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Archive Reference / Library Class No.D3580/C/649
Title5. EL Longsdon to WL Longsdon - Messrs F T & Sons, New York
Date28 Apr 1853
DescriptionDelight of receiving his letter on Tuesday last - thankful he had got across safely and feels so well.
Glad Mrs Jones remained well but Mary would be quite provoked to lose her character as a sea heroine. William would not be disappointed in his expectation of receiving letter from writer a few days after his landings and perhaps a second before starting on his Railway explorations. Would be pleased if writer knew where he would be a fortnight after each letter was written, time he thought it probable he would meet Charles is very near at hand and all next week writer shall be thinking of them both as being perhaps together and writer does hope he will find matters in as good a state as he has reason to expect and that much good may result from his visit. It is very nearly time for her to hear again from Charles - hopes will not be disappointed in any of his hopes and calculations this year - anxious to know whether Hankey leaves him or not. Should he be able to meet with any kind of situation would prefer it, to living as he would with Charles.
[Local news] - riding with Lizzie to Roland her father's birth place which she had never seen [day to day chronicle].
Drawing room still empty and silent and being quite clean, bare boards, temptation to send out invitations to a dance. Might not have resisted had people around have been more sociable to one another.
Work - Randal 4 days digging ground for cabbage. 1 day for mangle and 1 day sorting potatoes & cleaning harness. Mather 1 day setting potatoes and cleaning harness. 1 ploughing and sowing lints, 1 digging for cabbage, 1 day went to Chesterfield for barley and acid, 1 day sowing barley and 1 day harrowing. Going to mow grassplots this afternoon. Mrs Morewood borrowed mowing machine on Wednesday and John promised to bring it back this morning. Old William going to Chapel Fair tomorrow and shall attend all succeeding fairs. Sold 2 cows to Thompson other day - big one £25, lame one £17. Another ewe, 2 lambs - only 1 more to lamb.
RepositoryDerbyshire Record Office
Archive CreatorLongsdon family of Little Longstone
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