will you be kind enough to return the
inclosed to me as soon as convenient, as
I wish to show one of them to Mr Loyd,
Lady F['s] soliciter, who is expected in Town. I should
too wish Lady F: to see some of her late Husbands
letters to me, as an affectionate Friend &
Father to my Childern who he never intended
to leave so unprovided as we have been
left, by his sudden Death.

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Related Names
Name (click for further details)
Feilding; Mary Victorine (1787-?1864); ward of Edward Miller Mundy MP
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